November 30, 2004
I lied. De-link me if you feel you must.
She neglected to tell me that she pooped, and once I started changing her, it became obvious that she had peed beforehand.
Well, I'd been told that potty training for bowel movements is more difficult than urination, and one thing at a time, so I didn't let it bother me, and since she had done so well with peeing throughout the day, I didn't spank her.
In fact, unless she starts showing egregious lack of concern over peeing in her training pants, I don't think I'm going to use the negative again; that was just to get her attention and let her know there can be more serious consequences other than just "not getting a candy", and it seemed to work. She went again right before bed, so I'm hoping she'll wake up dry.
When she wakes up, she's too groggy and grumpy and unhappy to want to sit on her potty chair, although I try each day. So there are some times she has asylum. I'm working on expanding the range of success at this point.
Okay, this should do it for a few days. Hopefully, I'll have nothing to add until I can announce that she's fully off daipers. She has about 20 left, and I'm hoping I won't ever have to buy daipers ever again!
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I had challenges when i first started training my daughter, espcially being a single parent made it more difficult but i bought a book that was really good and i was able to train my daughter in a weekend. the book can be found at
posted by
Rich on December 10, 2004 04:46 AM
It's a difficult time, but it doesn't last forever.
posted by
Julie on January 27, 2005 07:23 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
08:53 PM
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Tonight she said she needed to "go make yellow water", and did so. No soaked clothes followed by a spat first, this time.
With luck, this may be the last time I need to blog about this.
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Posted by Nathan at
06:43 PM
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Potty Training Blogging
My Kids Will Be Better Musicians Than I Was/Am
At least, this should help.
Scientists have discovered an unusual tip for parents who want their little darlings to grow up to be musical geniuses - teach them Mandarin Chinese.
Psychologists at the University of California in San Diego found that children who learnt Mandarin as babies were far more likely to have perfect pitch - the ability to name or sing a musical note at will - than those raised to speak English.
Perfect pitch, though common among the great composers, is extremely rare in Europe and the US, where just one in 10,000 is thought to have the skill.
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Posted by Nathan at
04:04 PM
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My daughter peed in her training pants again. That got another spat on the bottom, which led to another 20-minute crying jag, which she stopped long enough to tell me she had to go potty. She sat there for about 10 minutes.
I asked her if she had gone potty, she said no...
I asked her if she was done, she said no...
I came back after 3 minutes, and she had a big smile and told me she went potty! I checked, and sure enough!
So more exuberant praise, a big hug, excited cries of "Good Job!", and I got down the candy bowl to let her choose a candy. She seemed to have forgotten the spank, and the joy of having done something right was what she seemed to retain from the deal.
I will probably continue the spat for a few days, until she tells me she has to go potty before getting spanked. Then we'll just go with the reward and big production, and slowly trail that off over the following week.
This is rather difficult, you know? I'd held out hope that her waiting so long to learn might make the process go more quickly once started, but that does not seem to be the case.
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My daughter is ready to be trained, but I am not looking forward to the work or the accidents.
posted by
Jordana on November 30, 2004 08:41 AM
Four words of humour for you.
"Potty Training the Elderly"
posted by
Sharp as a Marble on November 30, 2004 08:58 AM
I so don't know what to say about this...
posted by
zombyboy on November 30, 2004 09:47 AM
Your gag reflex is automatically suppressed by having children, I can tell you.
The thing is, there are so many difficult things about being a parent, I feel the need to reach out and talk to anyone else (like Rae, SaaM and Jordana and Dana) who has similar experiences for commiseration/tips/sympathy.
posted by
Nathan on November 30, 2004 09:56 AM
Not moi? Who has potty trained four girls?
I am seriously pouting now....
posted by
Rae on November 30, 2004 11:08 AM
Poor Rae. Someone should give her a hug.
I'm not disturbed, disgusted, or otherwise unhappy with the topic. It's just an interesting reminder of the things that I know absolutely nothing about. I hate it when that happens.
posted by
zombyboy on November 30, 2004 11:10 AM
Fixed, Rae.
...but I plead, well, one of the ordinals (not the 5th, because I'm not self-incriminating, I don't think).
I mentioned SaaM and Jordana because they commented on the thread...I threw Dana in because I've seen and held her babies, and she's posted about potty-training before.
It was just off the top of my head, and not meant to be an exhaustive list.
Okay, Margi, let me have it with both barrels...[grin]
Andy of WWR, Jeff Goldstein can feel free to lay some smack down, as well, if only because they are two blogging Dads I can think of who have posted about their kids.
posted by
Nathan on November 30, 2004 11:37 AM
Some aspects of parentng are less thrilling, but I love having kids.
posted by
Walter E. Wallis on November 30, 2004 02:19 PM
Ah, the things I have to look forward to. :-) Glad she's catching on...
posted by
Deb on November 30, 2004 08:28 PM
O.K. Nathan, forgiven :D
posted by
Rae on December 1, 2004 02:00 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
08:32 AM
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Potty Training Blogging
Lots of good stuff in today's Impromptus by Jay Nordlinger.
No, I don't think I'll give you an excerpt today. There's too much that's good, and I'd ruin some of his set-ups if I excerpted.
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Posted by Nathan at
08:08 AM
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By David Horowitz.
The charge of racism is a toxic accusation in our culture more damaging than the charge of "Communism" at the height of the McCarthy era. It is the contemporary version of the witch-hunt and the fact that its stigma can be applied so casually by leftists to conservatives in their line of fire reflects how instinctive this enterprise is to people who think of themselves as “liberals.” The witch-hunt may even be said to be instinctive to progressives who regard themselves as the avatars of human decency and reason, the rest us as turn-back-the-clock reactionaries and … well, racists.
Is there a conservative figure in our culture who has not been so tarred? Rep. Charles Rangel has described anyone who supports tax cuts as a closet Kluxer. With even more subtlety, Rep. John Lewis has called supporters of welfare reform “Nazis.” In the 2000 election, Democrats tarred George Bush as a lyncher.
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I apologize for Charlie. He would have frozen to death if I had not given him my place in the warmup tent an Kunu Ri in 1950.
Freeze now, you Commie Bastard!
posted by
Walter E. Wallis on November 30, 2004 02:22 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
07:54 AM
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November 29, 2004
My 3 year 2 month-old daughter really doesn't seem to want to potty train. She doesn't seem to mind, or even notice having a wet daiper. Often I tell her
We've tried pull-ups. The ladies at daycare said training pants are so uncomfortable when wet she'd train herself. So we bought some, and I spent all weekend taking her to the potty every 30 minutes, and could never catch her having to pee. We'd sit there for 10 minutes, stand up...and 15 minutes later she'd be soaking.
The worst was when she pooped first, and since training pants don't absorb as much liquid, she made soup. That squirted out*. Yuck.
So Sunday, I bit the bullet and told her that I would spank her if she peed in her panties. She did, and got a swat, just enough to make it sting. She cried for 20 minutes (she's pretty sensitive), then later, either while she took a nap or as she was waking up, she soaked her pants again, so she got another swat. She cried again for 20 minutes. Then while she was sitting with me watching TV, she looked at me and said, "Daddy, I need to go potty."
I sat her on the toilet, and sure enough, she went. So I finally got to praise her excessively, and gave her some candy, and hugged her, and made a big deal out of it.
But she wouldn't sit on the toilet this morning, but then she's pretty grumpy when she's half-awake. I'll find out how she did at daycare when I pick her up. I truly hope we turned a corner on this...
So I've been considering starting a new group blog called Mr. Mom Blog, but I'm too lazy. I also worry because just like a man cannot serve two masters, bloggers can't really maintaint two blogs very easily, for the same reasons. So if someone starts a Mr. Mom Blog, I'll join....
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Use caution with the negative training. It can backfire causing children to shed wet diapers in hidden locations.
One technique is an all day affair (and what my wife and I will try fairly soon in hopes of training our 2y2m old before the new baby shows up). Our daughter loves juice. On that day, she'll get all the juice she wants, straight up, no watering down. We will have her drink constantly and take her potty every 15 minutes or so. Eventually, we'll catch her then praise her and reward her with M&M's. If you can do it several times, it should catch on in her head.
Granted, my daughter already loves to sit on the potty and really wants to wear big girl panties so I think we've got a head start. She also wants to wear a bra like mommy, but that'll have to wait.
posted by
Sharp as a Marble on November 29, 2004 05:49 PM
Sure, but when she's not in the mood for it, even just making her sit on the potty is a negative experience.
So far, we did it one day, and got our first success. It's not a big, angry experience, it's just one spat on the bottom to get her attention, because up till now she was always too busy playing to even notice she was soaking wet.
posted by
Nathan on November 29, 2004 06:21 PM
Panties and pottys. You guys are cracking me up. betcha never thought you'd be having this conversation! :-)
posted by
Patrick on November 29, 2004 10:26 PM
Are you kidding? I live for this!
...although I am beginning to think that "women's liberation"'s main success was freeing men to be more involved in their children's lives...
posted by
Nathan on November 30, 2004 06:05 AM
It is my life's complete goal to ensure that I am a major part of my children's lives and that means everything from diapers to discipline, from play time to pray time.
It's the most rewarding experience I've ever had in my life.
posted by
Sharp as a Marble on November 30, 2004 08:43 AM
I can't say I had deliberately intended being this involved. But I don't think I will ever regret it.
posted by
Nathan on November 30, 2004 08:46 AM
Nathan, buy the training pants, cut the sides and attach velcro tape. Then when an accident of the more disguting nature occurs, it is much easier to take clean up. The other thing to attempt to lessen your laundry is to buy plastic pants (Wal-M) that are for cloth diapers. They fit perfectly over training pants and keep the pants from getting completely soaked, but by using the cloth panties, she still feels the wetness. I can't believe that you have forgotten my thirteen years of experience....
***seriously leaving now and considering if I should come back.....***
posted by
Rae on November 30, 2004 11:13 AM
I feel your pain, Nathan! My oldest, a very intelligent girl, would not be trained for anything (candy, toys, Disneyland). After countless hours of attempts, bribery and tears (mine), I resigned myself to the fact that she was going to do it when SHE was good and ready, not me. My point is, let it go. A good parent is not always the one whose child reaches milestones on time, it is the one who recognizes his child's need to do things in her own time! Good luck! And if it boys all did it on their own by 2 1/2 years (using the "no pressure method").
posted by
Kadi Prescott on December 1, 2004 07:40 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
02:44 PM
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Potty Training Blogging
I was up to around #500 and solidly a Large Mammal in the Ecosystem. Now I've plunged to Marauding Marsupial and am way above #1000.
Was the Large Mammal ranking erroneous, or the current Marauding Marsupial ranking? I mean, NZ Bear says that he's debugging, but he didn't say which way the problem fell....
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I dropped 10% in a day. Not surprising as I've always felt no one really liked me and the only reason they were linking to me was out of pity.
Actually, I am willing to bet he is refining his polling method and not including certain types of links which are very transient (such as comments). But then again, what do I know?
posted by
Sharp as a Marble on November 29, 2004 10:01 AM
Same thing happened to me. I just figured that a whole slew of new blogs were added, and I've been stagnant, link-wise.
posted by
Craig on November 29, 2004 08:18 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
09:32 AM
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There's a very nice article here on the Opinion Journal.
Some of the quotable coolness:
Liberals see themselves as self appointed Robin Hoods [taking from the rich and giving to the poor], but they are seen by red-county Americans as taking from the productive and giving to the indolent.
I know you know who Robin Hood was, but I like the parallel construction, so I added in the emphasis of "taking from...and giving to..."
[Liberals] were wrong about communism (it was an economic failure), wrong about socialism (it didn't work either), wrong about the welfare state, wrong about high taxes and government regulation of economic matters.
Or in the words of former teachers union president Keith Geiger, why should some children be allowed to "escape" from bad public schools?
Unions. Natch.
"Not happiness stamps; not a department of happiness; not therapy for happiness. Pursuit."
Nice. Read the whole thing to get it all in context.
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Posted by Nathan at
07:48 AM
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Maybe I should just change the category of these posts to "The Chiefs Lose Again!" [grin]
Okay, here's some thoughts on the loss:
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First, it looks like the professional writers are starting to catch on that the offense is really the ones we should blame:
Article 1.
Article 2.
But there were some good things coming out of the loss. Even besides having that much higher of a draft pick...
First, I think Dick Vermeil is perhaps a little too loyal to his veterans. What I mean is, we've had problems tackling all year, right? Well, did you notice significant missed tackles leading to breakaway runs by Ladanian Tomlinson yesterday? Me, either. Nor any short passes turned into highlight-reel long gains because of defenders bouncing off of WRs like pinballs. Qinton Caver wasn't judged good enough to start at LB, but I saw him make at least 2 good tackles. Willie Pile played decently at defensive back, and made some good tackles. Shaunard Harts didn't let anyone holding the ball get past him. Warfield and Bartee aren't afraid to make tackles, too. Benny Sapp made a good tackle in a difficult open-field situation last week. We've got a number of young guys who need a little more experience to increase coverage skills, but who can all hit, hit hard, and not miss. They need to be on the field. I'd rather lose because our guys can't play quite fast enough than lose because we don't wrap up and make stupid mistakes of alignment and so forth.
Jared Allen is going to be a monster. He's on pace to be the first KC rookie to crack double-digit sacks, I think ever. He came from a small Division I-AA school, so I can't wait to see what happens with another off-season of strength and speed training. Look what it did for Eric Hicks: a skinny undrafted free agent became a solid starter...
Lionel Dalton is a penetrator. He's doing good stuff there. Hopefully he has a year or two left in his tank, because we have enough problems in other places that I don't think we can afford to retool the D-Line.
It looks like Chris Bober is better than John Welbourn. I wish we hadn't waited until game 9 to learn that. There wasn't a veteran loyalty issue there, so why didn't Bober get the chance to start earlier when Welbourn was struggling? Based on this game against San Diego, Bober might be better than the departed JJohn Tait. (Whom we haven't appreciably missed, as I predicted)
I think we might be set at WR for next year, as long as Boerigter is fully recovered from his knee injury. Johnny Morton is having an excellent year, and is the #2 WR in the league for 3rd/4th-down catches that go for TDs or 1st Downs (according to a graphic in the game yesterday). But he's not consistent enough for a #1 WR, maybe because age has made him lose a step. Kennison may be done, as well. I think Morton should be the #3/possession receiver that can move the chains on 3rd down. I think Hall should play fewer snaps, so call him the #4 WR. So who gets to be #1-2? I think Boerigter showed signs of being ready for #1 before he went down with the knee injury. I think either Richard Smith or Samie Parker should be ready to be #2 by the start of next season. Kris Wilson should be ready to kick major butt next year, as well, as a WR-type threat at the #2 TE position, just like Tony Gonzalez. Just like TG, Wilson can catch, run, and block quite well, so we should be more potent next year, barring injury.
We've got 3 good RBs, too, it seems. I would keep Holmes on the roster as the red-zone back, and let Blaylock run between the 20s. I saw him lay a crushing block on a blitzer yesterday, and at the same time saw Larry Johnson whiff on one. Blocking is something a RB can improve on, but I think he showed enough running skills that we might be able to get a good 2nd round or maybe even a low 1st round pick for him, if a team is desperate enough. depends on the prospects in the draft. But Blaylock's ability obviates Johnson, and we could use the cap room.
So in the draft this year, I'd go all defense. Draft more CBs, LBs, and DTs to increase the competition on the defense. If you can cut someone like Jerome Woods (who seems to have gotten too old to play well anymore) and save their salary cap number, that just increases the money you can put into a veteran WR or O-Line player like another Roaf.
I think we've gotten some bad bounces this year. How can Hall fumble on the 5? He should have had two touchdowns, and that would have been enough for the win. But with the way the year is going, fine, let's get our bad luck out of the way this year. How can a near-interception by Warfield turn into a catch for a positive gain??? ...the same way a Delhomme prayer flung up as he was being sacked can be caught for a TD instead of interception going for a TD the other way: The Football Gods have been against us this year, I'm convinced of it. I can't figure out why: we haven't changed our uniform into something modern and garish. Although looking at the Broncos Super Bowl win in the league's ugliest uniform, maybe we should....
Okay, that's it for today. I'll muse more and share more thoughts with you later this week.
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November 28, 2004
Well, not really...
I just found out that John Ratzenberger, the only man to have a voice part in every Pixar Studios full-length motion picture, who also got to have a minor speaking part in perhaps the greatest movie of all time, The Empire Strikes Back, on top of everything else, also had a minor speaking role in A Bridge Too Far.
I was watching the credits to see if the Captain who nearly dies was the guy from Eddie and the Cruisers, (he wasn't), and there pops up the name John Ratzenberger. Sheesh!
So I went back to the IMDB to see what other cool stuff he's been in... ...and that was about it. He was a "Controller" in both Superman I and II. He was in Outland and Firefox and Gandhi, which are all cool, I guess.
I'm just wondering if maybe we should have done "6 degerees of John Ratzenberger" instead of Kevin Bacon. Which, if you didn't know, there is at least one direct link between you know which movie?
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Wow, the Oracle of Bacon has Ratzenberger with a degree of 2.
I had to cheat on IMDb to get the real result.
(aside: Wedge doesn't need a stinkin' Kevin Bacon Number...)
posted by
Jeremy on November 28, 2004 09:15 PM
Yeah, he's not actually credited for his cameo appearance, I guess. It was one of my favorite movies, by the way...
posted by
Nathan on November 28, 2004 10:02 PM
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November 27, 2004
There's some good thinking going on over at the Wandering Mind. Alex may end up on my blogroll soon.
In particular, check out this post on the political divide, and this related post from two days earlier. Maybe that's not the best order to read them in, but that's how I read them, so if you want to read them in the order they were written, be my guest. Or, er, Alex's, actually.
I will say that to me, Alex seems to be riding the fence a little too much, being too willing to be even-handed in his treatment of both sides. You can draw your own conclusions about that. In any case, they are well-written pieces with some good thought behind them. Enjoy!
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LOL. I liked the way Alex handled the information; but I think he is coming from a different perspective then you are; I think his point is that both sides have a lot to say for themselves and it is only when the discussion descends to name-calling and anger that its value is lost. That there is a lot to be said for the give and take of any discussion on G-d. Anyway, that was my take.
I am enjoying the discussion here as it hasn't lost perspective and has remained civil. I like a good, honest debate.
posted by
Rachel Ann on November 28, 2004 06:21 AM
I think the real divide in this country is caused by the fact that the left's been out of intellectual gas for some time and is and has simply been in a reactionary mode for quite some time.
This should not be seen as a permanent state of affairs, merely a phase. The question is, how long? 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
posted by
Dean Esmay on November 28, 2004 07:41 AM
The left surely is out of intellectual gas. I'm not sure it is just a phase, though.
I mean, obviously there are intelligent people on both sides, and they will think of ideas that resonate with the population at large, yes, which supports your idea that this is only a phase.
But there are so many principles and special interest groups and automatic assumptions that go along with being a Democrat, that I'm not convinced that those ideas will be heard at all. The Democrat Party, as the main channel for the propogation of progressive ideas, is very much a top-down, do-it-the-way-we-tell-you organization. I don't really believe they can recover under the Democrat Banner. This post about what the word "choice" has come to mean to liberals/Democrats is part of the reason. Control is a very big issue among the liberals, and as our Star Wars philosophy tells us, "The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your grasp." Except we're talking people instead of star systems, of course.
If all you mean is just "the non-right", well then, of course you are correct. One of the problems with this sort of discussion is that the terms "Leftist", "Liberal", "Progressive", and "Democrat" are slippery terms, all meaning slightly different things. Ideas cannot be suppressed, and it is quite possible that the emergence of a valid opposition ideology may be the process that kills the Democrat Party while maintaining many of the ideas that the Dems embraced.
One of the things I find most interesting is that the Democrats I encounter (mostly in print) seem to wish Republicans would all die or convert so they could implement their ideas unopposed, whereas the bulk of the Republicans I talk with would prefer to have a strong, loyal, valid opposition ideology to provide an alternative if they don't like the direction GOP leadership takes the party. Or do I just know more "conservatives" than "Republicans"?
posted by
Nathan on November 28, 2004 09:06 AM
Rachel Ann,
While I am arguing only my side, I actually do actually see some of the point to the secular side.
I don't know if I really want to return to the late 60s attitude toward Christianity. Non-Christian religious groups were often treated pretty shabbily.
But I do believe that despite some good points by the "secularization" side, the "plurality" argument is the correct one. I wouldn't be trying to advance it if I didn't think that way! [grin]
If I seem to be arguing for Christianity, it's just because that's what we have as the most prevalent example, it's also what at least a plurality believes in.
But I do think "plurality" and a "permissive" environment for all religions is the best way to go. Don't restrict anyone, just let everyone express what they want. Even that has some pitfalls, though, when you look at what's going on in Europe: after the filmmaker was murdered, an artist put up a mural that said, "Thou Shalt Not Kill". Despite Islam claiming the Old Testament prophets as prophets of Allah, despite incorporating the 10 Commandments into the Koran, some Muslims initiated a lawsuit saying the mural was offensive to their religion. We'd have to institute a better way of dealing with disputes like that, because we already have non-Christians being offended by seeing a star on top of a decorated tree, and their being offended by calling it a Christmas tree resulting in the White House "Holiday" tree. Sheesh!
posted by
Nathan on November 28, 2004 09:16 AM
Granted, I'm only 30, so I wasn't around during the era of the Democratic Party from FDR to LBJ. But from what I understand, the DNC had cornered the market on compassion, and empowerment of minorities.
They were the party fot the common man. Somewhere (and I like to think it was the 80s under Reagan) the scales tiped and now all of the sudden the DNC wasn't the party for the little guy. It was not as populist, but instead the RNC was more the populist party.
Another observation I made, the DNC is now VERY policy oriented. I've noticed this from a lot of the offical and unoffical talk. Examples, like
"How can you support Candidate X, when he feels this way about Issue Y." or particular democrats trumpet their platform on one particular issue, or policy. To me, this seems very one-track-minded. Almost too focused.
Republicans, I've also found, tend to move in policy (when they have to) but prefer to look long term. ("Sure, I'll conceede this particular point A and point B to you, but as long as these other points C-Z are agreed upon, and we can tackle these other two points later. Just as long as the ball stays rolling.") In this case, its philosophy thining, not policy thinking.
It just might be the DNC needs to focus on the big picture again, and not the individual tasks to get there. Because it looks like the entire party is stuck in the weeds and not on the roadbed. (to borrow an analogy)
posted by
Jeremy on November 28, 2004 02:47 PM
I guess in my mind one of the things the USA stands for no state religion, and that means no state support of any particular set of beliefs. I was reading on another blog about something to the affect of Jews knowing that Christians tolerated other religions. To me that sounds kind of like "Well, you know how Uncle/Aunt X is. But their family so we tolerate them." We all have our values. As an Orthodox Jews I highly value what I feel is the truth in terms of G-d and the moral laws.
The US isn't about tolerating religous beliefs; it is about allowing them to grow and prosper unhindered, even when the run counter to ours, as long as what is being expressed isn't otherwise illegal. I'm not worried about someone else's beliefs in where I may spend eternity; I'm not buying into their belief system. I do care that my child or my grandchild is made to feel wrong becuse s/he doesn't want to pray to a god not believed in (as has happened in certain areas even recently). Or because the child doesn't want to recite the pledge because, according to their religious standards, one shouldn't take an oath, period.
And even worse than the child being made to feel wrong is the child being victimized or fearing vicitmization. As I stated in a private conversation, my father was forced to pray to Jessus; forced. He didn't; he moved his lips without uttering a prayer, but to bring back prayer to schools? How is it possible to safeguard when even when it is illegal in certain areas to do so, people have prayed publically in the schools and made fun of those who don't?
Think of it this way; what if Chritianity slips into the minority. Would you feel plurality is okay if the X-mas tree gave way to another religious icon? And if the holidays that one got off from school and work followed another religous calendar?
And though you were free to worship as you saw fit on the days you held dear to your heart, you had to use personal days to enjoy them, and everyone treated it as some sort of favor to you that you could take off in the first place?
One year in high school (and this was a college preparatory school. One didn't get in unless one did well on the SATS and such. And I mean well.)and it was I believe my history teacher, announced in class that over the Rosh Hashanah holidays anyone taking off had a report to do or something extra to do because, in her words "it's the Jewish new year and all you do is eat and party so we would have time to do the extra work." I forgive most people for not knowing that we don't just eat and we certainly don't party, that it is a solemn day , and that religous Jews don't write, or use electricity and we spend a significant amount of time praying; but this was the history teacher. Did she know that little about a sizeable porportion of her student class?
One year the schools closed so much for snow days that there was a possiblity that they would have to open up on Saturday. Not Sunday of course, when everyone could go, but Saturaday. And that of course could cause problems for some teachers who were religious, such as my friend.
Maybe there is a bunch of bitterness that is only coming out now that I am away from all that. It is so pleasant being in a country where one's own holidays take center stage.
posted by
Rachel Ann on November 28, 2004 02:49 PM
Well, personally, I think it has gotten to the point where Christians are being made to feel bad for being Christian. Look at all the newspaper articles being negative about the "religious" right. Look at all the mainstream media lumping Christians together as "evangelicals". Listen to the liberal pundits calling Bush a fundamentalist on par with the Taliban.
And while I admit it is hard to truly project how you would feel in a certain situation, I don't think I'd have a problem with another religious icon replacing the Christmas Tree or the Cross as the most commonly-seen religious symbol, per se. I think I would have a problem with the idea of enough immigrants not becoming assimilated enough that their culture takes over the US melting pot, but it it came from within through willing conversions, I don't think I'd have a problem with it.
Now, I do have a problem with forcing people to pray to Jesus. Even being forced to pray is wrong.
Was it an overzealous teacher rather than policy, though?
Not that it makes the pressure any less real, but if it was just an overzealous teacher, there are easier steps to fixing it. That seems roughly analogous to your having no problem with politicians and govt officials feeling pressure to not express religious belief, i.e., there are pressures to conform that are very real despite what actually might be written down.
Which is one of the many reasons I started this whole discussion: I think we are going too far down the path of eliminating public expression of religious faith...while I don't want to return to forced prayers in school, I wouldn't mind at least allowing prayer in school; and if you allow minority and gay and Jewish groups to organize in school, you should also allow Bible studies to be formed.
And, hey, if the only good this thread of talk has done is let you vent a little bitterness safely, then it was worth it! :)
It can be hard to control the discussion if someone wants to be a jerk, but I hope I can always keep this a place where people can express honest feelings safely.
I wonder if your last line might not reveal matter what pluralistic or secular society we create here in the US, it is still nicer to be in a society whose beliefs and values largely mirror your own. Not homogeneous to the point of calcification, hopefully, but the more values held in common, the easier the process of governing the whole is.
This is the basic argument against multiculturalism...I'm not on-board with it yet, but thoughts like what you just uttered are fairly persuasive.
As is the idea that no minority group ever succeeded in the United States until the managed to assimilate to the whole.
But that's another topic.
posted by
Nathan on November 28, 2004 04:05 PM
Alex says: "Wars of all kinds, military, cultural and those of the class variety, are begun and fought by absolutists and phony 'patriots' of all stripes."
Sorry. Silly ststments like that should be challenged whenever they are made. Some wars are fought so that people like Alex can write what they want. Maybe someday Alex will be right, but not now.
posted by
notherbob2 on November 28, 2004 06:01 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
10:25 PM
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November 26, 2004
November 25, 2004
Last Post for a Few Days on Religion in Government
Social Issues
Europe is having problems with this issue, too.
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Um. weren't many of the first Europeans pagans? And I remember reading somewhere that some parts of Europe were first settled by Jews...don't know where then or much else about that last bit.
posted by
Rachel Ann on November 26, 2004 05:03 AM
There was an interesting post on the issue of religion and government that contained several amusing spins that made it very suitable for posting. It doesn't add any weight to either side of the discussion, but is instructive and enjoyable to read.
[sarcasm/humor alert] I think that I had better switch sides and give Nathan a hand. He is getting the worst of it.
posted by
notherbob2 on November 26, 2004 06:18 AM
Oops! Sorry. I meant:
posted by
notherbob2 on November 26, 2004 06:44 AM
Rachel Ann,
Of course. Christianity didn't begin until 2000 years ago, and didn't spread all the way up to England for more than 1000 years after that.
But the point is that the European nations owe their existence, form, principles, etc more to Christianity than to paganism. The EU Constitution currently forbids them to acknowledge that. If a nation truly thinks that Paganism and the Jewish religion are important parts of their history, they are currently forbidden to acknowledge that, too. All these 1m people want is the right to acknowledge actual history rather than eradicate and rewrite significant parts of it to please atheists.
posted by
Nathan on November 26, 2004 12:56 PM
I guess I am at a loss at to what they would say and how they would say it in their official documents. I do think history ought to be taught truthfully; but I didn't think the roots of government in most European countries started out as Christain. I am not a history buff; just some mild reading here and there so I could very well be quite wrong on the issue. Still, as many of the European countries have an official state religion, what is the reason for wanting the charters to also state they were formed on Christian principles? I am not trying to be argumentative, I am really trying to understand why they wish it. The countries contstiutions aren't banned from stating it are they?
Israel for instance, acknowledges its roots in Judaism; but we are the only Jewish country that exists and our existence is contantly threatened.
I can understand various countries wanting to acknowledge their religious roots; but why is it necessary for the EU to acknowledge this? The EU as a whole wasn't started as a Christian. Correct? What are the nations as individula nations being denied the right to affirm? I guess that is what is confusing me.
posted by
Rachel Ann on November 27, 2004 08:35 AM
It's not necessary, as in it should be a requirement to put in Christian language.
But a significant portion of the population wants it acknowledged. Since it will make no difference in the actual laws, why should the EU refuse to let them make the nod toward history?
It's like the ACLU suing to remove the cross from the Los Angeles county (city?) seal...doing so is a short-sighted and idiotic decision to ignore that the area was settled first by Catholic missionaries, in order to sanitize even the appearance of religion out of govt.
Simply put, there are two ways to deal with religion in govt.
1) You can totally restrict "religion", which not only infringes on freedom of religious expression (not in the EU constitution, I don't think, but still in ours), but also establishes the trappings of atheism as the default. The problem with this is it assumes religion is somehow worse than other belief systems...but every belief system is based on unprovable assumptions, and so establishing any belief system over all others is a bad move.
2) The other thing you can do is allow a pluralistic experssion of belief systems, and pragmatically allow the govt and members of govt to express their beliefs, and assign tax dollars in any way the majority supports, subject to judicial oversight. That leaves it up to all sides to argue their position to get the majority support, and for voting to get the party in power to make judicial appointments in line with your views. While an extreme majority of US citizens are religious, I have full confidence that no one could ever get more than a handful of support for overturning the establishment clause; but I do think it would be better to get back to a strict Constructionist viewpoint, in which the Constitution were again taken at its word, instead of assuming the implied additions. Thus, we would get back to Congress not being able to pass a law that establishes an official religion, which is obviously more in line with the framers' intent than preventing govt officials from saying "Merry Christmas!" The best part is that politicians would no longer have to separate their personal beliefs from their official positions, like Sen. Kerry felt compelled to do with abortion.
The EU apparently tried to impose the first, whereas these petitioners are trying to push for the second option. It should be obvious which one I prefer.
posted by
Nathan on November 27, 2004 09:17 AM
Seriously Nathan, please name one official who was prevented from saying "Merry Christmas." Who sued them and on what grounds? Being afraid to say it because you're a squirrelly politician is not the same as being oppressed, mind you.
It's not that I know that this did not happen, I just seriously doubt it.
posted by
susie on November 27, 2004 02:02 PM
Well, what I heard is probably urban legend, and I'm too lazy to try and google for it...[grin]
But here's a parallel example. Remember when McD's french fries used to be good? You could even eat them cold. But there was an obesity scare in the early 90s, and the government started pushing 'healthy diets' and changed the menu in all the government-run eating places, and soon all the fast food chains started switching from animal fat to vegetable fat for frying.
Was there a law passed? I don't think so. ANd it probably wasn't even quite that smooth.
But a very vocal minority of the population made a big stink about animal fats and heart disease, and to avoid any chance at a lawsuit, all the fast food chains changed their food. Now we have crappy fries, and people are still complaining McDs made them fat. So what have we gained?
McDs also used to put everything in Styrofoam containers. But environmental groups didn't like that, and raised a stink, back in the 80s, I think. The environment was a big topic then, and judges started passing down verdicts against the McDs changed and stopped using styrofoam. But they switched to waxed and plasticized paper that is probably more harmful to the environment than styrofoam. And Gore still blames the US for global warming. Again, what have we won there?
Another example: In the 70s, when junk environmental science was still in its infancy, the environmental groups got everyone all scared about what CFCs were doing to the ozone layer, and so got all the freon refigerant units made illegal. This is one example where there was a law passed. So now air conditioning/refrigeration isn't as cold and is far less energy-efficient, and the ozone layer fluctuates right along with the solar wind, as it always did, before junk science skewed data for political points. So what did that do for us besides waste alot of money that made the economy worse than it could have been...?
Now here we are, and secularists are rocking the boat about religion in govt. But we made it 228 years to this point without worrying about the cross in the LA seal, or whether the Boy Scouts can meet on military bases. But when I complain about the ACLU in these cases, I'm told that there must be more separation between Church and State or else a Theocracy will take over! Gasp!
Before you react, I realize that no, that's not what you were saying, Susie. In fact, you seemed to take a very libertarian view of it...but that's the stimulus behind my posts.
The point of the examples I just gave is that the way our society works, if you work to eradicate something out of government, since government is a subset of society, it will have an impact on society. At worst, the only way to truly eradicate it out of government is to eradicate it out of society completely. You may not want to do that. But one of the other commenters on these threads does have a problem with "In God We Trust" being on our currency. I've been trying to explain my view to you, but you really aren't my direct opponent in this. But I do want you to realize that there are people more extreme than you, just as I realize there are more people more extreme than me. The thing is, if the Theocrat movement ever started getting the upper hand at establishing a state religion, I'd switch sides and fight against 'em.
But even there we get into problems of definition, because merely threatening to send the issue of abortion rights back to the states, or passing a Definition of Marriage Amendment (despite the exceedingly democratic process such an amendment would undergo) is seen by many people as de facto evidence of a Theocracy imposing its will.
I'll leave you with one final example. As I walked around the military department store today, I couldn't find a single roll of gift-wrapping paper that had a Christian theme. 30 years ago it would have been split 75/25 or 60/40 in favor of religious themes. Society has changed to become more secular; I don't think it's made things better for anyone.
posted by
Nathan on November 27, 2004 10:11 PM
Not to be a -b-, but it's hard enough these days knowing what's true and what's a lie without bloggers adding more noise to the cacophony. I know you were just using it as an example, but it unnecessarily hurts your case when you don't check things out or exaggerate to make a point. You have a good argument to make and I would hate to see it damaged by innaccurate info. And more importantly, *I'm* counting on you to be as honest as you can be.
O.K., I'll get off my obnoxious high horse now.
posted by
susie on November 28, 2004 07:19 PM
Point taken, and not [-b-]-y at all.
I'll try to be more careful to identify my rhetorical devices, or better yet, avoid them altogether.
posted by
Nathan on November 28, 2004 08:06 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
07:52 PM
Comments (10)
I'm calling a debate time-out so I can cook, watch football, eat, and give thanks to God for all we have, including this blog with which I can smite the Godless Heathens (okay, the last part was a joke).
Happy Thanksgiving, All!
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Happy Thanksgiving!
posted by
a-[e] on November 25, 2004 11:28 AM
Hope that your day is great & you have lots to be thankful for. I know that I do!
posted by
Moos on November 25, 2004 01:42 PM
Happy Thanksgiving from me too!
posted by
susie on November 25, 2004 03:24 PM
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It bothers me that if the overall thrust of the secularization move gets its way, the Peanuts Christmas and Thanksgiving Specials will have to be banned, censored, or modified.
Thus, it bothers me that Christians are supposed to "turn the channel" if we don't want our children exposed to Janet Jackson's breats or Howard Stern's obscenities, but atheists aren't expected to be able to deal with the horror of seeing a Nativity Scene on City Hall grounds or a cross on the Los Angeles County seal.
"Let's Go Kill Cops" in school is protected speech. "Let's Pray", in school, isn't. Which is absolutely ridiculous.
I am attempting to return some common sense to society.
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Uhm, could it be that city hall's religious demonstrations come out of my taxes (in addition to violating the First Amendment), and TV channels don't? And that leading prayers in public school is government establishment of religion? These aren't even controversial arguments anymore.
posted by
The Owner's Manual on November 25, 2004 10:08 AM
"It bothers me that if the overall thrust of the secularization move gets its way, the Peanuts Christmas and Thanksgiving Specials will have to be banned, censored, or modified."
I don't think that the overall thrust of secularization will have Peantus Christmas or Thanksgiving specials banned, etc. That kind of programming is private programming, albeit over licensed airwaves. Regardless, the broadcast of that kind of programming isn't government endorsed. Religious programming should be available for those that want it, but so should non-religious programming.
The typical theist straw-man is to accuse non-believers of trying to remove religion from the 'public square.' That is entirely false. We just want religion out of our government. We don't want our schools teaching religious doctrine. We don't want our tax dollars to pay for proselytizing organizations and religious displays. What theists do with their own property and broadcast channels is up to them. Why should I fund your religion's activities?
posted by
a-[e] on November 25, 2004 10:13 AM
The Owner's Manual,
Not necessarily. There are cases of Post Office managers and the like who have purchased displays with their own money and been banned from setting them up.
...and I could as easily argue that putting up a Santa Claus symbol but not a religious symbol is tax money going toward a belief system I don't agree with...
Remember, my assertion is that all belief systems are equal, and so atheist or secular as the default is just as bad as Christian being the default.
I think that officials should be able to express whatever view they have. Since the nation is mostly Christian, we'd have mostly Christian expressions. So what? I'd fight like a tiger to make sure B'hai and Wicca and Muslim religions would be able to express theirs, too.
See, rather than banning a nativity scene, I'd allow every religious group that wants to pony up the money to put their own display up.
If it ever got to be too crowded in the Town Square (or where ever) or if some of the displays began to be disrespectful or combative (like Satanism seems to specifically use Christian symbols in profane ways), then maybe we'd have to make some rules or try a different tack. But there doesn't seem to be any danger of that yet.
a-[e] catches something you missed, as well: that "public" airwaves are licensed and regulated by the government. Thus, tax dollars are involved in that.
You don't think the overall thrust of secularization will have the Peanuts specials banned. I do. There's no way to prove either of us right, except by waiting and seeing. Oh, and one thing you could do is pledge to join the theists in fighting if a group ever does try to ban.
It's actually not a straw-man that non-believers are trying to remove religion from the 'public square', because it is happening. Right now. Obviously, our different viewpoints of the nature/importance/validity of religion lead to different conclusions, but even if you don't feel the push to remove the "Under God" from the pledge is wrong, I do.
We can disagree as to the significance/implication of all the things I've linked, but that hardly makes it a straw-man.
We also disagree on the nature of the Intelligent Design theory. You equate it with Creationism, I don't. You also equate opposition to teaching only Evolution Bad Science Crap-Theory with trying to impose Non-science Creationism-only education. I don't. There are some groups trying to impose Creationism-only. But you shouldn't make the mistake of thinking I don't actively oppose them.
Generalization is a two-edged sword. I can recognize the horribly fatal flaws of Evolution without trying to impose a theocracy. You should be able to recognize that in a like manner, your opinion of secularization and agnostic government is not necessarily shared by the ACLU and other people initiating lawsuits. If you aren't trying to fight for what I oppose, you aren't really my opponent, but that doesn't make my arguments straw-men. I do think the ACLU is trying to ban religion completely from the 'public square'. There is a recent escalation in attempts to stifle religion. secularization may be approaching the level you prefer, and you are certainly entitled to fight for your views. But I'm entitled to fight for mine, too, especially since we have a good 180 years of national history that provides evidence that a significantly-religious society without undue religious influence on government is doable. It's only been in the last 40 years or so that we've really pushed toward a secular society, and we've had a significant rise in all sorts of social problems with it. Drugs, STDs, AIDS, teen pregnancies, abortion, murder, violence...
(not that there weren't problems before, too, but things seem worse these days compared to my youth).
All this begs the question: what would you do if a group was trying to slippery-slope our society into not being able to express religion anywhere outside their own home?
My apologies if this didn't read totally smoothly. I've got bunches of ideas jumbling around in my head, and they don't always come out coherently. The overall tone should be: lightly self-deprecating, recognizing that we have some fundamentally different assumptions, and that we are delving into some highly subjective areas in which it is nearly impossible to "prove" anyone's point.
To a certain extent, this is merely an academic thinking exercise.
posted by
Nathan on November 25, 2004 10:53 AM
*****Oh, and one thing you could do is pledge to join the theists in fighting if a group ever does try to ban.*****
Sign me up. Although I'm an anti-activist, I can confidently agree to this because I KNOW that such people do not exist. I know quite a few far-left, atheistic radicals, and none of them would be bothered by a Christmas Peanuts. You know who this *does* sound like though? Those nuts who got the screenings of "Saving Private Ryan" yanked because it offended their sensibility. You want to talk about re-injecting common sense? How absurd was that? Did you call up the AFA in protest of that nonsense?
*****especially since we have a good 180 years of national history that provides evidence that a significantly-religious society without undue religious influence on government is doable*****
You've confused society with government. In a significantly religious "society," every yard can have a nativity scene in it while the post office does not. No one has ever filed suit to require that a private citizen remove religious displays from their private property. Society is allowed as much religious expression as it likes. What you are arguing for, on the other hand, is religious displays on government property. It's not a half bad idea that everyone should be able to display their beliefs on public land, but it seems rather more sensible for people to express their private beliefs on private land. If people want to gather together to join in religious expression in public, they can do so as well, but they cannot do so with public money, or with public property, because that money + property belong to EVERYONE, including the atheists. That means that if the atheists and Christians cannot agree that the property should be put to X, Y, or Z use, the property is not used that way. Sometimes the atheists will lose out, sometimes the Christians will. That's the nature of sharing.
*****All this begs the question: what would you do if a group was trying to slippery-slope our society into not being able to express religion anywhere outside their own home?*****
That really depends on the specific circumstances. The devil, as they say, is in the details.
Anyway, a different question:
You seem to believe that so long as the government doesn't put pen to paper and formally proclaim a particular religion that of the state, the intent of the founding fathers has been accomplished. This becomes obviously untrue if you think about the fact that written law is completely unnecessary to the establishment of a theocracy. If a simple majority of the Supreme Court and Congress were far right-wing Christians, and we had such a president as well, they could write all manner of laws outlawing birth-control, requiring that women live only in the houses of their fathers or husbands, making adultery punishable by death, etc., etc. without once writing a law proclaiming that Christianity is the religion of America.
I guess my point is that the slippery slope goes both ways, and the only way to prevent theocracy or enforced atheism is for the government to remain completely silent on religion.
posted by
susie on November 25, 2004 04:56 PM
Serial posting to add:
Oops! Forgot the referred to question, although it was implied.
Who draws the line for when religion has "undue influence?"
Wouldn't it be better for the government to remain completely uninfluenced by religion, and for religions to seek influence in society by virtue of their precepts?
posted by
susie on November 25, 2004 05:10 PM
Good points. I'll try to hit the main ones.
First, this one: but they cannot do so with public money, or with public
property, because that money + property belong to EVERYONE, including the
That really gets problematic, because what you are saying here is that any group of people gets veto rights on what can be done with tax dollars. If atheists can veto tax dollars going to a religious program, then pro-life groups should be able to veto tax dollars going to abortion, doves can veto tax dollars for the military, conservatives can veto tax dollars going for welfare.
Look, govt does what the majority of people want, for the good of the people, and not even always the direct good.
The best example is Sports Stadiums. Lots of local and state govts use public funds and sometimes even public land to build football and baseballs stadiums. Not everyone goes to the games, in fact, the actual fans probably are a distinct minority. So why does it happen? Because the govt knows that having a sports team brings in all sorts of revenue, and also helps give a sense of pride and identity to a location. There are all sorts of tangible and intangible reasons to put money into a sports stadium rather than increasing welfare and other public programs.
In the same manner, there is nothing in the physical laws of the universe that make having a theocracy automatically bad. However, a cursory glance at history shows that the closer Church and State are entwined, the worse it is on people. On the other hand, a quick glance also shows that having a completely secular government is even worse.
Many atheists do understand mercy, altruism, the value of human life, kindness, etc. But there is nothing in a secular view that makes it necessary. Remove religion from govt, and you get inhumanity and atrocity.
But that's arguable. Not as much from my point of view, but that's okay.
The point is, there can be as much or as little connection between govt and religion as the people want and the people can handle.
I think we've gone too far toward secularism. You think we haven't gone far enough.
Um, I don't think I've so much confused govt with society as see them as inseparable halves of the same coin. Society determines the type of govt we have. The govt isn't on some pedestal somewhere else, it is made up of people who grew up in society, who have friends and relatives not in government, who watch TV and movies and read books and newspapers. If an attitude sweeps through society, govt will change. Likewise, if the people govt a certain mindset, laws will be passed/changed/overturned to reflect that mindset. Look at the anti-sodomy laws. For more than 100 years no one saw any reason to change them. Now the courts were overturning them left and right before the Supreme Court took care of the last of them. The courts are and always were a part of govt, so did the govt change, or society?
(I have no problems with the sodomy laws being overturned, btw)
the only way to prevent theocracy or enforced atheism is for the government to remain completely silent on religion.
This is the crux of what is either our disagreement or our misunderstanding...I'm still not sure which it is.
See, if the govt remains completely silent on religion, that sounds to me as if it has embraced atheism as default.
Like I have said: I think the govt shouldn't say anything if the Post Office manager wants to put up a nativity scene with his own money, nor should it restrict other religions from putting up their own display. It should step in to protect those displays from vandalism and resolve disputes over what might be considered disrespectful to another religion.
If that's what you mean by "remain silent", then we are largely suffereing under a misunderstanding.
I have a feeling, however, that you feel "remain silent" means something different.
Wouldn't it be better for the government to remain completely uninfluenced by religion, and for religions to seek influence in society by virtue of their precepts?
This I agree with, and that's what I'm trying to do right now. [grin]
Who draws the line for when religion has "undue influence?"
That is the trick, and I admit my answer is somewhat glib:
The people do. And the people do so exactly in these sort of arguments, but also in who they vote for in govt elections.
So, President Bush is open about how his faith is central to his life and thought process, and so is central to his performance of his duties.
51% of the voters, 60 million citizens, don't have a problem with that. And yet Democrats screamed about Bush violating Church and State separation (despite Clinton actually mentioning Jesus more times in official speeches, despite Kerry campaigning from pulpits several Sundays in a row, and Clinton seeking counseling from Rev Jesse Jackson for his sexual infidelity while on duty).
Other people (although probably not all of the 57 million who voted Democrat) didn't like it. Fine. They don't get a veto, but they remain able to try and convince people to see it their way.
So in our case: I have no problem with tax dollars going to faith-based charities that don't proselytize, I have no problem with govt officials saying Merry Christmas, I have no problem with prayers at public school football games, I have no problem with leaving "Under God" in the pledge, I have no problem with the Boy Scouts getting to meet on military bases, I have no problem with nativity displays on public property.
About the only thing I really want to change from what we have now (other than overturning a few recent ACLU victories, including the recent one keeping Boy Scouts off of military bases) is that I would like to see less restrictions on govt officials expressing their belief.
You are welcome to keep trying to convince me otherwise! [grin]
posted by
Nathan on November 25, 2004 06:43 PM
*****If atheists can veto tax dollars going to a religious program, then pro-life groups should be able to veto tax dollars going to abortion*****
Sounds good to me, although as an aside pro-life groups argue that abortion is not a religious issue.
*****doves can veto tax dollars for the military, conservatives can veto tax dollars going for welfare*****
The founding fathers specifically feared an intermingling of church and state. While it's arguable that war and welfare are religious issues, until religion is invoked in defense of, or in argument against them, I don't see how they trigger 1st amendment concerns.
*****Look, govt does what the majority of people want, for the good of the people, and not even always the direct good.*****
That may be the case now, but it shouldn't be. The government should doing things like maintaining armies, ensuring fluid and fair interstate commerce, building roads, managing our national parks, and keeping law and order. I don't know they're involved in social issues at all.
*****In the same manner, there is nothing in the physical laws of the universe that make having a theocracy automatically bad.*****
I'm not sure why you're referring to the laws of the universe when the only relevant law is the Constitution. We are debating the meaning of that law, and while examinations of the Constitution's legislative history may be useful in ascertaining the intent of the drafters, the laws of the universe are not.
*****On the other hand, a quick glance also shows that having a completely secular government is even worse.*****
So you are arguing that having a secular government is responsible for the coarsening of society? I have several problems with that argument:
1. The fabric of society is woven by the individuals of which that society is composed; so long as the individuals remain pious, planting a nativity scene in the post office's tree-lawn will be the least of their demonstrations of faith.
2. It presupposes that secularism has the power to rob people of their religious faith or their freedom to express their beliefs, neither of which is true. If the government made not one religious reference ever again, would it influence your belief in Christ? I hope not. Theocracies, on the other hand, oppress those whose consciences dictate something other than state doctrine. That is why they are unacceptable.
*****Many atheists do understand mercy, altruism, the value of human life, kindness, etc. But there is nothing in a secular view that makes it necessary.*****
Actually, there is at least as much incentive for an atheist to behave properly as there is for a Christian. Christians rely on their belief that the fate of their very souls is at stake. But they also rely rather heavily on the redemptive power of God's grace to encourage them to continue to strive to avoid sin, despite their continuing inability to do so. Similarly, the atheists which I know who are good people are very much motivated by their belief that with every action they are creating the world in which they must live and die. They recognize that when they refuse to be merciful, they create people who will refuse them and others mercy; that when they think only of themselves, they encourage others to do so as well; that there are immediate and inescapable consequences to immorality. So while Christians and atheists may be motivated by different things, both attach moral significance to their behavior. They may, of course, differ on what qualifies as moral behavior, but I believe that most Christians such as yourself might very well be amazed at just how similar your response to any given moral dilemma would be to a principled atheist.
*****Remove religion from govt, and you get inhumanity and atrocity.*****
Again, you are presupposing that a people's morality stands or falls with the government. Does yours? Why do you imagine that anyone else's has? Why do you argue that a government which is silent on religious matters is to blame rather than a failure of the church to inspire and captivate the populace?
*****You think we haven't gone far enough.*****
Actually, I think we're fine, and that people arguing to remove God from money and the pledge are idiots and should learn to pick their friggin' battles, (pardon my french) but anyway.
*****Um, I don't think I've so much confused govt with society as see them as inseparable halves of the same coin.*****
Have you read Thomas Paine's common sense? He explains a vision of the role of government which I rather agree with. You can read about it here:
Particularly relevant is this: "[w]herefore, security being the true design and end of government, it unanswerably follows that whatever form thereof appears most likely to ensure it to us, with the least expence and greatest benefit, is preferable to all others."
*****See, if the govt remains completely silent on religion, that sounds to me as if it has embraced atheism as default.*****
My position is that souls and consciences embrace or reject atheism. Governments should provide the security and freedom for each person to live according to the dictates of their own conscience. Beyond that, they should be silent on religion because it is not the government's job to encourage or discourage people one way or the other what to believe.
*****If that's what you mean by "remain silent", then we are largely suffereing under a misunderstanding.*****
If the government neither supported nor discouraged any religion, I would be happy. However, when a government official erects a display on public property that supports one religion and one religion only, the government is supporting that religion. Government officials, when acting in their capacity as government officials, (especially when on public property) *are* the government. In that capacity, they are being paid to serve, and are beholden to, every constituent, atheists included. THAT is why they cannot engage in overtly religious activities, OF ANY KIND.
If they want to go home and cover their lawn with religious displays, more power to them. If they want to go door to door and minister, more power to them. If they want to exude their Christian nature and the happiness that is brought about by living a life with Christ, more power to them. If the government tried to prevent them from doing so, then it would be embracing atheism and I would have as serious a problem with it as I would if it embraced Christianity.
*****This I agree with, and that's what I'm trying to do right now. [grin]*****
[frown] Then why are we talking about government instead of the wonder of walking a path with Jesus and how best that can be communicated?
*****So, President Bush is open about how his faith is central to his life and thought process, and so is central to his performance of his duties. 51% of the voters, 60 million citizens, don't have a problem with that.*****
I agree. But if the religious right makes the mistake of believing that this means that the American public wants more religious influence from their government, they are in for a rude awakening. The reason Bush won is precisely because Americans have no problem with other people *being* religious. They will not, however, stand for a government that meddles in religious matters. While I agree that most of what you support will be tolerated, not much beyond it will.
As for nativity scenes on public property, if those are tolerated, it is more a result of public apathy than support. I, for instance, find it troubling but would certainly not make an effort to have them removed.
posted by
susie on November 25, 2004 09:08 PM
You know, I don't think anything I've said or done deserves a fisking.
In any case, you apparently want your views to be accepted as the default. I don't agree, and talking about it on my blog is one part of the persuasion process. I've offered several different "looks like we'll have to agree to disagree" opportunities, but you don't seem to want to take them. I'm a little tired of arguing minor points since our views and assumptions on even the most basic aspects of this issue are incompatible. Both have valid antecedents, and both are well within tolerances for social norms.
Maybe in a month or so I'll be in a mood to pick this up again, but I'm just about talked out. I think I've made my position clear, and you certainly have, so that's about it.
Stop by often and leave comments on anything that strikes your fancy. You are always welcome here.
posted by
Nathan on November 26, 2004 01:02 PM
*****You know, I don't think anything I've said or done deserves a fisking.*****
I don't know what that is, but I'm sorry if I've done it to you.
*****I've offered several different "looks like we'll have to agree to disagree" opportunities, but you don't seem to want to take them.*****
I must have missed them. I thought you were happy discussing this. Sorry for dragging it out when you didn't want to talk about it anymore. I agree to disagree.
*****You are always welcome here.*****
Thank you. Happy Holidays.
posted by
susie on November 26, 2004 02:52 PM
Yeah, I figured I was probably getting overly sensitive. My apologies.
"Fisking" is when you take someone's entire written text and break it up, responding point by point. The advantage is that you make sure you address every point. The bad part of it is that it often results in statements being taken out of context, and it allows the fisker the chance to consciously or unconsciously do zingers that make the original writer look bad. It gives the appearance of a conversation with the best lines going to the person doing the fisking.
When done deliberately, it is a very unfair way to continue a discussion.
If you've never heard of that method, then there's no way you could have been doing it deliberately, so I was overreacting. Again, my apologies.
One of the things I try to keep in mind is that so much is lost in "typed-only" conversations. If you don't know someone well, you don't recognize the turns of phrases intended to soften statements, and you definitely can't see body language, tone of voice, facial expressions, etc. A phrase said with a grin means something totally different than the same phrase said with a scowl.
But sometimes I forget that.
The other thing that was frustrating me is in my personality, I like to just talk about broad topics, giving a few specific examples for support, but I really hate discussing finer and finer points, especially if we haven't resolved the overarching dispute. I think the term for that is "chasing down rabbit holes", because in trying to nail down a minor point, the major point gets totally lost. I felt like that's what was happening. But if you took the time to read, consider, and write, I wanted to acknowledge that effort by reading, considering, and responding.
But with so many people writing so much, I couldn't keep up. That was what was making me tired, and that's no one's fault but my own, and no one could have known. I probably phrased that complaint badly. The dangers of blogging include getting burned out, I've seen.
The thing is, this is just one topic among many I can discuss. If you look through my archives, you won't see many articles regarding Separation of Church and State, because I'm not a one-trick pony. I hope you still feel comfortable in discussing any of the issues I post. I think I'll be posting some stuff about China soon, so that will provide another opportunity for a good gab-fest.
posted by
Nathan on November 26, 2004 08:28 PM
Man, I am gonna hit this thread when I get home. (bleary-eyed as we speak)
I have a few thoughts, but want to read through all the comments before I do so...
Wow! Nathan, great amout of discussion :D
posted by
Rae on November 26, 2004 11:02 PM
Your entry into the fray would be most appreciated.
posted by
Nathan on November 27, 2004 09:19 AM
Fisking, huh? Well you learn something new everyday. Do you know why "fisk" was chosen as a way to describe this process? It seems to have no relationship to the thing which it describes. Weird.
Anyway, I promise not to do that again. It should be easy enough and will save a lot of time.
posted by
susie on November 27, 2004 02:12 PM
Fisking isn't so much derived from the proper word "fisk" as defined by Websters: To run about; to frisk; to whisk.; its more of a counter-culture jargon adopted by the internet/hacker community:
This is one of the better definitions I've seen:
verb. To deconstruct an article on a point by point basis in a highly critical manner. Derived from the name of journalist Robert Fisk, a frequent target of such critical articles in the blogosphere (qv).
posted by
Jeremy on November 27, 2004 03:31 PM
Jeremy is 100% correct.
I should also add that most people don't have a problem with "fisking". I hate it, and refuse to use it. It seems to me to be more of a rhetorical device that artificially gives an appearance of superiority. It's like being able to stop time and think of the perfect comeback and then deliver it as a zinger with the appearance of being more clever...
Or maybe I just have an inferiority complex! [grin]
I do freely admit that the difference between responding to all points and fisking is very fine indeed. That's why I try to use direct quotes at a minimum and respond to the gist. It also gives me a chance to restate what I understood in my own words, which most experts say is a good way of increasing the success of your communication. I know that there is little more frustrating than seeing someone quote you verbatim...but totally misunderstand what you meant by it. :)
posted by
Nathan on November 27, 2004 09:51 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
09:19 AM
Comments (15)
I have really appreciated the discussion going on in comments over the secularization of our government.
However, there have been some problems in expressing views from both sides.
Here's the gist of what I just posted in the comments of the previous post:
...same words, different understandings...
Never underestimate the possibility that we are just talking past each other.
That goes for all four of us.
I'm kind of carrying on three slightly different conversations with 3 different people on slightly different aspects of the situation. Forgive me if I get confused. I just got finished typing a long response to you, Suzie, and then realized I was responding to something you didn't say.*
This would be so much easier over beer.
Here's part of my problem: many of the aspects that Suzie has no problem with are exactly what a-[e] objects to. Should I let you two argue amongst yourself first?
Instead, though, for ease of discussion, I tend to lump you all together as part of the problem I face, in that I'm sure Suzie agrees with a-[e] enough that if a-[e] ever manages to make progress on his goals, Suzie would do nothing to stop him from removing "under God" from the pledge and "In God We Trust" from currency. Even if I'm wrong about Suzie, specifically, there are millions who are described by what I'm saying.
In a battle of opinion over symbols, the direction you are facing has as much to do with battle lines as the actual position you adopt.
On the other hand, that doesn't mean I think any of you are automatically and completely wrong. I don't make appeals to authority with the assumption that the authorities I listen to and agree with are the only experts.**
This is a debate. There is quite a bit of gray area.
Simply put, I don't like the direction we are going, and there are enough Constitutional Scholars and intelligent, educated laymen who agree with me that there is no compelling reason for us to concede defeat.***
Read More "Problems Trying to Discuss Weight Issues in Blog Comments" »
*So I erased it.
**This is the favorite technique of adherents to the Evolution religion.
***In fact, based on our nation's history and the actual official documents that form the basis of our government, I think we actually have a very strong position to turn the tide back toward a more religious (but religiously pluralistic and tolerant) society.
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Posted by Nathan at
09:12 AM
Comments (0)
November 24, 2004
Freedom of Religion and Separation of Church and State
Obviously, there are lots of people harboring misinformation and misapprehensions about the subject of religion and its relation to the nation.
Start by wrapping your minds around this concept:
In this regard it is often stated that while the US has a separation of Church and State, it is not a separation of government and religion.
Got it? Note the capitalizations implying proper nouns. Once you understand the full implications, you should see that deflates the majority of atheist/secular arguments in one stroke. It also explains why the government pays the salaries of military chaplains, builds chapels on military bases, has "In God We Trust" on currency, has chaplains open and close sessions of Congress with prayer, why the phrase "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegience is Constitutionally sound and appropriate, as is "God Bless America" and tax dollars going to Faith-based charities that are not engaged in proselytizing.
Then you can continue your self-education from the site where I obtained the quote: Wikipedia.
Here's their entry on Separation of Church and State, and one on Freedom of Religion. Wikipedia wisely reminds you several time that those are not the same concepts. The entries are wonderfully factual and cross-linked. The only thing that bothered me is that there did seem to be a very slight negative attitude toward conservative views...but nothing was actually distorted, so I'm cool with that.
Have fun reading, it will make conversations go much smoother.
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I have no problem with the government "paying the salaries of military chaplains," so long as they provide pay for rabbis and muslim clerics as well where such are desired, or with it "building chapels on military bases," so long as it provides synagogues and mosques if such are in demand. Certainly you do not take having "In God We Trust" on the currency as religious? If it is intended as a religious expression, it is a thoroughly misguided one, as there is no more worldly a thing as money, and perhaps no better way to break several Commandments at once than to invoke God on our cash. Opening sessions of Congress with prayer can hardly be objected to by anyone but the Congressmen and women themselves. If and when Congress is populated by muslims or atheists, they can open their sessions with what *they* see fit for themselves as well. I see the phrase "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegience as another non-religious expression. I would not, if I were you, rely on such changeable things as what is "constitutionally sound and appropriate," as that tends to vary quite a bit over time, regardless of what time you're talking about, e.g. 1880-1905 OR 1980-2005. And maybe I'm just dull, but what distinguishes a faith-based charity that does not proselytize from a secular one? What the people who run the charity carry around carefully closeted in their hearts? Nonsense. Faith-based charties are merely extensions of the church, formed to do the church's work. As such, they should not be funded with public money except that which they can collect in their plate on Sunday morning.
posted by
susie on November 25, 2004 12:58 AM
"Got it? Note the capitalizations implying proper nouns. Once you understand the full implications, you should see that deflates the majority of atheist/secular arguments in one stroke"
Really? But the very article you quote also includes a statement that various Constitutional scholars interpret the First Amendment as prohibiting favoritism in action or policy. Let's face it, the Supreme Court has been fairly clear about this interpretation as well.
A proper State position on Church and religion would be an agnostic one. By agnostic I mean the State should expressly have no interest in matters of faith or religion. In short, the State should remain mute and exist without official reference to deities. To do otherwise is provides the basis for a State Church.
The State has no business forming an opinion, endorsing or denying any deities. The State has no business endorsing or denying various religious teachings as such. Therefore, pledges including reference to gods, mentions of gods on money, forced prayer in schools, commandments on State-owned buildings and funds to Bush's proselytizing faith-based organizations are improper because they provide funds and endorsement to one or more deities, religious beliefs and religions. That endorsement implicitly provides governmental recognition and validation to specific religious doctrines at the expense other beliefs.
The State's action creates a de facto State religion (Church) of a new State demonination, no matter how watered down or seemingly inclusive of other religions, by specifically endorsing religious belief such as "under God" or "In God We Trust." Clearly, this is violation of the Establishment clause. Again, the State has no business in this realm and should refrain.
Why are the religious so terrified of an agnostic State? Such a State wouldn't require the citizens to believe anything (religious freedom) and wouldn't use their money to support religious expressions that all can't agree on. An agnostic State furthermore wouldn't mean that morals would be forced outside the halls of government or that individuals and private organizations couldn't express their faith in the 'public square.' The only conceivable reason that theists keep trying to force religion from the public domain and into the realm of government is to force the rest of us into submission. This is exactly why we need explicit and strict separation of Church and State.
posted by
a-[e] on November 25, 2004 01:49 AM
[No saracasm/humor, well, maybe humor) alert] "Religion" is nothing more than a sub-heading under which we group certain types of similar belief systems. To base government upon only one specific belief system is dangerous, because then other belief systems are derided and excluded.” Nathan
See how silly everyone has been being? All you silly Red Sox and Yankees fans. We have no problem here at all. So, since the Yankees were founded prior to the Red Sox, from now on we will play yankeeball in yankee stadiums using yankeerules. The Yankee Hall of Fame will be in Yankeetown. The yankeetickets will be purchased with yankeemoney and prior to each game we will all sing Hail To The Yankees. You, of course, being a Red Sox fan, don’t have to sing. Just pretend that you are not there. Part of your ticket costs, even if the Yankees are not playing, will be used to build a Yankee clubhouse in each stadium to cater to the needs of Yankee fans and to provide pin-striped officials to attend all league games and to minister to Yankee fans who might attend the game. Another portion will be used to provide a Yankee representative at all meetings of the League officials, who will take a few moments prior to each meeting to praise the Yankees and thank them for their contributions to yankeeball. And always remember: all teams are equal in this league. Your team is just as good as any other team and there is no official league team. May the Yankees bless us.
Uh huh. That'll work.
posted by
notherbob2 on November 25, 2004 06:15 AM
...same words, different understandings...
Never underestimate the possibility that we are just talking past each other.
That goes for all four of us.
I'm kind of carrying on three slightly different conversations with 3 different people on slightly different aspects of the situation. Forgive me if I get confused. I just got finished typing a long response to you, Suzie, and then realized I was responding to something you didn't say.
This would be so much easier over beer.
Here's part of my problem: many of the aspects that Suzie has no problem with are exactly what a-[e] objects to. Should I let you two argue amongst yourself first?
Instead, though, for ease of discussion, I tend to lump you all together as part of the problem I face, in that I'm sure Suzie agrees with a-[e] enough that if a-[e] ever manages to make progress on his goals, Suzie would do nothing to stop him from removing "under God" from the pledge and "In God We Trust" from currency. Even if I'm wrong about Suzie, specifically, there are millions who are described by what I'm saying.
In a battle of opinion over symbols, the direction you are facing has as much to do with battle lines as the actual position you adopt.
In any case, a-[e], when I link an article, it's so you can read all of the discussion, not that I agree with every single word. I said it was a good discussion, not that I endorsed every line in it. Still, I find it highly ironic that you point out, "But the very article you quote also includes a statement that various Constitutional scholars interpret the First Amendment as prohibiting favoritism in action or policy" because you seem to ignore the reverse: various other Constitutional Scholars don't interpret the First Amendment that way. And even the "prohibiting favoritism in action and policy" is subject to interpretation, since I am absolutely arguing that establishing atheism as the default is precisely favoritism in action and policy for one belief system (atheism) over others, and thus violates the freedom of religious expression.
That interpretation, which is held by many Constitutional Scholars as well as many common citizens (whose opinion should not be ignored: we are a nation with a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, remember?), does deflate the majority, though not all, of the atheist/secularist arguments.
On the other hand, that doesn't mean I think any of you are automatically and completely wrong. I don't make appeals to authority with the assumption that the authorities I listen to and agree with are the only experts.
This is a debate. There is quite a bit of gray area.
Simply put, I don't like the direction we are going, and there are enough Constitutional Scholars and intelligent, educated laymen who agree with me that there is no compelling reason for us to concede defeat.
posted by
Nathan on November 25, 2004 09:07 AM
Nathan: Good points, but you're mistaken on a crucial point in my argument. Specifically, I'm in favor of an agnostic government, not an atheistic government. An agnostic government would be one that refuses to take a position or endorse any religion or deity because it has no place making such decisions. Essentially, the government is mute and refrains from religious action and policies. Of course, that does not mean there should be restrictions on believers serving in office.
An atheistic government would explicity deny the existence of god or gods, a position that would be an endorsement of a view of religion. I'm not in favor of that. That, too, would be an establishment of Church, one of non-belief, but an establishment nonetheless.
A secular government need not be atheist, but it should be agnostic and refrain from actions and policies that create a de facto State Church. This failure to refrain is the situation the US government finds itself in now. It should be corrected.
posted by
a-[e] on November 25, 2004 10:06 AM
Fair enough.
And another point surely is:
I don't have to persuade you, really, I just have to oppose you (you being: a general "you", mainly the ACLU and judges sympathetic to their cause) and express my opinion. That's what Democracy is all about. You don't need to come to a 100% consensus, you just need a plurality.
posted by
Nathan on November 25, 2004 10:29 AM
*****You don't need to come to a 100% consensus, you just need a plurality.*****
You are correct that *you* don't have to persuade anyone, but the government, on the other hand, IS beholden to every single last individual citizen. On matters where reasonable people differ and a consensus cannot be reached, the government has a duty to remain silent. Whether the ACLU or Pat Robertson understand this or not is irrelevant to its truthfulness.
posted by
susie on November 25, 2004 03:30 PM
On matters where reasonable people differ and a consensus
cannot be reached, the government has a duty to remain silent.
Either you didn't type that right, or I'm missing a subtlety, because nothing in the history of this nation has ever gotten 100% agreement on anything. Ever.
You are obviously too intelligent to have meant that, so could explain again or go a little more in depth? I mean, surely you aren't saying that since there wasn't a consensus on Judge Moore's display of the 10 Commandments, the courts had a duty to remain silent, right?
We have courts for precisely the purpose of not only making decisions in the absence of 100% consensus but to go against majority consensus
if Congress goes against the Constitution. And we have Congress so that we can get laws passed on isses that aren't 100% supported.
So I think I misunderstood what you said.
And as far as the govt being beholden to every single last citizen, I think that also only goes so far. Not every citizen can or will be happy with the decisions of govt. Criminals, specifically, will often be downright dissatisfied at times [understatement]. Taxes are yet another example where the govt doesn't listen to the people directly.
I've always thought that taken as a whole, citizens are like adolescent kids. You can't always do whatever people want, you have to make decisions based on what is actually good for the people whether they like it or not.
So you work to get a plurality, and then you enact your agenda. And if it works, people see that and are happy, even if they weren't happy to begin with. And if it doesn't work, people reject it, even if they were happy to get it in the first place. Which explains the reason why Democrats are losing support despite promising the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars to its special interest groups.
posted by
brainfertilizer on November 25, 2004 06:11 PM
*****I mean, surely you aren't saying that since there wasn't a consensus on Judge Moore's display of the 10 Commandments, the courts had a duty to remain silent, right?*****
Actually neither Moore nor the courts should have been supporting or not supporting religious expression. No monument, no order to have it removed, no court case.
*****We have courts for precisely the purpose of not only making decisions in the absence of 100% consensus but to go against majority consensus
if Congress goes against the Constitution. And we have Congress so that we can get laws passed on isses that aren't 100% supported. So I think I misunderstood what you said.*****
Well, maybe so, but only because you didn't know that I think the government shouldn't be doing half of what it currently does. There is, I believe, a broad consensus for things like maintaining the armed services and law enforcement offices for security.
*****You can't always do whatever people want, you have to make decisions based on what is actually good for the people whether they like it or not.*****
On a local level, I sort of agree, but the further away geographically you get from the governed, the worse this kind of government becomes. That's why I think local government is superior for regulating commerce, or for setting educational standards (or whatever the people in the area want) but I will never agree that the job of govt. (at any level) is to decide what is "good for the people," where religion is concerned. And, quite frankly, I'm surprised that you do. Such an argument could just as easily be used to oppress Christianity as to support it.
posted by
susie on November 25, 2004 09:39 PM
ou may be interested in reading this blog
which deals with some of the same issues you have been talking about. I wanted to post it to you privately, but couldn't find your e-mail.
posted by
Rachel Ann on November 27, 2004 11:28 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
10:28 PM
Comments (10)
Jumping to Conclusions for Socio-Political Gain
Read the whole story. Then explain to me why, exactly, the anti-gay group is suspected.
They may turn out to be the perpetrators, and if so, should be punished. But an equally strong case could be made for the perpatrators being the Rainbow Sash coalition, or a frame-job, or even confused, idiotic vandals.
A whole lot of innuendo seems to be thrown around on no evidence at all except the assumptions of specific interviewees.
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Wasn't it religious folks who suggested that the anti-gay group was to blame? Maybe I read the article wrong.
posted by
susie on November 25, 2004 05:03 PM
Everyone but the police are "religious folks", including the members of the Rainbow Sash Alliance.
The leader of the anti-gay religious group Ushers of the Eucharist said "I don't know who did it...Nobody wants to see church property damaged in the name of an exorcism."
But the rector of the church, who had to be at least in agreement with letting avowed homosexuals take communion, said, "Regardless of why they did it, it was a very disruptive act." The context implied he was accusing a specific group.
And one paragraph specifically accused the anti-gay groups with this: "Schnell said police have no leads, but several religious people familiar with the case said it is probably the work of fringe Catholics who advocate using sacramentals, or holy objects, to cleanse places where gays take communion."
Which religious people? The rector? The leader of the Rainbow Sash Alliance? On the basis of NO factual evidence, these unnamed religious people have smeared private citizens, and the reporter was more than happy to help them do it.
1) Someone vandalized a cathedral
2) this cathedral allows homosexuals to take communion freely
3) the vandalization shares some characteristics with an exorcism
There is nothing that points to any of the assumptions made by the reporter, but I guess you don't need facts if you need to advance gay rights. You have to make sure that disapproving of Catholic priests rewriting the Bible is clearly identified as homophobia and hate, you know.
posted by
Nathan on November 25, 2004 07:06 PM
Why isn't it possible that the religious folks stand in support of neither gay rights nor vandalism, but suspect it was the anti-gay group for other reasons? Maybe they don't think gays should be able to take communion, but also think that the particular people in the anti-gay group are exactly the sort of obnoxious people who would engage in such a disruptive act, instead of pursuing their agenda by lawful means.
All I'm saying is that we don't know enough about these "religious folks" to really say one way or the other, and that I think you're being a bit paranoid, even though I think I understand why. I can see why it may appear like bias superficially, and that there is reflexive bias against religious folks, but it's not clear to me that that's what's operating in this situation.
posted by
susie on November 25, 2004 09:50 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
06:08 PM
Comments (3)
The Eradication of Faith From Public View
Lest anyone think I was exaggerating the case when I said I feared atheists/secularists were trying to sanitize society for their own sensibilities, in violation of the 1st Amendment, check this out.
Williams asserts in the lawsuit that since May he has been required to submit all of his lesson plans and supplemental handouts to Vidmar for approval, and that the principal will not permit him to use any that contain references to God or Christianity.
Among the materials she has rejected, according to Williams, are excerpts from the Declaration of Independence, George Washington's journal, John Adams' diary, Samuel Adams' "The Rights of the Colonists" and William Penn's "The Frame of Government of Pennsylvania."
"He hands out a lot of material and perhaps 5 to 10 percent refers to God and Christianity because that's what the founders wrote," said Thompson, a lawyer for the Alliance Defense Fund, which advocates for religious freedom. "The principal seems to be systematically censoring material that refers to Christianity and it is pure discrimination."
Let's just whitewash any part of history we find inconvenient, shall we? The techniques of Orwell, Marx and Lenin are still being used in United States schools.
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Is it just me, or has the ACLU been taking "uppers" or eating their Wheaties.
They seem to be sueing everyone since Bush won the election earlier this month.
posted by
Jeremy on November 24, 2004 06:12 PM
Well, I'm assuming it's because the progressive/atheist/secular agenda is being rejected by greater and greater numbers of citizens and voters. They've been able to use activist judges to impose some items, but even those (like Roe v Wade) are imperiled by Supreme Court retirements while a Republican is in the White House. And President Bush made an extremely important move by sending a clear message that democracy will be served; he threatened to throw his support behind a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage as only between opposite genders. [please note: the pro-SSM activists distort what he actually said and did, don't they?] The 11 states that amended their state constitutions indicate that President Bush might have the political capital to pull it off over the objections of a distinct but vocal they've backed off and decided that if they can't win the debate, make sure the debate is never allowed to happen.
Eradicating freedom of religious expression is an appropriate pre-emptive strike, considering their ultimate goals.
posted by
Nathan on November 24, 2004 06:49 PM
I'm just thinking about the backlash in public opinion. The ACLU is getting some bad press (even when its "good press" in the NYTimes - because I believe the Average American can read between the spinlines of the press.) (At least I hope that is true.)
So what would happen if the majority of the public rejects the ACLU (a non-government entity)?
That could be the ultimate end to this path were on.
posted by
Jeremy on November 24, 2004 07:13 PM
Personally, I just like to see the sheer ignorance behind statements such as "atheists/secularists were trying to sanitize society for their own sensibilities" - gosh, I never knew I was doing that, particularly given that I think handing out historical American documents, in the context of an American history class (assuming this was the case), is perfectly acceptable and what anyone with a functioning brain might expect.
posted by
andy on November 24, 2004 10:09 PM
Now, Andy, don't jump at generalizations. That doesn't advance the discussion at all.
But for the sake of argument, who should I name as the ones trying to suppress free expression of religious values? It's more than just the ACLU. I didn't think George Soros was behind this, too, but there is a disorganized but increasingly coherent attempt to establish an atheist default. Should I blame the van Pattons?
Naming a group is just verbal shorthand for ease of discussion, and should not ever be taken to mean "100% of all people who consider using this term to describe themselves 100% of the time".
posted by
Nathan on November 24, 2004 10:32 PM
For example, remember the flap over Judge Moore's statue/monument of the 10 Commandments? While I disapproved of his refusal to comply with a court order, the complaint was brought by a supposedly-adult lawyer who said she couldn't even bear to see the statue, it upset her so much.
That is exactly the sanitization of a public display for the sensibility of an atheist and/or secularist.
As is someone complaining to remove a nativity scene from City Hall grounds.
As is calling a Christmas tree a "holiday tree".
As is saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas".
As is removing the words "Under God" from the Pledge.
So it's not all atheists, but pretending to not comprehend an easily-understood speech generalization doesn't do anyone any good.
One last reminder: You may be convinced those attempts are all good and proper and in line with the intent of the forefathers in the 1st Amendment. Some legal scholars think so. Enough don't, however, that the standard ACLU opinion of Separation of Church and State is never a slam-dunk, the ACLU's victory against the Boy Scouts notwithstanding.
I think the tide may be turning, however, and future rulings that nativity scenes must be removed and you can't sing Christmas songs in school programs may be considered as ridiculous as some of the "Zero Tolerance" rules that get kids suspended for bring 1" plastic guns to school or for saving someone's life by sharing an asthma inhaler.
It's going to be an interesting and probably messy couple of years, I think...maybe the whole rest of the decade.
posted by
Nathan on November 24, 2004 10:45 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
06:02 PM
Comments (6)
One Year Ago Today (Close Enough)
I was one of the first bloggers to post about President Bush's surprise arrival in Iraq. I even beat the Drudge Report.
Oh, yeah: I was deployed to the Middle East in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom at the time.
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So, as I understand it, the turkey was real and it was actually the president who was plastic. Is this true?
posted by
Sharp as a Marble on November 24, 2004 06:56 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
01:13 PM
Comments (1)
The Key to Winning In Iraq
I think I used this title before.
So what? The important thing is that the Iraqis are learning to fight for their country in a positive way.
This is not only important, but vital. The main difference between the success in Afghanistan and the (so far) slow-in-coming success in Iraq is that in Afghanistan, the militias provided an instant, experienced fighting force to fight the Taliban themselves, with the US taking a supportive role.
Iraq needs that, and the Fallujah campaign demonstrated they have the capability. We just need to give them the time. That's why we're there.
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Posted by Nathan at
11:35 AM
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Sharp as a Marble encounters one I've run into before, and commences beating his head against it.
You go, Mr. "Man from La Mancha"!
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Lot of religion floating around the blogoshere today. Must be a slow news day. Anyway, what is your take on Kristof's piece in the NYT today? My blog is painfully shy of religious content, inspiring or otherwise. I would like to print your thoughts as a guest blog (yeah, just like Instapundit, envy, envy). Whattayasay? Wait, that implies an endorsement, doesn't it. OK, I will reprint it in full and without comment, how's that?
posted by
notherbob2 on November 24, 2004 09:08 AM
You are always welcome to quote and link anything I write here.
You are certainly allowed to comment, as well.
If you misquote, fisk, or otherwise get derisive, even that is within the realm of acceptability for me, but expect me to respond with vehemence and indignation! [grin]
I haven't yet read that article....I might not get to it until this evening, but I'll let you know my thoughts.
If you ever want to just wax philosophical off-blog and use the brainfertilizer addy, keep in mind that I can't access it during work hours.
Finally, I think the emphasis on religion and its role in our society is because "morals" and "values" seemed to figure so heavily in this past election. The left is trying understand what this concept of "morals" is and how they can get some without having to embrace religion, and the right is trying to defend its acceptance of religion while trying to insist that it's not really advocating a thecracy.
The battle really was joined when liberals critized President Bush for bringing up God and saying "God put me in this position as President at this time", totally misunderstanding that it was a statement of humility, not aggrandizement. The same liberals never peeped when President Clinton spoke with ordained ministers on how to handle the political ramifications of his philandering, and also never peeped when John Kerry spent a good deal of time campaigning from the pulpit on a good number of Sundays.
The battle only intensified with the "Jesusland" condescension.
So I think we are in for 4 years of battles over "Evolution vs Creationism" (when that's actually a false juxtaposition...), the religious aspects of homosexual marriage (instead of the societal aspects), the role of the 10 Commandments in our legal system and the role of Christian influence in history. It's going to be a messy 4 years, with lots of arguments and hurt feelings. I hope that I can maintain a safe harbor for both sides to meet and talk here. And you, notherbob2, can keep me honest on that if you want to take the responsibility...
posted by
nathan on November 24, 2004 10:59 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
08:42 AM
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Word O' The Day
There's a term that I've needed, badly, in daily life. Heck, I can hardly have a conversation without the concept coming up. But I've never had the word. Thank goodness there's Merriam-Webster's Word O' the Day, who this very morning provided the missing word that has been making my life a living hell:
hydromancy \HY-druh-man-see\ noun
: divination by the appearance or motion of liquids (as water)
Use it as much as you can today, I implore you.
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What, you never had a devine thought while looking at a waterfall or a rainbow?
posted by
notherbob2 on November 24, 2004 08:29 AM
No, but I saw a doctor after looking at the liquid coming from my nose, once. Does that count?
posted by
Nathan on November 24, 2004 08:34 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
07:39 AM
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I am "suffering" through a very weird spam campaign that's going on right now. Every day there are two or three spam comments left...the exact same IP address...but no links. The "name" field is always filled with something like "buy contact lenses online", but there's no URL there. I've been automatically deleting it, but recently started paying attention to the body of the comments. Whoever the spammer is, he's including some pretty cool aphorisms, perhaps as a way of attempting to camouflage his spam...?
Here's todays:
There are more fools in the world than there are people. Heinrich Heine (1797 - 1856)
I might end up not deleting these...
Rev. Misa, what do you think?
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I have occasionally saved some of these messages, as well as the ones that are (seemingly?) nonsensical dada-like messages, as well as the ones that are just random word lists - today I started copying the good parts and pasting them into one notepad file... cool stuff! I did a little googling, and discovered that there are databases of random aphorisms available... am now off to see if I can hook into one...
posted by
Drew on April 8, 2005 06:48 PM
Also, I have a copy of a very cool article called "Spam for the soul" by Roy Rivenburg, an LA Times writer (I believe), which you could probably google for, or you could email me at (at least that is my email address until May 2005)... and I would send you a copy. I just suddenly got very interested in trying to figure out what was going on, tonight... googling got me to your blog...
posted by
Drew on April 8, 2005 07:00 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
07:31 AM
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November 23, 2004
So if you want to read about the problems of illegal immigration, you check out Michelle Malkin.
If you want to hear about the perfidy of Planned Parenthood and their "6-and-up" website, Teenwire, you go check out Dawn Eden.
She's right: Planned Parenthood has an agenda, and it doesn't have your child(ren)'s best interest(s) at heart.
It is becoming more and more difficult for me to resist thinking that they want to advance an ideology that makes them feel okay for embracing a lower moral standard. They want to feel okay about cheapening sex in their own lives, so they try to cheapen it in everyone else's. They aren't trying to do good, they are trying for vindication, or maybe even revenge.
And they are doing it on your dime.
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Posted by Nathan at
03:23 PM
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You can always negotiate, sure...If you have the ability and willingness to wage war.
Read More "Negotiate?" »
*Stolen and slightly modified from its original form in a Steven Brust novel, who probably stole and slightly modified it from Sun Tzu or Clausewitz or somebody.
« Hide "Negotiate?"
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Posted by Nathan at
02:15 PM
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Another Success in the War on Terror
The U.S. military has captured what officials termed a senior Sunni commander in Iraq, near the Syrian border."
He'll be replaced, sure, but we are winning the war of attrition at least. To truly win, I maintain that the Iraqis will have to learn to stand up for themselves. They took great strides in that direction in the Fallujah campaign.
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Posted by Nathan at
11:02 AM
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...and the Suppression of Religious Expression Continues
Social Issues
Someone call the ACLU! Oh, yeah, this is the kind of suppression they like.
You almost have to admire the technique. Put a bunch of Christians in a pot of cool water, then slowly turn up the heat, eroding freedom of religious expression by constantly citing "Separation of Church of State" as a Constitutional Principle, rather than something imposed by the courts based on private letters written by Thomas Jefferson but never ratified by any level of legislature.
This distortion is truly diabolical. We have never come close to the imposition of a State religion, and as long as no one is forced to worship, there is no establishment of religion and the US Constitution is not violated. If using tax dollars somehow violates the idea of establishment of religion, then the same principle needs to be applied to all belief systems.
Religious freedom isn't actually in danger yet. Yet. If intelligent, reasonable people don't stand up and resist the atheist extremists soon, however, we may all come to regret it.
Again: why does someone have more right to public nudity than for a nativity scene?
Why can we not censure crudity and obscenity, but we somehow are required to sanitize Faith completely out of public view? Why are people who do not want to see nudity or hear profanity in prime time told they can always "turn off the TV", but adult atheists cannot bear to hear the word "God" without shrieking and recoiling?
The priorities of the so-called "enlightened" are ridiculous.
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I don't know about you, but one of the base lessons I learned in 1-12 (my unenlightened parents did not send me to K, or maybe it did not exist way back then) was about the Pilgrims. They gave up their country to come to the new world because of ...wait for it... religious persecution.
Now you don't seem to be a persecutor (unless going on about your beliefs constitutes persecution) and subjecting ones self to your ideas appears to be voluntary. However, my 1-12 history lessons taught me that people like you are entirely too tolerant of your brethren who are a bit more ...ah, shall we say they believe more in reaching out to the unconverted. In ways such as the rack, which was used to convert (quite successfully, I believe) non-believers.
Now, I haven't seen a rack used for some time. And no one knocks at my door on Sunday and offers me a ride in a squad car to church. I think that is a good thing.
I am sorry to say that, in this matter, I am as tolerant of the ACLU and their excesses as the good folk in the past were tolerant of the excesses of their Christian brethren. Maybe I didn't understand about the Pilgrims. Maybe it was supposed to be about turkeys and Indians and I screwed it up in my youth.
Nevertheless, I sleep better knowing that maybe we have gone too far. I guess we get to pick our choice of evils on this one. Be nice if we could meet in the middle, but I am scared. We are dealing with a powerful force here.
posted by
notherbob2 on November 23, 2004 06:37 PM
Consider the tolerance of the Puritans within their own society. Consider again why they left England. Hint: they weren't allowed to live according to their own beliefs.
Consider the nature of England at the time: there was a State Religion, and it was illegal to belong to another.
Consider the wars in France over the ability to express your religion as you see fit.
Now consider the United States today.
Are we anywhere close to establishing a theocracy? No. Are we anywhere close to establishing a State religion? No.
Are we anywhere close to establishing a default State belief system? Yep: secularism, or perhaps even atheism.
Go back and actually read the documents like the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, and count how many times the word "God" comes up.
The ACLU, Democrats, progressives, and atheists, are quickly putting themselves in the position of saying the US Constitution is Unconstitutional because it clearly doesn't meet the Separation of Church and State standard.
And consider that if anyone forced you to go to church or forced you to recite a creed proclaiming your allegience to any deity, that there would be millions of people with guns standing up to such tyranny.
It's a perspective difference, perhaps.
But the majority of Americans are religious. Why should we be forced to adopt an atheist default? And why are atheists so sensitive that they cannot endure expressions of religion that are specifically enumerated in the Bill of Rights?
posted by
Nathan on November 23, 2004 07:18 PM
I believe that you are missing the point. None of your complaints are about what believers do in the privacy of their homes or in their houses of worship or in their communications with each other. Take it to the next step.
Believers are totally free to publish books, have radio and TV shows (subject to decency rules) (that was a joke!) do direct mail and gather together in public squares for prayer vigils.
Your complaints center about the next step up. Where they interact with non-believers.
At the time this country was founded we did have an unofficial state religion - Christianity. As you point out, it was inculcated in all of our government documents, architecture and customs. Stemming from the time that the priest was the only one in the village who could write, all documents were laced with references to God. It was customary. Without appealing to a higher power no document was considered authoritative. Treaties, etc. of today do not contain the ceremonial references commonly found in all government documents in 1776. Citing references to God in old documents and claiming that everyone who signed them was certifying that every reference to God was absolutely correct and the basis for the positions taken in the documents is ... simplistic. Drafting documents without the traditional references to God would have raised issues that the founders did not wish to raise.
A stronger (and logically consistent) position on your part would be to argue that important government documents written today should include the same references. I can see it now on, say, an IBM treaty with Iran: "In the yeare of Our Lord...". See what I mean?
posted by
notherbob@ on November 24, 2004 07:58 AM
Sort of.
I think we are talking past each other somewhat.
There is a wide band of gray area that can be inferred from the US Constitution and court rulings, I guess.
To atheists/secularists, "Freedom of religious expression" seems to mean that the government, and any subordinate portion, may not express anything religious at all. No mention of the word "God", no religious displays, and no tax dollars going toward anything religious. And only in that manner can we have "religious freedom", i.e., a government free of religious influence whatsoever.
My point is that places way too much emphasis on one special type of belief system. We all have belief systems. Atheism is just as much a religion as Christianity in that in the imaginary block labeled "What God do you believe in?", atheists mark the box that says "Nothing". It doesn't fit in "how tall are you?" or "what race are you?" or anything else.
Every person must have a source upon which they base their values, upon which they decide what is good and what is bad, what is proper and what is improper, etc. It may be a philosophical view, or a faith in humanity, or God, or the Laws of Physics, or following their own heart, but they base what they do and what they accept as truth on something, and that something is a belief system. "Religion" is nothing more than a sub-heading under which we group certain types of similar belief systems.
To base government upon only one specific belief system is dangerous, because then other belief systems are derided and excluded. Atheists and secularists have personally decided not only that their belief system is correct for them, but that it is superior to all other belief systems. Even more, atheists/secularists have decided that theirs is the correct system upon which our government and society must be based, regardless of what anyone else thinks, and you (they?) have embarked on a campaign to impose it, based on the non-Constitutional notion of Separation of Church and State.
However, this has gone far enough that many people feel "freedom of religion" has crossed the line to "freedom from religion" (yeah, I'm going to pull out that old saying, because it's valid in this context). In a truly pluralistic government, all belief systems have validity, and all can be expressed. Naturally, the belief systems most widely held will be expressed the most, but as long as no one is forced to adopt a belief system or mouth words or declare an allegience, there is no establishment at all.
Under that view, "Under God" in the pledge of allegience is no big deal, because not one person is required to ever say any of the pledge, much less those two words.
In swearing oaths of office, "God" is always an option, but never required.
Religious chaplains for the military and Congress are paid with tax dollars, and every military base has a chapel.
Our money still says, "In God we trust", no?
If your view is correct, these things are UnConstitutional. And while the ACLU would probably love to see these things outlawed, I don't see any lawsuits for most of them. Why? Because despite the recent propaganda and push toward the sterilization of society for the sensibilities of atheists/secularists, the US Constitution hasn't been torn up yet.
So, no, important government documents should not be required to have the same references, because that would mean an imposition of a belief system. But neither should the person/people drafting such documents be restricted from it. Nor should the reading or hearing of such references/phrases be construed as "force", because one of the main aspects that makes America both strong and great is the ability to accept and endure views different from your own.
Like I accept and endure yours. [grin]
(um: even though I disagree with you on this issue, I really appreciate you coming back and responding, and wouldn't mind at all if you tear (or attempt to tear) this response apart. You have not offended or bothered me with anything you've said, and I hope the feeling is mutual...I can sometimes offend when I get to enthusiastic about my opinion! :)
posted by
Nathan on November 24, 2004 08:24 AM
It is inarguable that the founding fathers intended that the United States government remain entirely secular. They were wise men who realized that this is the single most effective way to ensure freedom of religious expression. What does this mean? It means that government should not be in the business of funding, regulating, addressing, encouraging, sponsoring, or in any other way becoming involved with any religion of any kind. Where the power of the state begins, religion has to stop. Only then will people be free to practice their religion in peace, be they Christians OR atheists.
posted by
susie on November 24, 2004 10:02 PM
Wait a second. You may be convinced, Susie, but that hardly makes it inarguable. Strong assertions to not constitute strong proof.
I can name hundreds of examples that indicate you are absolutely wrong, starting with the 1st Amendment that only says "Congress shall pass no law respecting the establishment..."
I can continue with "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights..."
Please show me any official document that demonstrates our forefathers wanted anything more strict than No Official State Religion like the Church of England.
In fact, you have it turned around exactly wrong: the founders of the nation were trying to protect religion from control/influence/stifling by the government, not the other way around.
That isn't to say there aren't some good reasons for keeping religious views out of government. But you weaken your case immensely by ascribing your own opinions to the founding fathers on little or no evidence.
posted by
Nathan on November 24, 2004 10:19 PM
*****In fact, you have it turned around exactly wrong: the founders of the nation were trying to protect religion from control/influence/stifling by the government, not the other way around.*****
How do you imagine that a government which is involved with religion is going to avoid stifling it?
My position is that the two should be viewed as intrinsically incompatible if everyone is to remain free to practice as they see fit. Religion is a matter of conscience. Each person has to come to their own conclusions, and plot their own spiritual path. This is an intensely personal process. As such, while it may have a place in public life, it should never be meddled with, one way or the other, by government.
posted by
susie on November 25, 2004 12:28 AM
Serial posting to add:
And that is exactly what the founding fathers thought. They were religious men, but they weren't so stupid as to imagine that government and religion should mix.
Perhaps I don't know exactly what you're complaining of. Have you been prevented from practicing your faith in a manner that the founding fathers would have found objectionable? I very much doubt it. They went or did not go to church, read or did not read their Bibles, said or did not say their prayers, and engaged their spirit as they saw fit. That is the meat of religious freedom, and is available to every American, as it has been since the founding of our country. What more could you possibly need, and why should it come from the government?
posted by
susie on November 25, 2004 01:09 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
09:28 AM
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I posted this piece on Control vs Opportunity connotations of Choice just yesterday.
In an interesting bit of unscripted synergy, Jeff G. posted this piece based on Michael Crane's email about the US Economic Freedom Index 2004 yesterday as well. I received the same email and was going to post on it this morning, but Jeff G. says it so well, I have nothing to add.
Humorous excerpt that you have to read the whole linked article to be able to understand in context:
Whereas their post-election message, though similar in sentiment, has taken on an increased rhetorical urgency: “Why didn’t you filthy cornpickers listen? Was it because of Jesus? Christ, what a bunch of simple monkeys you people are.”
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Posted by Nathan at
09:16 AM
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I really didn't say anything about the cameraman in this orignal post about the shooting controversy in Fallujah. My ire was reserved more for people who were already convicting the Marine on the basis of a video.
And I'm not going to add to that. But I am going to encourage you to read this post by the cameraman, Kevin Sites. The tone seems heartfelt and the feelings/motivations described seem genuine and valid. I admit I was thinking that he might have some anti-US Forces agenda, even if subconscious, but I'm convinced now that there was no such bias. I still think the camera can misrepresent reality even if not intentional, but I'm no longer suspicious of the camerman himself.
Hat tip to Q and O Blog.
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Posted by Nathan at
09:10 AM
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This is getting to be a habit.
I was thinking about writing this review before the game, for humorous and/or tragic effect. I should have done so.
See, Kansas City just isn't getting it done, and it's pretty much always for the same reason:
The offense.
The defense isn't Top-10 (although they were for a while), and no one expected them to be so. However, I still blame the offense because it has the personnel and the ability to score 35 points every game against any defense. It hasn't even come close to that in most of the losses.
This is an offense that dominated three different quality teams three different ways. Ravens: Time of Possession. Atlanta: We ran at will, they couldn't run at all. Indianapolis: We won a shoot-out by being more flexible, dynamic, and explosive.
So how can we score only only 20 points against New Orleans? Only 17 points against Carolina? 21 points against Houston? Only 19 points against New England? How could we not get a first down against Jacksonville?
One of the keys to understanding football is how much the game changes from when you are behind to when you are pretty much tied to when you are behind to when you are behind by a lot. Kansas City won 9 games in a row last year because they jumped to early leads and held them through the middle of the 3rd quarter. When you hold a 2 touchdown lead (or more) halfway through the 3rd quarter, the other team really can't waste time running the ball, making short passes, or dump offs. They have to go down the field, and that increases the opportunity for sacks and interceptions.
Kansas City can't seem to get the big lead they need to force the other team to change strategies. When KC does, the Chiefs win, like against the Colts, the Falcons, and the Ravens. But KC lost the other 7 games because the offense didn't dominate like it should, and so all of our opponents retained their entire gameplan and maintained their balance. And KC's defense wasn't quite good enough to win those games.
How many games has Trent Green thrown an interception in the end zone? I remember three. All losses. All three were momentum-turning, effort-killing picks. It would be much better to be 6-4 than 3-7, yanno?
If an offensive line can beat up the Atlanta Falcons D-line so well, why can't they protect Trent against the Bucs D-line at all? Why can't they open holes in the Red Zone for Blaylock that I could run through?
If Trent Green can get such gaudy yardage, why can't he score TDs like last year?
I started looking forward to next year last week. It looks like I wasn't wrong.
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Posted by Nathan at
08:31 AM
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November 22, 2004
"You Keep Using That Word. I Do Not Think it Means What You Think It Means."
Politics As Usual
I was thinking about the word "Choice" this morning.
I was exercising at the gym, and a friend/co-worker was complaining about the Air Force physical fitness test. He said he pretty much liked it, but hated the 'waist measurement' portion, because he was never going to get back down to a 32-inch waist. I murmured something polite and vague to imply agreement, but even though I'll probably never see a 32-inch waist on my body again, either, I recognize that is the result of my choices. From there, I thought of all the arguments I've had about weight. Look, I'm no svelte, sleek athletic type with thin hips and rippling muscles, but at least I recognize that the shape I'm in is the result of choices I've made. Just as everyone is. Sure, there might be a somewhat smaller than 1% portion of the population with actual glandular problems, but the rest of us choose our weight.
We choose it through a complex process of deciding what we put in our mouth, when we eat, what settings we choose in which to eat, what kind of exercise we do, how much physical pain we are willing to endure to lose weight. It may be easier for some, harder for others, but everyone is potentially capable of losing weight.
In the same way, we choose our circumstances. We might not "choose" to be friendless and alone in old age or at a certain crisis point, but we surely chose it by not taking the time to be nice and friendly when needing a friend wasn't so vital, by being impatient with someone who we didn't need, by failing to cultivate bonds of loyalty with people.
I've tried to explain why I am 99% that even sexuality is a choice in most (if not all) of the cases, and I don't really want to get into that again. It has never gone over well, as you may expect.
And I think the problem comes back to the word "choice" again.
I'm now convinced that the word means entirely different things to liberals and conservatives.
Should we blame Abortion Activists who were looking for a nice euphemism so they would have to say "kill babies"?
Because all the arguments I've had on these issues come back to one point: to liberals, "choice" implies control. To them, if you have "a choice", you can control the circumstances. To tell a liberal their circumstance is the result of their "choice", they feel offended, because one can't simply wake up and "choose" to not be gay, or "choose" to not be female, or pregnant, or fat, or rich, and by the process of "choosing" make it happen.
Well, of course not.
To me, "choice" implies opportunity only, not control. You cannot actually control whether or not sexual intercourse results in conception. You can try to limit the chance, but failure is always a possibility. Thus, by having sex, you choose the possible circumstances by allowing an opportunity for you or your partner to get pregnant.
You can't simply "choose" to get rich, no, but you can choose to avoid debt, to save for things that you need, and spend money only on the things you really need, and eliminate wasteful desires like eating out or seeing movies, and investigating to find good careers and inexpensive places to get the education you need and choosing a good partner to help you be successful and applying to the right company and developing your abilities to make yourself an attractive applicant...
See, "choice" implies that you are an active participant in your life, that you are capable of learning from the mistakes and choices of others, and capable of acting to bring about the circumstances you want. That doesn't mean it won't be hard. The one choice that none of us ever have is to make something easy. In fact, the easy way always has lots of competition...if it were truly easy, everyone would be doing it.
And this dichotomy of connotation between the two political ideologies is very revealing, I think.
Liberals do tend to think of everything in terms of "control." They will force people to pay taxes to make the poor have a better life, eliminate racism, enact affirmative action (itself racism) to make up for past inequities, etc, etc, and it will all be imposed from the top down with plenty of safety nets and extra spending and programs to control the whole situation and make sure that no one ever slips through cracks (although they still do).
Conservatives, on the other hand, do tend to think of everything in terms of "opportunity." We will dismantle barriers and limits and let people vote with their feet and dollars whenever possible.
It's an interesting theory, one I will be testing out and probably referring back to often.
One rabbit-hole I'd like to chase down right away, however, is that idea that if each choice we make has consequences (and they do), then there are some that are clearly harmful and others that are clearly helpful. One of the problems with liberal ideology these days in regards to "values" and "morals" leading to losses in the most recent election is that, just like McQ of Q and O blog, I think the majority of Americans are seeing that the choices that liberals encourage tend to be harmful to both the nation and individuals. I don't think we've seen the end of this realization. If I'm correct, even less people will self-identify as or vote Democrat in the 2006 election, and Republicans will win in a landslide in 2008 no matter who the candidates are.
If all this is true, it explains why liberals have stepped up attacks on Christianity over the last few years. Right along with the idea of "choice" meaning "control", liberals want the government to reduce the visibility of Christian faith as a choice to compete with the values of Sexual Freedom (with abortion as a safety net) and Financial Irresponsibility (with welfare as a safety net) they promote.
What I find most inexplicable is the number of Christians that have no problem with it, and often support it.
See, Christianity is not of this world. "Render unto Caeser what is Caesar's, and render unto God what is God's." By quoting this, what I mean is that arguments over whether Jesus would Democrat or Republican or if he'd drive an SUV are ridiculous. "Politics" as a whole are exactly what you turn to when Christianity doesn't apply. Christianity is what I use as my guide for my own actions, "politics" is what I get involved with as a way of promulgating and establishing my views and values as the ground rules for the way people interact on this earth. Get that? If I comport myself within the values of Christianity, it doesn't matter what political system I work under, and the rewards will not be seen in this lifetime. If my values are established in our political system, no one will be forced to be religious or even Christian, because my political opinions are formed, not by my religion, but according to my understanding of human nuture. Which, of course, is influenced by what the Bible and my faith tell me about human nature, but that's already at least one degree removed.
Thus, if we are to maintain a proper separation between Church and State, it is absolutely boneheaded to bring that about by government fiat preventing and imposing rules and guidelines. Government control is about as effective and precise as using a sledgehammer to do brain surgery. Rather, if you are a Christian who believes in separation of Church and State, you should work within your church to make sure that it doesn't get involved in politics. Shame in religious circles is much more likely to bring about the proper detachment than governmental control.
Choices, you know?
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Posted by Nathan at
11:03 AM
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Accidental Verbosity links with:
Today's Top Nine
Curmudgeonry links with:
Brain Shavings links with:
Meandering thru the Marsupials
Gunman kills 5, wounds 3.
Police said Vang opened fire with an assault rifle.
No. Not if Fox News is correct. It was an SKS communist bloc rifle. This is a Post-WWII-era semi-automatic rifle. It is no more an "assault" rifle than our Garand's from WWII, and a good sight less powerful. It is chambered for the 7.62x39 mm cartridge developed by the Russians in light of their recognition that conscript troops don't need rifles that can fire 6 times as far as their skills will be able to use effectively. Reduced recoil helps make training easier and cheaper, as well.
The round was developed to also be used in a true assault, the AK-47, because the reduced recoil helps with controllability somewhat.
But despite using the same cartridge, the rifles are not the same at all.
The scrollling news text bar on Fox News Channel said it was a "high-powered rifle".
No. The 7.62x39 is an deliberately underpowered round, for the reasons of recoil and range mentioned above. The same scrolling news text bar said that most of the victims were shot from between 50 and 100 yards away. That fits, because the 7.62x39 isn't very accurate, and the limit of its effective range is somewhere around 100 yards.
This will be used as an argument for gun control.
In other news, in the time since the shooting, approximately 125 people died in car accidents. Gun control activists won't even care.
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Posted by Nathan at
09:53 AM
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The thing that bothers me most about this underhanded and sneaky attempt to violate reasonable privacy standards is that it will be blamed on Republicans as somehow revealing the 'true nature' of the GOP...despite the fact that it seems as if it was Rebublicans who found it and stopped it, Republicans who are issuing the strongest denouncements, Republicans who are vowing punishment for the people involved, and Republicans who are speaking out about how the system that allowed this sort of crap to happen is broken and needs to be fixed.
Heck, this sort of "The Government has more rights than you do" crap is far more typical of Democrats in the first place. But even The Ace of Spades seems willing to tar all Republicans with the brush of blame.
...the language had actually been drafted by the Internal Revenue Service and that "nobody's privacy was ever jeopardized." [...]
John D. Scofield, the spokesman for the House Appropriations Committee, said that the purpose of the provision was to allow investigators for the top lawmakers responsible for financing the I.R.S. to have access to that agency's offices around the country and tax records so they could examine how the money was being spent. There was never any desire to look at anyone's tax returns, he said.
Mr. Scofield said the only purpose of the provision was to allow investigators to have access to revenue service offices. He said the authority would be similar to that allowed senior members and staff assistants of the House Ways and Means Committee and Senate Finance Committee, the panels with primary jurisdiction over the activities of the revenue service.
I'm not sure how plausible that explanation is. We'll see how the investigation sorts out. If they are truthful and accurate in their explanation (a problematic question with politicians, to be sure), then it sounds like they were trying to correct a problem in a clumsy fashion using wording that "allowed" more than it "required". That should be easy to determine.
This makes one interesting point more clear: I guess one of the differences between Democrat and Republican voters is that Democrat voters tend to trust their elected officials without suspicion and assume Republican officials are the spawn of Satan; whereas Republican voters seem to assume that the whole bunch is a pit of vipers that needs to be watched closely, except some of the snakes are trainable enough to be useful at times.
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Democrats found it, and the language was drafted by and for Republicans. It is true that prominent Republicans have expressed outrage, but the people responsible for the language (Republicans) have dismissed even their colleagues by characterizing the entire thing as "a tempest in a teacup."
posted by
susie on November 24, 2004 10:11 PM
You'll forgive me if I don't accept your version of the events as bearing anything more than a passing resemblance to the actual facts.
posted by
Nathan on November 24, 2004 10:35 PM
From CNN:
"Istook's deputy chief of staff, Micah Leydorf, told CNN Sunday that neither she nor Istook had actually seen the provision and that it was added to the spending bill at the full committee level by House Appropriations Committee Chairman Bill Young and House Financial Services Committee Chairman Bill Thomas, a California Republican."
While it may be true that Istook had nothing to do with this snafu, his representatives pin responsibility for it on other Republicans. If the only info I could find on the situation was some liberal or Democrat blaming Republicans, I wouldn't have bothered to post, for lack of information, but when a Republican is blaming Republicans? I don't know . . .
posted by
susie on November 26, 2004 12:29 AM
Serial posting to say:
Who cares anyway? Apparently the problem is fixed.
Gosh, I really need to stop serial posting.
posted by
susie on November 26, 2004 12:31 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
05:34 AM
Comments (4)
November 21, 2004
So I'm moving to the People's Republic of Hawaii in about 4 months, and I'm really not sure what I should do about my guns.
I've just about got a complete arsenal (14 rifles and one pistol), and while I can own weapons in Hawaii, I'm going to have to register each one of them. I don't know where I can go shooting, nor under what circumstances it is permissible to transport them in my car. If I live on base, I might have to leave them at the base armory, and I've heard horror stories about them being surreptitiously used while supposedly under lock and key.
And I have to assume getting ammunition may well be nigh unto impossible.
Suggestions? Ideas? Purchase offers? [grin]
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Posted by Nathan at
08:51 AM
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Has anyone else taken note that Day By Day returns on 1 December?
I know I could have used some of his light-heartedness during the election season, but it's not like I was paying him to cartoon, so I have no grounds upon which to complain. In any case, welcome back, Chris! We've missed you!
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appreciate it,Nathan!
see you Dec.1!
posted by
Chris Muir on November 21, 2004 05:26 PM
Yeah, I could have used some more humor earlier this month. (Damon and Jan are just so much better to laugh at than the real life antics we're seeing on both sides of the aisle.)
*can't wait*
posted by
Jeremy on November 22, 2004 11:50 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
08:43 AM
Comments (2)
November 20, 2004
I did another 2,200 words today in one session. Things are going well. I really think I can finish it this time. Not in one month, though. I think perhaps NANOWRIMO may really be for someone who already knows how to write a novel, not someone who is still trying to actually plot and complete his first one.
But it still provides a good spur for trying to complete one. I can tell you, I wouldn't have 4,669 words done right now if it hadn't been for a belated realization that it was, in fact, NaNoWriMo. And perhaps even more importantly, NaNoWriMo provides motivation to just get it done. With the way this one is going so far, I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps I wasn't aiming too high before, and getting bogged down when my novel wasn't turning out to be "the next best-seller" level. NaNoWriMo lets me give permission to myself to not be perfect, as long as I get it done.l
The next most encouraging thing is, I'm starting to pick up speed. The more I write, the more I can write, and that's pretty much the point. There's an outside chance I may still get 50k words done, if I write twice a day like I did today. By the end of December is more do-able, but most likely would be by the end of February, perhaps, with some of the blind alleys and problems I often seem to create for myself. We'll see how it goes.
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Posted by Nathan at
07:40 PM
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Well, of course Iraq was about oil in the end. Because oil is the most easily accessed and used source of energy, and everything is about energy.
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Posted by Nathan at
08:25 AM
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Here's yet another reason why.
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Man, I miss the day of Sir Charles Barkley, and his tame antics on the basketball court.
posted by
Jeremy on November 20, 2004 09:39 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
08:19 AM
Comments (1)
November 19, 2004
In my opinion, the problem with Oliver Stone's Alexander is that he justifies highlighting Alexander's homosexuality by saying, ""We go into his bisexuality. It may offend some people, but sexuality in those days was a different thing."
Well, sure. Sort of.
The problem is, based on some of the early reviews that have come out (pun sort of intended) so far, Mr. Stone is not depicting Alexander's sexuality the way it was back then. He's putting a stereotypical modern-day homosexual male in what seems to be a fairly blunt attempt to leave a positive impression of the purity of homosexual love. One reviewer even complained that Alexander was made to look like something out of "Queer Eye for the Macedonian Guy". From the stills I saw, that description was pretty accurate.
From what I understand of history, homosexuality or bisexuality in those days was most like NAMBLA's stated goal (the use of a young boy for a few years for purely sexual gratification) or like the stereotype of prison sex (the strong uses the weak for purely sexual gratification, but it is only the 'receiver' who is considered gay).
I haven't seen the movie, and won't. But in my opinion, Oliver Stone has made an essentially dishonest movie, attempting to misrepresent that nature of historical fact as a pretext to advance an agenda for which he has sympathy.
Which is his right. But don't hold your breath waiting for me to support it.
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I've read a lot of Greek history lately and I think things are a little different than you had stated. Macedonian norms may have been different, so keep that caveat in mind. From what I've read, there were standard practices for this: an older man would take a young boy as his lover, as the boy got older though the relationship was supposed to end. The older man would choose his next boy, etc. The boy that grew up would get married and homosexual relations were supposed to end... until he was old enough to take a young boy as a lover, etc. For all I know, the whole thing was part of education to an extent. In some states, when a man got married his bride had her hair cut extremely short--probably to help ease him into a heterosexual relationship.
There seems to have been heavy social pressure to do things by whatever norms were accepted (which were quite different in the various Greek states). Extremes were frowned upon. However, Alexander's relationship with his older friend (which may or may not have continued beyond what was acceptable) was clearly outside those norms. So maybe Stone is not totally dishonest...the facts just aren't clear enough to base a story one way or the other.
I've oversimplified things, and from what I've read it seems Macedonian relationships may have been quite different. So an apology is due to those that have studied these things much more and can summarize them better.
One of my favorite quotes from Alexander, though, is along the lines of "Sex and sleep alone make me conscious that I am mortal." Which has nothing to do the discussion, but I love it anyway. OK, enough rambling...
posted by
Chrees on November 22, 2004 11:14 AM
Point taken.
And I have no problem conceding that your knowledge in this matter is clearly greater than my own. I've never studied Macedonian history/society to the degree that you obviously have. My opinion was formed more on a general understanding of what homosexuality meant back then, if that's not clear. In that, you describe it pretty much how I understood it, but your explanation clears up some aspects that leaves a different impression.
posted by
Nathan on November 22, 2004 11:57 AM
My pleasure. And I didn't mean to pick nits.
VD Hanson's books finally pushed me over the edge to actually read the source material from way back when. And it is incredibly fascinating stuff.
posted by
Chrees on November 22, 2004 12:49 PM
I didn't see it as picking nits, but rather an extension of the original issue.
posted by
Nathan on November 23, 2004 07:33 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
01:02 PM
Comments (4)
The LLama Butchers links with:
Queer Eye for the Macedonian Guy?
Did you know that Volkswagon used to make pickups?
I didn't.
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Posted by Nathan at
12:24 PM
Comments (1)
I never hear anyone mention Meryl Yourish any more. I saw a comment she left on a very old thread, and actually wondered, "Is she still blogging?" ...followed the link and, sure enough, there was an entry from yesterday at the top of the page.
Now, I don't do Instapundit, so maybe I'm missing lots of links to her. But other people in my circle of normal blogging rounds who used to link her at least occasionally haven't linked her in ages.*
So what gives? Am I moving in the wrong circles? I, um, moving in the right circles? Enquiring minds want to know.
Read More "Perspective Question" »
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It's one of those many blogosphere transition periods, I think. People are coming and going, reordering, taking breaks, etc.
posted by
Patrick on November 19, 2004 11:41 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
06:12 AM
Comments (1)
November 18, 2004
Caption Contest Winner
I really didn't keep following up on the contest...I was kind of checking out an aspect of human nature as well as the more obvious motive of trying to get you to entertain me.
In any case, Jeremy Spoke In Class Today, and it was dang funny. He did kind of win by default, since no one else even tried...but he did submit four, and all were good enough to get a chuckle out of me, on a topic that I didn't really think anyone could manage to find humor in. So he earned every penny of the $10 gift certificate. ya'll should pay attention, you never know when I might offer another $10. You'd stoop to pick up a quarter on the street, so why not keep a close eye for offers for $10 on the blog? It beats working.
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ACK! I've been punned!
(And googlebombed, if you think about it.)
I'd like to thank the Acadamy, and endless hours of "Who's line is it anyway?"...
posted by
Jeremy on November 18, 2004 07:26 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
07:20 PM
Comments (1)
So who is the only person to have a part in all the Pixar Animation Studio full-length feature films and have an on-screen role in one of the original Star Wars trilogy movies?
No prizes, I'm just trying to see if anyone didn't already know this...
Warning: the answer is in the comments. One person was absolutely sure and correct, the other not sure but guessed correctly. So at this point, take a look and tell me if you were correct or not.
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John Ratzenberger?
Seriously, I don't know who and I'm a major Pixar fan.
posted by
Sharp as a Marble on November 18, 2004 06:26 PM
That would be John Ratzenberger (a.k.a. "Cliff")
I think he was in all the Pixar films, from Toy Story to The Incredibles, and had a one line role in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. (As the good guys are getting ready to get-out-of-dodge from the Ice Planet Hoth. He tells them to get their gear, and get to their ships.)
He definately was no Wedge Antilles.
You can't beat Wedge
posted by
Jeremy on November 18, 2004 06:49 PM
Jeremy, that was an awesome essay. I've always liked Wedge myself.
He is also the subject of the #1 Suggestive Line from Star Wars, you know:
Pull out, Wedge. You're not doing any good back there.
posted by
Nathan on November 18, 2004 07:00 PM
From Star-Wars-dot-com
In Decipher's Star Wars Customizable Card Game, Major Bren Derlin's card comes with an odd biographical tidbit: "At the Mos Eisley Cantina, everyone knows his name." If you're scratching your head over this odd link between the sweltering desert world of Tatooine and the icy planet Hoth, don't bother looking through your Star Wars novels and comics. It's a joke -- an allusion by Decipher to the fact that John Ratzenberger, a bit player in The Empire Strikes Back, would go on to star for more than a decade in Cheers, one of the most popular TV sitcoms in American history, set in a bar where, as the song goes, everyone knows your name.
posted by
Jeremy on November 18, 2004 07:01 PM
Thanks Nathan,
I liked crafting that essay. (I got into many a geeky argument with "Star Wars Fans" (most of whom were born AFTER Star Wars (BASW) and had only seen these wonderful films on videotape) in college. So I used a lot of that material in the article.)
Then add the perspective which Kevin Smith's "Clerks" provides (The Rebel Alliance being a "Left-Wing Terrorist Faction") and you got some great satire.
(but that does not discount my assertion that Wedge is the best.character.ever.)
You Can't Beat Wedge.
... even if he's not doing "any good back there" and Luke tells him to pull out of the Death Star Trench, so he can have it all to himself.
posted by
Jeremy on November 18, 2004 07:23 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
06:16 PM
Comments (5)
Last year I had some freaky melt-down. Those who were reading me at the time (you won't find it in my archives, it was among those lost in the mists of time before I became part of the family) may remember me getting all cryptic and mysterious about some strange denoument.
Basically, it was the realization that despite living in the same world with the same common vocabulary and most of the same end-goals, men and women's mutual understanding of each other's views of something as primal and basic as "sexual intercourse" remain so woefully incomplete as to be near-total incomprehension. And if it were impossible to get any real understanding on something so primal and basic and universal as that, then there was no hope of really understanding complex issues like parenting and life-goals and how to deal with in-laws. And from there I realized that the conceptual differences between even obvious words like "Hello" and "Hi" and "Greetings" are such that every single person on the planet has a slightly different understanding of each of those simple, obvious words, so how can we hope to have any meaningful conversations on complex topics that include discussions of "good" and "progress" and "unfortunate" and "irony", and so forth. Going further, I added to the mix the idea that written communication lacks tone of voice, body language, facial expression, and so forth, so that written communication often is only 40% as effective as a face-to-face conversation, or worse.
So I felt, what's the point of trying to explain anything? What's the point of trying to talk at all?
Well, the feeling faded, enough that I'm still trying to communicate, still trying to explain, still trying to discuss. But the realization stays with me, somewhat. Enough that I don't get as upset by misunderstandings in blog-talks, enough that I keep the inherent ambiguity in mind at all times.
Well, I've had another such denouement today. Of a different sort, not one that will make me go cryptic and stop blogging.
It was just on the idea of love. The shorthand version is that we humans talk about 'love' as if it were an object that can be measured, or a destination that can be reached, or something existing as a separate entity within ourselves. I now think that love is a flavor, and a natural response, and a color, and an impetus for deliberate action, and a mixture of all sorts of elements.
My wife and I are splitting up. We file for divorce tomorrow. It's really complicated, and I don't really wish to explain much. But I was grieving yesterday over the loss of our love due to a certain occurrence 3-4 years ago...a friend pointed out that it probably wasn't that occurrence, necessarily, but that the occurrence merely highlighted the mis-match of hearts. And I realized that I can't say I still love her, but I also can't say I don't love her anymore. The love I felt will always be with me, but the circumstances of our marriage are such that the feeling can no longer be expressed properly and adequately, or relied upon as a source of togtherness, closeness, understanding, and renewal. Shadows of love imply the existence of love, however. If loved isn't acted on, is it still love? What use is feeling without action?
If you love someone and that person dies, do you still love them? What happens to the love? Is what you feel only an echo? Or a slowly-fading after-image? What if the person is still alive but merely departed? What if the person merely grows or changes to the point they are no longer the person you loved? If it is true love, shouldn't it be totally accepting? Can "true" love be so accepting that it accepts a returned contempt or disregard? Should it?
I'm beginning to think that "deciding" to love or marry or leave or stay probably indicate a betrayal of self in some manner, in that if you truly have love with someone, being together will simply be the most natural thing in the world. If there is no "true" love, then separating will simply be the most natural thing in the world. But what if it's somewhere in the middle? You probably can have a "successful", satisfying marriage without actually having what I've just described as a "true" love. In fact, most marriages probably are based on a "less than perfect/true" love. But that makes me think too many people commit to or marry someone we probably shouldn't; it might be better to wait for the right person...even if it might mean never entering a loving relationship for an entire life.
But then, maybe "finding the right person" and experiencing "true" love depends more on your own maturity than on matching with a person. If both of you are sufficiently mature, maybe you can experience that feeling of total peace and security that comes with an idealized love.
If all of this is on anything close to the right track, then this says some very profound things about God and his Love for us. God is Love, remember? And: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
God's Love is far more mature than any human can understand in the span of one lifetime, and on the basis of His love for us, the sacrifice of His life to save us was the most natural thing in the world, a sacrifice perhaps utterly beyond the comprehension of humans as immature and selfish as we are.
...I need to think more on this. Maybe I'm just full of crap.*
Read More "Conceptual Meltdowns" »
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Sorry to hear about the divorce, Nathan. Hope that, no matter what, it works out best for all involved in the long-term.
Anyway, I was with you until the bit about God. ;) Seriously, though, some of what you said touches on something I am working on at the moment, which may or may not see the light of day - depends on if I can bring it around to be something meaningful. So, I enjoyed the read.
Uh, except for the God business. :)
posted by
andy on November 18, 2004 01:58 PM
Well, to tell the truth, those two paragraphs were an afterthought. The point was Love As A Near-Indefinable Hodge-Podge, not Love In Relation To God; but as I was writing, I thought introducing it provided some more depth to the topic.
Flat-out, though: my belief is certainly mine and mine alone. I share my thoughts on God and Faith because it influences everything I am, in the same way my love of late-80s Heavy Metal influences my enjoyment and understanding of all the music I listen to today, nearly 20 years later. But you don't have to like late-80s Heavy Metal to have a conversation with me about modern pop music or 3-century-old classical music, you don't even need to have listened to any of it. Just like my belief in God in relation to the other topics.
Good-natured pot-shots (like the one you left in comments just now) for the fun of it are still acceptable and expected. Pot-shots that go beyond good-natured are still okay, and will be met with good-natured responses after I calm down. [grin]
posted by
Nathan on November 18, 2004 02:22 PM
Awwww, Nathan...{{{Hugs}}} I am sure this isn't easy and I will pray for you. (To that same God, Andy ;)
posted by
Rae on November 18, 2004 02:22 PM
When time, emotion and opportunity permit -- give me a call. My advice probably leaves much to be desired, but I can usually listen well...
posted by
Dalin on November 18, 2004 02:46 PM
Dude, sorry to hear about the divorce. My best friend went through that hell a few years ago. Best wishes.
posted by
bob (cowboy blob) on November 18, 2004 07:40 PM
Thanks for condolences...but that wasn't the point of the piece. I only included it as part of the whole thought process.
It's...not what I would have expected. It's complicated, and better and worse, and more painful and less painful and painful for totally different reasons that I would have expected.
But that's life. The tough part really was gettting to this point over the last 2 years, but actually being at this point is much less turbulent and distressing. It's after the storm has passed that you find out what damage has already been done, yanno?
posted by
Nathan on November 18, 2004 07:46 PM
"It's after the storm has passed that you find out what damage has already been done"
Been there and want to express my best wishes as well. And interesting takes on several themes. Of course, there is a whole world out there arguing whether or not there really is such an item as an "idealized love." But I can most identify with the "somewhere in the middle" comment.
Again, best wishes.
posted by
Chrees on November 19, 2004 10:44 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
01:35 PM
Comments (7)
Sherrif Langston Demonstrates a Keen Awareness of the Inherent Instability in the Locus between Geographic and Temporal Positions
Meme Stolen from Jeff G.
Today, my jurisdiction ends here. Pick up my hat.
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Posted by Nathan at
10:31 AM
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You Know, I'd Really
Like To Post Something Today
...but my brain just isn't playing along.
So you get this lame post instead.
Ummmm, "The United States are neither 'United', nor actually 'States'". Discuss.
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Posted by Nathan at
09:17 AM
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November 17, 2004
James Taranto of Opinion Journal's Best of the Web has several tongue-in-cheek themes he vamps on often. One that seems sorta-serious, or serious in a facetious way, is his reminders of what he calls the Roe Effect.
In the 17 November edition of Best of the Web, he touches on it again. Let's tune in and see:
It's Catching On
The idea was born in this column in Jan. 2003, though we didn't name it the Roe effect until later. In the wake of President Bush's re-election, it's catching on. Creative Loafing Atlanta, an "alternative" weekly newspaper, features an interview with Ed Larson, a University of Georgia historian, who argues that religious people have an evolutionary advantage:
Who are the people having kids today? Immigrants, yes. That's one group. But among white, middle-class Americans, religious people are having children at a much higher rate. More and more and more children percentage-wise than non-religious people. There's a survival value in religious beliefs. They have a sense of purpose. They feel their mission in life is to multiply and be fruitful. The whole Darwinian concept--evolution--is on the side of evangelical Christians. They're growing by any measure.
National Public Radio's Eric Weiner has a report that makes the same point, relying largely on the work of Phillip Longman, author of "The Empty Cradle." Says Weiner: "Longman offers no specific advice for liberals about how to close the fertility gap, but if they don't know how to go about that, well, their problems probably extend well beyond the world of politics."
While I'm mostly convinced Mr. Taranto on to something, I do think he's putting the cart before the horse, at least with his citing of Mr. Weinar. See, having children has a profound impact on adults. First, you can no longer think of only yourself and your adult needs, you must start looking at the world as it will impact a toddler, a child, a pre-teen, an adolescent, and how you can minimize the negative influences, and how you can counter-act negative peer pressures. Then you start to think about what you want to teach your children about the world and the way it works. It's suddenly not enough that you have moral stances, you have to be able to justify and explain them to a child who really needs to know if they are going to internalize and accept. You begin to realize how powerful leadership-by-example is. The first time you hear your child use a curse word because you haven't been careful is humiliating and vexing.
The result of all this is that many people who went to church only casually when single or even married suddenly find weekly churchgoing a significant priority. I was struggling over how to teach my kids all about Christian concepts until my parents sent me our old family devotion book "More Little Visits With God". You'd be surprised how relevant 40-year-old Bible studies can be. Or maybe you wouldn't.
In any case, I guess what I'm saying is that it may not be that being religious and opposing abortion results in having more children, but rather it is entirely possible that having more children emphasizes to you the miracle of life so that you can no longer support abortion, and having children often leads one to rediscover or at least re-emphasize one's religious faith.
You heard it here first.*
Read More "The Roe Effect" »
*Okay, you probably didn't. But it makes a nice, emphatic closing statement. I'm all about emphatic closing statements.**
**Okay, I'm not, really. But I am today.
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Posted by Nathan at
03:46 PM
Comments (1)
So Sears is merging with K-Mart.
You know what this means, right?
We can now finally have the slogan become reality: "Shop Smart, shop S-Mart!"
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Lady, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the store.
(I love this idea!)
posted by
Jeremy on November 17, 2004 12:37 PM
"Lost In Time."
"Surrounded By Evil."
(Here's to one of the all-time great deliberately silly horror flicks and its underappreciated star, Bruce Campbell.)
posted by
Francis W. Porretto on November 18, 2004 01:55 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
12:34 PM
Comments (2)
Not Too Far Off
The ACLU has filed suit to block the appointment of Miss Rice on the grounds that having an openly-Christian person heading that department would violate the separation of church and state.
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It is Doctor Rice, not Miss Rice.
posted by
Walter E. Wallis on November 18, 2004 09:56 AM
Yes, but it's in a quote from a deliberately satirical news article. Using "Miss" instead of the normal honorific is probably part of the satirical intent.
posted by
Nathan on November 18, 2004 10:10 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
09:22 AM
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Shooting Controversy in Fallujah
A thoughtful and interesting discussion on the shooting by Dale Franks at Q and O Blog.
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Posted by Nathan at
08:32 AM
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One of the biggest problems I have with liberals, atheists, the ACLU and other lefty types is that they get this condescending attitude toward Christian belief systems and values, and ignore that the basis of their own views comes from an equally faith-based belief system and morality. If you promote the idea (as Planned Parenthood implicitly does) that "sex in all its expressions is good and shouldn't be repressed", that is imposing a morality as surely as saying "sex outside of marriage is bad and should be discouraged". Especially because with STDs, pregnancy, AIDS, emotional difficulties, rape, teenage prostitution, etc, there is far MORE evidence that the Christian view is more correct than the humanistic one.
If you believe there is no God and set about ensuring that is the only view that can be officially expressed, it is just as bad as saying that the only religious expression allowed is that Jesus is Lord of All!
But because they refuse to recognize atheism as a belief system, they believe that by denying they have a religion that it leaves them free to impose their belief system on the majority of Americans who believe in God. And the atheistic media helps them.
The part that atheists and secular humanists conveniently ignore is that whatever you put your faith into is your God. For some, it is money. For others, it is science. For still others, it is self, or sexual fulfillment, or education, or rejection of tradition.
Right now, the major God seems to be sexual fulfillment. It’s almost as if liberals want to replace Confirmation/Baptism with Losing Your Virginity, Attending Services with Having Sex, and you receive sanctification, not by Communion, but by having an Abortion.
Unless the pendulum swings back, I fear for my children and my grandchildren. I wonder if parents felt this way as Rome began its decline into debauchery?
Recently in the news was this legal decision, in which the ACLU argued (successfully) that since the Boy Scouts include "belief in 'God'" as one of its core values, meeting on government property violates "Separation of Church and State".
Well, in the Boy Scouts FAQ, the 'God' is most certainly not Christ. (thanks to Captain's Quarters for that link)
In a discussion with a friend who has worked with Boy Scouts quite a bit, the impression was that the Boy Scouts were a Christian group. Having been a Cub Scout, I never got that impression at all. Maybe every group has a different tone? But since many of the kids who went to Sunday School also were Scouts, and since many of the same adults who taught Sunday School were also the type to volunteer to lead a Troop, how possible is it that a prevalence of discussion of Jesus and Christian values was simply due to the majority of the people being Believers?
Yeah, it might not be good for someone in a minority to feel uncomfortable or left out. But compare that situation to this story of another example of belief systems being imposed on impressionable youth.
There were a few scattered murmurs of agreement from the other adults as he spoke about how he just couldn't live in a country that was run by George W. Bush. He expected things would get "worse and worse" in the next few months until he'd be forced to leave. I noticed a few of the children turned around in their seats listening to this guy. They weren't saying anything, just taking it all in. I can only guess what a group of elementary-school kids, many of whom had moved here from other countries for a better life, were thinking when they heard that it might be time to pick up and leave again soon.
I have come to expect political chatter at events like this, and I have also come to expect that I will be the only Republican in the room.
Is there really any difference? If you follow the link and read the whole thing, you'll see an example of an even more forceful attempt to influence moral attitudes.
Liberals and atheists have some sort of paranoia about religion...maybe they too deeply internalized Marx's derisive opinion that it is the "opiate of the masses" or something. I won't deny that some horrible things have been done in the name of religion...but more horrible things have been done in the name of atheism, and politics, and greed. Most religions appeal to the better side of humanity, and don't allow for "conditional morality" as easily as atheism and progressive/liberal ideology does.
And one thing the rabid atheists and progressives forget is that multiple viewpoints and competing opinions tend to smooth things out. If they ever succeed in making Christianity a discredited belief as they seem to want to, the remaining "true believers" are more likely to be quite militant, extreme, and violent in the defense of their religion.
So understand it clearly: a belief system is a belief system is a belief system. It isn't right to impose yours on society at large, regardless of whether it is religion, politics, sexuality, morality, or even taste. I'm a little sick of religion being considered somehow worse than the others.
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Actually, I think most people consider it a little better than those others because it offers hope for the future. But then, what do I know.
posted by
notherbob2 on November 17, 2004 12:26 PM
Enough to have a valid opinion, at least.
posted by
Nathan on November 17, 2004 12:44 PM
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The Bottom of The Barrel Nears
What am I talking about?
It's apparently an Israeli phrase, but you need to read this article to learn what the context is...
This is important:
Yet apart from the military success, the big news of the Fallujah campaign is that most Iraqis quietly supported it. The protests from nationalist politicians was far more muted than in April, perhaps because they have seen from the car bombings and beheadings what the Zarqawis also intend for them.
And this is the key to victory:
We are also encouraged to see that Iraqi forces seem to have performed marginally better in Fallujah than they had in the past. Continued operations should help train, integrate and harden the Iraqis, particularly their officers. Their willingness to fight will increase the more they witness our determination to win.
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Posted by Nathan at
07:35 AM
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I hadn't heard much about the President's New Freedom Initiative. You can bet I'll be doing some research today and reporting back to you on it.
In any case, this is an excellent example of effective compassion.
According to the article, the federal government didn't do anything to bring this about. No contracts were awarded, no money was disbursed from the government...just a person, a few non-profit corporations, and a few businesses contributed their own skills and money and effort and caring in order to improve opportunities for disabled Americans to "fully participate in all aspects of community life, including employment."
I think that's awesome. This is how government can make a huge impact: by providing national recognition to those who help people more effectively and more efficiently than the government can, and without having to tax the crap out of us while doing it.
The federal government tends to use forceful techniques to help. Individuals, non-profits, and businesses can be more flexible, can generate economic activity to support themselves while still helping, waste far less money, and everyone involved is doing so willingly (for the most part).
This is how America should work.
Why is this not below the fold but on the front page of newspapers across the country? Why do I have to hear about this only because of the honorees is a player for the Chiefs? Is "bashing Bush" such an important function that no room can be spared to highlight this?
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Posted by Nathan at
06:09 AM
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November 16, 2004
Okay, I'm late coming to the party on the story of the Marine shooting the terrorist in Fallujah. And from my wording, you can probably guess my opinion.
It's axiomatic that pictures have massive impact, far more than mere descriptions. And a series of pictures tells an even more compelling story. Part of the strength of impact is that, absent any sort of alteration (which is more difficult to discount in this age of digital photography), people assume that the camera cannot lie. Seeing is believing, right?
But the camera lies by omission as much as anything else. Anyone who saw F9/11 saw a very facile motion-picture length falsehood. Slickly produced, context and sequence were manipulated with a artist's touch to present ambiguity in a light that was intended to damn President Bush as much as possible.
People are talking about what was shown on the tape. Some people are pointing out the context was such that the Marine may well have been acting within the Rules of Engagement (in that other terrorists have played dead until they could grab a weapon and resume fighting). I'd like to see more of a discussion about how cameras are the weapons of choice in propaganda wars.
The camera has a field of view much smaller than the human eye. It leaves out far more than it includes. The liberal pundits and talking heads who insist that of course they support the troops are exactly the ones now quick to convict this Marine on the strength of an edited film clip alone. This is wrong, dishonest, hypocritical...and par for the course.
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First: I saw the clip shown on The Lehrer Report. Isn't it a shame that we need to know such information before we can evaluate someone's comment. I believe that I saw and heard a Marine shoot (and presumably kill) a person in Falujah, Iraq, a combat zone. The person was prone and appeared to be dead. Some other person stated that the prone person was breathing. The same person or someone else said that he was pretending to be dead. The Marine then shot him and stated: "He's dead now." I presume that he was then dead, if not before. Did I hear the bravado in the Marine's voice? Yes.
I was surprised that the discussion on Lehrer that followed was about the death, that it included three people brought in especially to discuss the piece and that someone had apparently raised an issue about the clip.
Now I know what is up.
Many have wondered what will happen in the "next" war when GI's in the foxhole have cell phones. Well, now we know. WHATEVER happened here, did anyone think that such things don't happen in war? There are those who think that a Marine should die before violating the civil rights of anyone, much less kill them. Those who think that should be left to the mercies of a terrorist bent on torture. People who have had to face war will instinctively side with the Marine. There are too many dead Marines already who tried to be too careful with dead bodies or wounded terrorists faking death. I'll say it: I side with him even if he thought the wounded Iraqui probably wasn't dangerous. Probably isn't good enough. This is war. Did the dead man know he was in a war zone? Yes. Did he have an opportunity to get out? Yes.
End of story.
posted by
notherbob2 on November 16, 2004 10:01 PM
notherbob:"Did the dead man know he was in a war zone? Yes. Did he have an opportunity to get out? Yes."
did he have the opportunity to get out of the war zone that is his country? was he to immigrate to canada?
or do you mean did he have the opportunity to get out of Fallujah? If you followed the way the evacuation of Fallujah occured you would know the US forces refused exit of all men of his age and forced them back to the city the last few weeks.
There are plenty of military men (I am one) who don't fault the marine per se in this case but who see the Falujah siege as essentially an attrocity.
You toss the term "terrorist." we don't know any such thing, we don't know the man was even one of the legal combatants that comprise the bulk of the Iraqi isnurgency! Our position is there were 2,000 to 3,000 insurgents in Fallujah last month. We allowed the evacuation of everyone but "military age men" who were all turned back. Population is 300,000. 70% had fled in past three months. Pentagon estimates before the attack were that 1,500 to 2,000 insurgents remained. this would mean you have somewhere between 50,000 to 5,000 NON INSYRGENT military age men! in any most military age men left in Fallujah are not insurgents by our own reconing. These men may have been terrorists, may have been legal combatants, or may have had never been either as far as we know and may have fled the fighting to the mosque.
"People who have had to face war will instinctively side with the Marine"
We may "instinctively side with the Marine, but we do not all side with the idiots who thought to make Iraq a lesson in transformation.
If you lived in Iraq my friend and hated Saddam, there is a very good chance that at this point you would hate American troops and take up arms. At this point we have killed someone in almost every family.
posted by
wes on November 17, 2004 06:39 AM
You assume an awful lot about the state of mind of the terrorist.
Yes, terrorist. Somewhere between 60% and 80% of the terrorists fighting us in Fallujah are from outside Iraq. Terrorists from all over the Middle East are coming to Iraq for the chance to kill Americans.
Most of the civilians had fled the city long before the operation started because the terrorists had made their lives miserable, imposing Taliban-like restrictions on people, terrorizing them, raping women, stealing, beating men if they shaved their beard.
You've heard the saying: lie down with dogs, get up with fleas. Or "Birds of a feather flock together." The Chinese have something similar: "You get black if you stay around ink all the time..."
This group of terrorists had been firing on US Marines. Weapons were around the room. This one was feigning being pick up a weapon after the Marines moved on to attack them from the rear? Maybe. Probably. They are investigating it, though.
Are any of the terrorists investigating the murder of Mrs Hassan, a British ex-patriot? Or the Polish women who was in Iraq to help people? Or Nick Berg? If they did investigate, would any of the terrorists be charged with a crime?
Take another look at the saying about lying down with dogs, then consider the inhumanity of those you are so vociferously defending. You need a flea collar.
posted by
Nathan on November 17, 2004 07:30 AM
No, my friend, it is YOU who toss the terms “atrocity” and “idiots”.
Your statement about someone in almost every family being killed is not true. I don’t believe we have killed someone in almost every family who has traditionally resided in Falujah, much less Iraq.
It is good that you are commenting outside the liberal cocoon and I, for one, welcome such comments. One hint: outside the cocoon, ridiculous claims that are not supported by facts will be challenged. This is especially true if they attack our (you don’t mind being included in “our”, do you?) government or its policies. Attack away, but please try to stick to the facts.
One more tip: Iraq is not Vietnam. Outside the cocoon, people do not relate the two so you must state your assumptions or your points will not be understood.
I would be pleased to gain more understanding of the point of view of those who think we are on the wrong track in Iraq. Even though it is in the past, I hope we did learn something from Vietnam.
I know all the bad guys who wanted to apparently escaped Falujah. I don't know about the practice regarding military age men you cite. Would you be insulted if I said I doubt that it's true? Sorry.
posted by
notherbob2 on November 17, 2004 08:52 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
03:24 PM
Comments (4)
Speed of Thought... links with:
Oh really
But coordinate it first, because I don't want to get 243 of 'em.
Thanks to Craig for letting me know this was out, even if indirectly.
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Let me know if you get any extras. :)
posted by
Craig on November 16, 2004 06:07 PM
Shoot. I'll consider myself lucky beyond bounds if I get one.
posted by
Nathan on November 17, 2004 09:13 AM
Did you get the CD and figurines yet, like you were planning to?
posted by
Jeremy on November 18, 2004 03:35 PM
Not yet. I'm going to wait a few more months before I buy anything else for myself for a while. I've spent enough on rifles and strategy games over the last 2 years....
posted by
Nathan on November 18, 2004 05:33 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
02:13 PM
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One of my sources forwarded this story to me.
Real discipline and genuine love (rather than enabling and excuses and selfish coddling) would have gone a long way toward making sure the first entry on that list never happened, much less the rest.
People need to be allowed to take responsibility for the actions. Allowing people to get away with crap just makes them think they can get away with more. I'm a little tired of it.
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Posted by Nathan at
12:57 PM
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I mean, aside from the links he's already given me in the past, I sense he's really reaching out to me in the last line of this conclusionary addendum to a post about "Sir Robin"-ish artistes.
"Truth to Idiots" Update: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Everyone's misinterpreting who the "idiots" are supposed to be in that line. I don't mean you. I mean the idiots who aren't reading this site, i.e., liberals.
Do you really think I'd call you idiots? Come on. I'm far too brave and provocative a blogger to say anything that could possibly alienate a single reader. I spend my time bravely challenging the people who don't read me at all.
Although, let's be honest, you are all retards. But you know that already.
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Posted by Nathan at
10:52 AM
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Iraq, Post-Fallujah: What's Next. (UPDATED)
Mosul, apparently.
A good move. The security in this city has been on an extremely slow but unmistakeable decline since April or so. Since that time, it has been a significant base for Zarqawi's al Qaeda operations as he's attempted to open a new battlefront there.
So the good news is they shouldn't be as dug-in as in Fallujah, but we should be able to engage a fairly significant concentration of fighters. Eliminating another 500-1,000 isn't inconceivable incomprehensible.
UPDATE: More info.
Still more, as more mainstream US media channels pick up the story.
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Posted by Nathan at
10:00 AM
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So while standing in line for an hour, I spent a good amount of time talking with a veteran named Steven. Establishing a friendship, he invited me to sit with his family for dinner.
I really enjoyed talking with them (Steven, his wife, and daughter). They invited me to their church this weekend, and I'm thinking seriously about going.
But his daughter paid me an extremely nice complement at the end of the evening. From some of her other comments, I gathered that she works in child development, and has a great deal of knowledge on this issue. And as I was leaving, she told me that she thought I was extremely good with the children, that she had been trying not to stare at us the whole evening (an interesting way of phrasing it, but I took it to mean she didn't want to make it obvious that she was actively observing the way I treated the kids).
I hadn't noticed her attention, actually, and had not altered my behavior/parenting with the kids at all. It helps that they are good kids who want to do the right thing. It also helps that they love learning, so I can entertain them by explaining how something works, like neon lights or napkin dispensers and stuff. And I've learned that the best way to handle kids is to fully engage them. If you put them off, they just clamor for more attention, so you excuse yourself, give them all your attention, and they are satisfied for 10-15 minutes. I also mediated a few squabbles, patiently explaining again and again to Brady that it isn't good to worry about standing in front, that it is a bad sort of competition, and I guess she was even watching those interactions.
In any case, it was a nice bit of sorely-needed affirmation.
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That's a great thing to hear. It helps so much to get compliments like that now and then.
posted by
Jordana on November 16, 2004 03:33 PM
Awwww, Nathan-good for you. It is always nice to hear that someone else thinks you are a good parent. Especially someone who isn't thought "obligated" to show the love ;)
posted by
Rae on November 16, 2004 04:57 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
09:35 AM
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I took the kids to Golden Corral last night for their military appreciation night (meaning: free meal for me, and daughter is free, so 3 of us ate for the reduced price of $4.99! Woot!). I guess we should have gone either significantly earlier or later, because the line stretched around the block.
As I walked around the line, I got a few laughs when I quipped, "I know this is military appreciation night, but I didn't realize I'd have to do a long-distance road march to get the free meal!"
...yeah, I got nothing worthwhile to post yet.
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Jeremy R. Gilby's Rule Number 2: Always accept free food.
posted by
Jeremy on November 16, 2004 09:27 AM
Shoot, that's nearly my Prime Directive.
posted by
Nathan on November 16, 2004 09:37 AM
Mmmm, Golden Corral rolls....(mouth is watering, now drooling....)
Shoot, Jeremy. If you lived one state north, we'd feed ya!
posted by
Rae on November 16, 2004 04:58 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
08:46 AM
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This season is a wash. They need to start preparing for next season now.
Nah, I'm not saying they should blow games to get a higher draft pick or anything.
But what should the priority be? What would the point be of winning 6 or 7 games this season? There's little to no chance of making the playoffs this year, and even if they did, they wouldn't go very far.
We need to start picking players for next year, I think.
We've got a lot of youth around the team with scads of potential. Let 'em show it.
For instance, how much time have we spent on Julian Battle? He's got the tools, but lacks the experience necessary, and so lacks consistency. Let him start the rest of the season. If he's still playing poorly by the end of the season, we can release him knowing he's not NFL-caliber. But maybe he'll figure it out during that time and the experience will be vital for him being a starter or starter-quality nickel back for next year.
Let Fujita, Biesel and Mitchell play LB for the rest of the year, with Fox coming in as the 4th LB. That may be what happens, anyway. But after 8 games, we'll either see a quality LB unit emerge, or know that this is an area of major concern.
Sims, Siavii, Jared Allen, and Montique Sharpe should get the majority of snaps on the D-Line. Sims should never come out, if possible. We've got too much money in him for him to be merely adequate. We can find "adequate" for bargain-basement prices. We can get 3 "adequate" DTs and still save money over his contract. This is a prime Free Agency position. Better to pick up 10 borderline free agents/potentially-washed up vets and let 'em fight it out. Lionel Dalton was a nice find...if we'd had 3 of him, we might have had a scary D-line.
Kennison is done. He can get open, but he can't protect the ball or get open consistently. #6 WR.
Morton should be a Ricky Proehl-style #5 WR from now on. Rotate Chris Horn, Jeris McIntyre, Samie Parker and Richard Smith until you find your #s 1-2, keeping in mind you have Mark Boerigter coming back with a vengeance next year (since medical advances mean season-ending knee injuries are no longer career-killers these days). If we get the young guys experience, this should be a position of strength next year.
Let's find out if Larry Johnson is a prime-time player. He should play the 2nd half for the rest of the season.
Jordon Black and Brett Williams should be playing tackle in the 4th quarter for the rest of the year. Dump Damon Huard and get Casey Clauson or other developmental QB for #3, and either play Todd Collins or the #3 in the 4th quarter so the 2nd-year tackles don't get Trent Green killed.
Sit Jerome Woods down. He's not getting it done this year, and should be an 'insurance' guy only. We let several good ST players go to make room for youngsters with potential, so let 'em play. Shaunard Harts has looked good at times, let him play the 1st half, and let Willie Pile play the 2nd half from now on. Leave Greg Wesley in, he's playing pro-bowl level with at least 1 significant lapse each game. If he doesn't correct it by the end of the season, Harts and Pile could probably start next year, and Wesley's upside would make him top-notch trade bait.
You stick with the plan no matter how close it is in the 4th quarter (and Green + Holmes/Blaylock might keep it close sometimes) so you can see how the young guys take pressure. Moreover, regardless of performance level, if someone commits too many penalties, they will be gone next year. Penalties have lost more games for KC this year than turnovers or defensive lapses, I think.
We'd probably win only 2 games the rest of the season. The upside would be:
-high draft pick position
-find out which youngsters have the ability/discipline/drive to succeed and excel
-soft schedule next year to help get home-field advantage
Then you bring in boatloads of low-priced veteran and rookie free agents to provide quality depth.
I think we'd have 3 Superbowl appearances and at least 1 SB win over the next 5 years if we'd do this. I doubt it will happen, somehow...
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Posted by Nathan at
08:25 AM
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November 15, 2004
Like you care. You mock my pain.
...okay, okay. Here's what I think it is:
Shoot, I can't think of any one thing.
I think the coaches are good. I think the players are good. Every single player has played quite well at times. And lousy at other times.
And penalties. We already have pretty much the same as we had all last year, and the season is only half-done. So with the inconsistency problem and the penalty problem, is it just plain the coaches' fault?
Youth? We have alot of youth in our linebacking corps, with Fujita having less than 3 years starting experience, Mitchell less than 2, and Biesel less than 1.
We've been plagued with injuries. But good teams overcome those.
I'm baffled. I think the football gods just hate Kansas City, just like the baseball gods hate the Chicago Cubs and the basketball gods, well, hate the NBA.
Yeah, you can quote that last line.
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I see you have the same opinion of the NBA as I do.
Why couldn't they lock out the NBA and bring the NHL players back?
posted by
Randy on November 15, 2004 05:57 PM
I was hoping someone would get a kick out of that line. :)
What if they used hockey players to play basketball? They'd probably have better fundamentals that today's NBA ball-hogs.
posted by
Nathan on November 15, 2004 08:12 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
04:29 PM
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Wow! It isn't that bad on my home computer. Okay, I'll be changing the format now, sorry for the inconvenience!
UPDATE: That's better. That was an easier fix than I anticipated. Again, I apologize if anyone was materially damaged by my mistake.
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My only problem is that in my RSS Reader, when I don't have the images turned on, the placeholders slide over the text and I can't read the last word or so on each line.
posted by
Sharp as a Marble on November 15, 2004 10:10 AM
Hey Nathan! I love the pictures!
posted by
Rae on November 15, 2004 07:16 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
09:41 AM
Comments (2)
For a few days there, it seemed like we might have a Runaway Jury.* It's a great book (although Hollywood's self-serving and cynical choice to change the anti-smoking message to an anti-gun message is deplorable) and a great read, but it also very nearly constitutes a primer of how to manipulate a jury to get a desired conviction.
Ms. Malkin implores us to not forget that Laci wasn't the only victim. She goes on to mention that Planned Parenthood and other pro-choice groups opposed the Federal Unborn Victims of Violence legislation.
If you put those two ideas together, it begins to seem possible that something sinister was going on.
Let's say the spate of juror dismissals was, in fact, an attempt to alter the constitution of the jury to get an acquittal or guarantee a conviction. When you suspect something like that, you have to consider who would stand to benefit, and who has the means to bring it about.
First, let's dispose of any idea that Laci's family would try to pack a jury to get a conviction. If Laci's family believes Scott did it, I'm sure they believe it is obvious enough to not have to cheat to do it. Even if they wanted to "increase the chance for justice to be served"**, how could they afford to do so, or be willing to risk getting caught and having him set free on a technicality?
Scott Peterson obviously did not want to be convicted of murder, regardless of his actual guilt or innocence, so he would benefit...but he obviously lacked significant resources to pack the jury. It would take several hundred grand, at least, I'd think. His parents appear comfortable, but hardly rich enough to swing that sort of cash without setting off all sorts of alarms. I wouldn't think anyone in Scott's family would have the expertise to pull it off, either.
What about Pro-Life groups? Would they want to get a conviction with Connor being named a victim to score points for the pro-life agenda? I don't think so. Again, the risks of getting caught are fairly large for so small a payoff. The networks aren't really playing up the "baby-victim" part, they are only talking about the murder of Laci. There's no real upside for Pro-Life groups to risk everything to get maybe a 10% greater chance of getting what seemed from the beginning to be a near-slam dunk conviction.
Ah, but the euphemistically-named pro-choice groups, that's a different story! The spokesperson for the California chapter of NARAL famously went on record that trying Scott for the murder of Connor would "set a bad precedent". Liberals everywhere were put in the awkward and obviously hypocritical position of saying that a designated spokesperson for a group wasn't actually speaking for that group. NARAL, NOW, Planned Parenthood, and other directly or indirectly pro-choice groups certainly have a great deal of experience in litigation, and have scads of cash to blow in support of any trial that might affect abortion rights. A high-profile case in which the defendent looked to be heading for a conviction for murdering an unborn child would set a bad legal precedent that does erode abortion rights on some level, to some degree. Although probably an imperceptible difference, this does open the door to other rulings that could alter the fundamental attitudes and rights that are now taken for granted. Things like this do change minds. With all this at stake, it might just be worth the risk to try to ensure an acquittal.
Likely? No. Inconceivable? Not at all. Live by the sword, die by the sword, yanno?***
I don't seriously think the above is the case. I think it may be the burgeoning novelist inside me jumping on an intriguing plotline possibility.
Read More "Musings on Scott Peterson's Trial (UPDATED)" »
*One of the few books I literally could not stop reading, btw.
**which is an oxymoron, in my view.
***Abortion rights were established by sidestepping democracy through the imposition of the court. It would be ironic if they were overturned the same way.
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Posted by Nathan at
09:37 AM
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I hate to say it, but good.
I actually hoped he would resign more than Ashcroft, although I think both departures will help avoid some problems this administration encountered in the past due to the Democrat's Politics of Personality.
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Posted by Nathan at
08:22 AM
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November 14, 2004
It could be worse, I guess. I could be a Chiefs' fan...
--no, wait. I am. Okay, I guess life really sucks.
I can't say I anticipated this outcome, but I'm not surprised, either. The Chiefs haven't shown the ability to consistently win games.
The problem is the offense. Period.
The defense isn't the best in the league, no, but they do well enough to win games. Kansas City was up 10-0 at the end of the 1st quarter. Where did the offense go? The Saints defense is not known for its ferocity or tenacity, ranking even lower than KC's defense, I believe. So why couldn't KC's offense match the Saints score-for-score for the rest of the game and win by at least 10?
How can a team with a running back with over 100 yards in one half only have 13 points? How can a team less than 5 yards shy of 500 yards for the game have just 20 points? How can a team with an offense that stayed on the field for 2/3 the game against the Baltimore Ravens' defense not keep the Saints' offense off the field? How can a team that manhandled the Falcons' defensive line not do the same to every opponent?
Where is the offense?
Don't tell me it was cuz Priest Holmes was on the bench, because I didn't notice him having games like this in any wins this year. Blaylock was on fire.
Which brings up another point? Are we witnessing the passing of a torch? Blaylock is generally considered by team officials to be the best RB for picking up blitzes and so forth, and now he shows he can run with authority. Do you sit Priest Holmes down? What if Blaylock really does give KC a better chance to win?
...but I'm just messing with you, because Holmes can score inside the 5 when no one else can, and the Saints were like #31 against the rush coming in, I think I heard, so I could probably have broken 100 yards today....although maybe on 50 carries.
But I will close with a reminder that even before this game I was looking forward to next year. That's all we got left at this point. I think we might be lucky to hit 8-8.
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November 13, 2004
NaNoWriMo Novel Catch-up Update
Well, I didn't write any more on Thursday, and I didn't write at all on Friday...
But then today I sat down and did 1800 words in about 2 hours while I sat at the bookstore with my kids.
I figured out exactly why she felt she couldn't or shouldn't put the gun down. It is, in fact, turning out to be a modern take on Mike Hammer or something. At least it is turning out to be twisty detective novel with a fairly cynical main character. I considered making it a science fiction novel, but rejected that idea.
In any case, it got twisty pretty quick and is going pretty good. When I ended last, I had no idea what was going to happen in the next paragraph. Now I've got it extended out to about the next few pages...but still don't know what's going to happen in the next chapter.
It's kind of interesting to write this way. It's more like some of the best adventures I ran back in my roleplaying days, when the only things I knew were the characters, the setting, and the fact that I wanted the "good guys" to win in the end. What seemed to work in those days was just throwing more and more obstacles in their paths, letting them succeed with one obstacle only to encounter a bigger one next, sometimes arising from the success on the previous one.
I guess what I find most interesting is that this is the way books unfold as you're reading, but I always thought that you were supposed to have a novel pretty much plotted before you start. And yet, one of my favorite authors apparently has a sign over his writing desk that says something like, "I'm going to tell you something cool today," and that's how I seem to developing this novel. I think I can still work in subplots and character development.
And if it doesn't turn out, well, I've abandoned better novels than this from not knowing what to do or where to go. At least with this one I haven't invested months of planning and musing.
Anyway, I'm trying to figure out if I want to share it with you as I write it. I'm thinking I don't want to for two reasons. First, I hope to sell it one day, and while having about 200 people have an advance shot at it wouldn't hurt sales at all, there may be legal problems with having an earlier version of it "published" on my blog. Second, and less selfishly, I've already gone back and added a sentence or two and changed some stuff in the opening paragraphs, and I will probably continue to tweak it over time, so reprinting only what I've most recently written won't include the changes/improvements on earlier parts, or else will quickly become so long as to be unwieldy to keep putting on the blog.
So unless someone comes up with a very compelling argument and a decent plan to make keeping you up to date easy and simple for everyone involved, you'll just have to live with the earlier tidbit until I get the dang thing published.
I do promise that if I end up leaving it for dead, I'll email what I have done to any who requests it...maybe a suggestion or two could help me resurrect it? Or perhaps someone would want to finish it and we could try to publish it as a collaboration? But I'll burn that bridge when I come to it, and with luck it won't even become an issue because I'll finish it and then skip happily off into the beautiful sunset to cash my royalty checks. Heh.
Oh, and while I'm doing this for NaNoWriMo, I'm not expecting to finish it by the end of the month at all. I'm too far behind and just can't put out that kind of volume each day. But if I get momentum going, finishing it before the new year would still make me inordinately pleased.
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Posted by Nathan at
07:52 PM
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The LLama Butchers links with:
Diebold moment--vote early and often!
...but if they pull it off, it will be worth every penny.
Look, intelligence is the single most important aspect of war. A sewing needle, applied at the proper time in the proper location, is more effective than a 20 Megaton nuclear device in guaranteeing that our nation's best interests are met. How do you know the proper time and proper location? Intelligence.
Intelligence has gotten a bad name at times for various reasons. Sometimes for being wrong, when the errors mean lost lives. They forget or aren't even aware of all the times correct intelligence saved far more lives. Sometimes intelligence gets a bad name because, in trying to protect our sources to ensure we continue to get necessary information, the intelligence organizations hold the information too closely. And sometimes the bad reputation comes because we have the right information and are ready to share it...but it takes too long to disseminate it to the proper people.
This should help solve the second and third problems nicely. If we have a completely secure system that runs totally separate from any other net, we don't have to be quite as cautious about dissemination. And if it is a robust network that allows anyone with the need to know to access the information they need to know, anyplace, any time, and when they need it, then the intelligence itself is far more useful.
This could be a very good thing, indeed. Here's hoping!
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Posted by Nathan at
05:01 PM
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Vamping on the theme of the previous post:
You've all heard stories about a person who is dying...maybe he has an obstruction, or maybe she drowned and isn't breathing, or something else. A bystander comes up and starts an inexperienced or partially-understood attempt at CPR. A few mistakes are made, maybe some cracked ribs or other minor damage...but the person is alive to complain about it. So they immediately find a trial lawyer and sue the pants off the person who saved their life. Because, you know, when something bad happens, it must be someone else's fault, and if you can set yourself up for life, why not?
Looking at the Democrat reaction to President Bush being re-elected reminds me of that scenario exactly. Liberals tend to live in cities*, and so it was a liberal enclave that bore the brunt of 9/11. Remember that at that time, no one took the idea of an attack seriously. But while Kerry strongly promised a strong reaction to strongly demonstrate his strength if we were ever attacked, it was President Bush who acknowledged that we have already been attacked, and even though the Islamic Terrorists wanted nothing more than to hit us again, the fact that they haven't been able to is directly attributable to President Bush's decisions and actions. Just like liberals in New York bore the brunt of the 9/11 attacks, liberals in all our major population centers received the disproportionate benefit of President Bush's excellent leadership. Despite their dogged and stubborn refusal to recognize or thank him for it.
Luckily, 60 million people, a majority of the voters, decided not to award the liberal whiners with a windfall for compaining. Thank goodness our future safety was not left in the hands of liberal judges who care more about keeping power in Democrat/liberal hands than in keeping people safe and winning the war on terror. Thank goodness a majority of voters did not elect the man who would outsource or safety to France and the UN.
Read More "Ungrateful Democrat Voters" »
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Posted by Nathan at
08:57 AM
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That 56 million people didn't want four more years of tax cuts and dead terrorists.
That 56 million people in this country prefer nice hair, vague references to undescribed plans, and liberal elitism to integrity, straightforward honesty*, and proven determination to keep US civilians safe.**
So if you don't get it, you don't get it. As I said before the election, liberals obviously don't realize just how good they have it under President Bush.*** The entire nation is better off under President Bush than any Democrat politician I can imagine.
New Slogan for President Bush: "He may not be who you want, but he is who we need."
Read More "The Most Surprising Thing About the Election****" »
*be honest: President Bush clearly articulated every single move he made before the fact. **And the terrorists still weren't able to stop his plans from reaching fruition.
***In fact, liberals kinda have the best of both worlds: they are kept safe and alive so they can nitpick and complain about minor or perceived mistakes.
****Inspired by this post by McQ.
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Posted by Nathan at
08:41 AM
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November 12, 2004
...I have the day off. I'll try not to gloat too much.
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It's note fair. I'm working so hard right now I barely have time to read your blog and comment.
posted by
Sharp as a Marble on November 12, 2004 11:15 AM
...and here I am responding to your comment, which will probably serve only to waste more of your time reading and responding to it.
Sometimes it hardly seems worthwhile to have a job at all, eh?
posted by
Nathan on November 12, 2004 01:18 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
11:03 AM
Comments (2)
November 11, 2004
No one bothered to remind me that NaNoWriMo was upon us.
I did think about it last week, but have been too busy/stressed to get around to it, and don't really feel up to fixing last year's novel or starting over from scratch with it.
But what the heck, nothing is ever lost from making the effort, so I'm starting off again, but this time with no earthly clue what the heck I'm going to write about. I just started writing and did 700 or so words in about 30 minutes. I figure I need to 2,500 words each day to catch up, so I'm going to shoot for 3k today. Only 2300 more to go! I have no idea what's going to happen, because I'm going to read this as I write it, just to see what crap comes out.
So, anyway, here's the crap so far:
It’s never pleasant waking up to the sensation of cold metal pressed against your skin. It’s even less pleasant when the scent of cordite and lubricant makes you realize a gun is being pressed firmly into your temple. Once I opened my eyes, however, what bothered me most was that from that angle, I couldn’t tell what kind of pistol it was.
I could see him, though. Or rather, her. She seemed a little young to have such a grim look on her face. On the other hand, she was grinding a firearm into my head. In our present anti-gun society, that takes a little bit of personal courage, or experience with firearms.
“You awake?” she asked.
I took my time in answering. She was fairly tall, which meant she’d top me. Blonde hair, but eyebrows dark enough to assume the blonde came out of a bottle. Green eyes, the kind that can change color according to mood, or the weather, or the clothes worn. Slender, probably, but it was hard to tell much, becuase she was wearing a leather biker’s jacket, complete with zippers and chains and studs, all a bright kelly green, which would account for her eyes. Her pants were gray, a soft velvet made tougher by some buckles near the cuff. She was dressed for show, not for business. Could I assume the pistol was part and parcel of the image?
I could not. No matter what else, it only took a few pounds of pressure to cause the hammer to fall, and if it struck a chambered round, all it might do to her is sully the image with some clashing red drops spattering on her green jacket. It would have a much more profound and long-term effect on my state of mind, so to speak.
Now, a knife would have been different. You’ve got to really know how to use a knife to make it effective, and I would have known instantly from the way she was holding it if she was any good...
But it was a pistol, not a knife. I’d have to bluff with the hand I was dealt. Luckily, I was good at bluffing.
“You know it’s unloaded, right?” I said.
“Nice try, Mr. Bond,” she said.
No, my name wasn’t actually Bond, James or otherwise. But I use that name a lot, because I’ve found that little mind games like that can give you an advantage, no matter how slight. You get them thinking about the possibility of your name actually being the same as a famous movie character, and they stop thinking about the story they’re trying to keep straight, or they stop paying attention to something else they might normally notice, like, say, that your left hand was out of sight and readying a weapon. I desperately wished my left hand was doing just that about now.
“Okay, you have me at a disadvantage. What can I do for you?” I said.
“That may take some explaining.”
“Fine. Do you normally start explanations with a gun to the head?”
“Not always. Sometimes with a knee to the groin. Would you prefer that?” She enjoyed that, I could tell, by the little pixie grin that flashed across her features. It made me realize she had a fairly cute little pug nose, lightly dusted with freckles. Suddenly, she looked Irish.
“Not really, thanks for offering me the choice. But how about you put the gun down and we talk?”
“I can’t do that, Mr. Bond. May I call you James?”
“As long as you hold the gun, you can call me Bertha and make me write bad checks.” She enjoyed that one, too. If it weren’t for the lethal instrument directed at my head, I’d think I was doing fabulously well with her. I’m sure there’s a lesson about women and romance in there somewhere.
646 words, to be exact. And I have no more idea of why she feels she can't put the gun down than you do.
Isn't writing fun?
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Witty Dialogue,
A film-noir first person perspective.
(I'm sure there is character development, but its not found in these 646 words.)
You left out much of the setting (but that is probably by design, this citation was more of an interaction between two characters)
I'm more of a 3rd person perspective writer, but I've toyed around with first-person from time to time.
posted by
Jeremy on November 12, 2004 11:02 AM
Yeah, it's just started. I think I know where I want to go next, now, though. Finally.
The idea is to reel you in by giving character and setting a little more slowly. But by the end of the first chapter, you should know where, when, who, and what exactly the problem is that he's going to have to solve.
I haven't decided yet if the problem is who "she" is and why she threatened him like that, or if the problem is something she's bringing to him to help with. Probably a combination of both... [grin]
posted by
Nathan on November 12, 2004 11:25 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
03:33 PM
Comments (2)
Okay, I admit it: I've got stupid titles, usually.
I have a liberal friend named Jo. You've probably seen her comment here. We've tangled on stuff in the past, and even stopped talking to each other twice over politics. The stronger our friendship grows, the shorter and less intense the political battles are...
They way we've battled has evolved, as well. We used to let it all hang out, and that's how we've hurt each others' feelings, and so learned to try to phrase things inoffensively. Well, as she's stopped blogging and I've been blogging more, I've decided I can't do that. I've urged her to let me have it with both barrels, and we'd use off-line emails to soften the blow, but she doesn't want to. Part of that may be that I have lots of conservative readers who might (and have) respond just as forcefully, and in the past I haven't done much to protect her from that. So in the interest of having good debates, I ask all of you to be respectful of any visiting liberals. I usually let the idiot liberals post unaltered, because it just highlights their stupidity, but Jo is not an idiot, and she usually has very good, thoughtful, justifiable reasons for the opinions she holds. Keep that in mind, and expect that blasting her will result in me having to do something. Don't make me angry, you won't like me when I'm angry.
And there are reasons I want to protect any liberals who stop by:
-it takes great courage to post in your opponents' camp.
-debate and challenge almost always refines ideas and solutions
-Most importantly (and the reason for this post), is that through our debates and arguments, I've found that we can get all angry and hurt, and then for the sake of the friendship keep trying to explain and understand...and end up realizing we are saying the exact same thing.
It makes me wonder: is it possible that the Left and the Right don't even understand the basic terminology we use?
Liberals right now are claiming that if the voters had truly understood their position, they would have voted Democrat. At the same time, their explanations of why people did vote Republican reveal that they have no understanding of Republican voters.
Where is the fundamental disconnect?
Is it possible that a liberal explanation and a conservative explanation of nearly identical opinions will invariably result in misunderstandings? Is the angle of viewpoint more important than the actual position held?
If so, that is a very significant factor that needs to be integrated into future political discussions.
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Ultimately, there comes a point where we all agree.
Most issues, the same goals exist, it's the vehicle for getting there that's the problem. Right and left want to see less abortions. Typical left-thought is to do so by teaching sex ed and having birth control readily available to anyone who wants it. The right angle typically involves teaching abstinence. In the end we want to be in the same place though.
Right wants more jobs, left wants more jobs. Right often thinks giving business more freedoms/less taxation is the answer, some left (though definitely not all) think the answer lies in greater control on imported items and less outsourcing. Again, we want to be in the same place, but the way we think we should proceed is where the arguments begin.
And people, DO NOT make Nathan do something. It will be ugly. :)
posted by
Jo on November 11, 2004 01:12 PM
You're reading way too much into it. Conservatives are simply dumb.
posted by
Liberal Larry on November 11, 2004 02:35 PM
We may safely ignore Liberal Larry the troll who is neither Larry nor Liberal.
When conservatives meet liberals they not only have to confront them with their ideas, they must deal with the liberal arrogance that they believe entitles them to make the rules for the discussion. Think if our ambassadors were instructed to speak French.
Liberals place themselves in the group that includes all people of culture and regard conservatives as uncultured. When a disagreement becomes evident, the liberals assume ignorance on the part of the conservative. The naive conservative assumes that the liberal has followed a different line of reasoning in reaching their conclusions and is willing to debate the differences. After a few encounters the conservative realizes that the liberals believe that they have been given their insight by the anointed priests (professors, Dan Rather and other MSM types, and Europe) and they are not about to reconsider it at the behest of some rube.
Liberal arrogance dooms any real discussion.
posted by
notherbob2 on November 12, 2004 08:19 AM
I meant to say also that this accounts for the fact that few liberals are interested in commenting (other than derisively when they see an opportunity to show off their cleverness) on conservative blogs. They are so clearly right, what could they possibly learn from a conservative. Also, when they try to refute conservative arguments they find that they are so out of practice at considering any questions about their beliefs that they do a terrible job of presenting them to a questioning person. In liberal society one does not question things, one understands them. The only questions tolerated are those which seek FURTHER UNDERSTANDING. Other liberals will always take the time to help a new liberal further understand liberal beliefs. Tolerance of someone questioning liberal beliefs? Not so much. Therefore when a conservative (who is reason-based) tangles with a liberal (who is faith [in professors, MSM and Europe]-based it isn’t pretty. Liberals learn to stick to the liberal blogs where none of their assumptions will be challenged.
posted by
notherbob2 on November 12, 2004 08:37 AM
I agree with Jo,
We all have the same goals. Its just we disagree on how to get there, and each side has a different philosophy on the nature of man.
One side wants to encourage characteristic A, and discourage characteristic B. The other side wants the opposite, and is driven to discourage Characteristic A, and encourage Characteristic B.
(Sometimes, I think this is some crazy mixed up world we live in, when two sides, who tacitly agree on a shared goal, and at the same time have completely opposing means of achieving that goal.)
posted by
Jeremy on November 12, 2004 11:23 AM
I know. Is your chocolate really in my peanut butter, or is my peanut butter actually in your chocolate? Why can't we all see that these are actually two great tastes that go great together?
posted by
Nathan on November 12, 2004 11:48 AM
Just admit that you have a crush on Jo.
posted by
Margi on November 12, 2004 01:01 PM
Okay, I have a crush on Jo. wait!
Was that question directed at me?
posted by
Jeremy on November 12, 2004 03:07 PM
that is a good view, thanks for all!
posted by
windows 7 key on June 13, 2011 01:10 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
10:15 AM
Comments (9)
Did you know that two teams have had the longest runs of their entire history in games against Kansas City this year? Sure, the Carolina Panthers haven't been around that long....but Tampa Bay?!?!
The Carolina Panthers also had one moment when Delhomme was being slung around for a sack, and he flung up the ball....and it just happened to land perfectly in some back-up's hands for a touchdown. That should not happen in the NFL.
And even though it is tough to stop a 1-yard line plunge leap over the pile at the goal-line, Kansas City played it perfectly and stopped it. But he landed on his feet and was able to roll forward and score a touchdown.
This year, it seems, every possible break that can go against Kansas City, does.
The defense isn't playing that badly. Excessive injuries to key players has kept them from having a fully-healthy squad on the field, and have forced inexperienced players into the starting lineup and sometimes into new roles (Biesel starting at MLB despite spending the whole preseason preparing for OLB).
...and yet, even though the defense isn't strong, they aren't exactly the problem. They held Edgerrin James to 34 yards on 10 carries and made the Colts abandon the run. They stuffed Jamal Lewis and made him a non-factor. They got critical stops in each of the wins. They've missed the critical stops in the losses, yeah, but the plain fact is: when the offense underperforms expectations, KC loses. When they play up to their level, we win. It's just that simple. The Chiefs' offense has not met expectations in 5 games this season, and that's just wrong.
I'm looking toward next year, now. Yeah, the Chiefs aren't mathematically eliminated from winning the division, but it would take a near-miraculous 2nd half just to make the playoffs at this point.
I'm thinking Dick Vermeil is done. If not, he should be. I'd bet that the nature of disappointment of not even challenging for the playoffs will be a bitter enough pill that he leaves coaching.
If so, who takes over next? I don't know, but whoever it is should be able to build on what Vermeil has built and take us to the next level.
Furthermore, despite complaints about Peterson's drafts and free agency moves, they have produced some impressive successes:
Trent Green, Priest Holmes, Monty Biesel (played to near-pro-bowl levels at times), Jared Allen (slowly building a case for Defensive Rookie of the Year, his stats aren't far off Julius Peppers' pace from a few years ago: on pace for 9 sacks from a 4th-round draft pick not expected to ever be a starter ain't bad), Tony Gonzalez, Willie Roaf, Casey Wiegmann, Jason Dunn, Dante Hall, Brian Waters, Scott Fujita, Derrick Blaylock...all are players any team would love to have as at least a starter-level back-up, all are players that any team could have had, and the only one that cost any significant price at all was Tony Gonzalez. Of all these players, the only ones that might be just about done are Priest Holmes and Willie Roaf, and Priest Holmes has decent replacements. Not sure about Roaf's back-ups, but then, he's good enough to keep almost anyone on the bench, isn't he?
Plus, KC has a good nucleus for the future at several positions for at least the next 3 years. To tell the truth, this year's draft and Rookie FA class may result in several eventual pro-bowlers. I can't wait to see what more experience will do for Keyaron Fox, Kawika Mitchell, Monty Biesel, Jared Allen, Junior Siavii, Benny Sapp, Kris Wilson, William Bartee, Shaunard Harts, Greg Wesley, Kevin Samson, Brett Williams, Derrick Blaylock, Chris Horn (a steal as a diamond in the rough), Willie Pile, Samie Parker, Jordon Black, Scott Fujita, Mark Boerigter, Montique Sharpe, Jeris McIntyre, Richard Smith, Aaron Golliday, and Scott Connot. That's almost a team right there, and even the practice squadders have shown enough flashes of ability to be solid starters, if not stars. Some of the current starters may reach pro-bowl level soon.
If Peterson keeps hitting good base hits on most of his picks and free agents like the last two years, we'll challenge almost yearly for the next decade. But at this point, I'm just about thinking the problem is coaching. Whatever mix we have isn't getting it done. I don't think the problem is Vermeil, necessarily, or Saunders, or Cunningham, or any of the position coaches. But the totality of their abilities isn't meshing well. What I mean is, without Vermeil's vision and his ability to make a family of his team, we wouldn't have even gotten this far! Evidence: Trent Green, who few believed would play at this level, and Lionel Dalton, who struggled under Shanahan's Mind Games technique, but thrives in Vermeil's Family Style. But Vermeil needs the right assistants to get it done. He is an excellent coach, but he has only one Superbowl win, and even that came when his coordinators had excellent seasons; both are Head Coaches now. Meaning, offense alone doesn't cut it, and Vermeil doesn't seem to realize that. If we are going to challenge for the Superbowl this year, we may have to lay off the offense side of the ball a little and see if we can't stock the defense.
I understand why they took Larry Johnson: no one knew for sure about Priest Holmes, and Derrick Blaylock hadn't emerged yet. And I can't fault them for adding Kris Wilson, because I still think he would have been a monster in our offense, feasting off of TG double-teams until it forced teams to lay off TG more, allowing him some monster games. I think if Wilson hadn't been hurt, we'd be 7-1 right now...
...and yet, we've got a #1 draft pick at third string running back. Imagine what an equivalent pick spent on a defensive player could have gotten us, particularly at linebacker where we could have gotten a strong speed-rusher who can blow up running plays and cover on pass plays....particularly one who wouldn't blow an assignment on a running play that allows a team to have their longest run of their entire history.... That might have won 3 of the games right there. Not to mention that if they were so correct on Jared Allen with the 4th pick, couldn't we have gotten a solid back-up on defense with the pick we spent on Samie Parker (a player who still doesn't have even one catch!)?
And I think you can chalk up the very first loss to the Broncos directly to going into the game with only 4 active WRs. I've thought about it 18 different ways, and there is no reason Chris Horn shouldn't have been on the team and active that night. And that judgment has been borne out by what Horn has done in extremely limited playing time. He never makes the highlight reels because he's such an unheralded unknown, but it seems to me like he's made one highlight-reel-worthy catch in every game he's seen significant action, including each of the last 3 games.
So I'm looking forward to the future. The team isn't good enough this year, but the right coach and a decent offseason of draft- and free-agent- acquisitions should let us contend for the Super Bowl for several of the next handful of years.
As always, we'll see...
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Posted by Nathan at
09:42 AM
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The LLama Butchers links with:
Yeah, and Custer had a plan too
November 10, 2004
Just in case you are interested, in perusing the nekkid pictures of Ami, the hot lesbian on Survivor: Vanuatu, (work-safe link) it is quickly apparent that her 'large, heaving mammary glands' are both fake, and not all that well-done.
I hope that doesn't ruin anyone's day.
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Ugh. What a nasty looking woman. No thanks, she's bad enough with clothes on.
Besides, I've had enough "bad boob job pictures" with Tara Reid, thank you.
posted by
Sharp as a Marble on November 10, 2004 07:32 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
06:42 PM
Comments (1)
The LLama Butchers links with:
Rather disconcerting news
Too Cool to My Narcissistic Disorder
I have no idea how they stumbled across my blog. However, this was in my sitemeter referral log.
Unless it’s changed (and it took me a full minute to figure out where the link was), it should be highlighted in a big box on the left-hand side.
Is that cool, or what?
I know it means nothing. It’s only gotten me one extra hit that I can see. But I gotta say these are the moments that make hours/days/weeks of blogging worthwhile.
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Posted by Nathan at
03:11 PM
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Not by a longshot.
Picture below the fold:
Read More "Democrats More Compassionate?" »
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Arizona: The state where you had to MAKE us celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. day.
New Hampshire: "Live Free or Die" its more then just a state motto.
posted by
Jeremy on November 10, 2004 10:40 AM
Nevada: The Money you spend here, Stays here.
Rhode Island: Why should the smallest state give the most?
Massachusetts: Hey, we TRIED to give you our Senator, but you didn't take him!
posted by
Jeremy on November 10, 2004 05:02 PM
Helps to prove the point that Democrats want the government to care for the less fortunate. Certainly, someone must care for the downtrodden in this country. I mean, really, why should they be bothered with such trite things, they have more important things to worry about. You know, tax that rich guy to feed and care for those poor hungry people over there - now go away, I'm to important to be bothered.
posted by
Warren on November 10, 2004 05:43 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
10:34 AM
Comments (3)
Aaron's Rantblog, aka Aaron the Liberal Slayer links with:
Michele Malkin Catches Up
The big question before the election from my point of view was: if Bush wins, what happens to the angry left? If the people reject liberal Big Government, what happens? People don't just abandon dearly-held beliefs because they are shown to be a slight minority.
We on the right have gloated. Why not? We have the right, because President George Bush won the election on morals and character despite a deliberately slanted coverage from mainstream media, despite lies and exaggerations about his past and his results, despite the mainstream media believing every negative thing about President Bush, no matter how spurrious; and ignoring every negative item about Senator Kerry, no matter how credible.
But if you take a spin around the blogosphere, you'll see a whole bunch of lefties saying they didn't fight dirty enough, they didn't wage a liberal enough campaign; and you see righties disparaging them for it.
It's part of the gloating, sure. But I don't really feel like joining in.
You see, while I think liberals and Democrats are absolutely wrong when they say this election didn't deliver a mandate to George Bush and Republicans, I also disagree with those saying liberals have any reason to change their tactics or ideology.
Here's my thinking: 48% of the population voted for Kerry. Okay, that is far less strong than the 51% that voted for Bush, not just in raw percentage, but also in that a good percentage of Kerry voters would have voted for a half-eaten pot pie if it they thought it would have a chance to defeat George Bush. This Anybody-But-Bush crowd is probably incapable of recognizing or accepting that Bush did anything good, even if it was identical to their stated goals or if they directly benefited. So those people are fools.
But the rest? Well, here's another article that seems to be chortling at those silly liberals who don't realize America doesn't want a liberal agenda inacted. I guess I can understand the ultimate rationale: most conservatives don't agree with Republicans 100%, so we want a valid, reasonable opposition party with a rational platform that allows debate and choice. The farther left the Democrats go, the more they resort to vicious diatribes and ad hominem attacks vice policy debate, the fewer choices remain to thinking voters. However, while I cannot agree with the overall ideology of Hollywood, I actually find it somewhat admirable that they aren't abandoning their principles just because they lost an election. If they did, it would mean that too many people in the country would be voting for stereotypes of Democrats and Republicans rather than the actual beliefs, platforms, and ideology. I would prefer that liberals don't vote Republican because they don't agree that tax cuts stimulate economic activity and governmental regulations slow the same, rather than not voting for a Republican because they think all Republicans are racist, rich white men who are all involved in a plot to exploit women and minorities.
As long as liberals continue to fight for what they believe in, as long as they are able to marshal arguments and struggle to find acceptance for their goals, we are a stronger nation for it. It shouldn't just be about "winning" and "losing" in elections, it should be about debate and discussion. Conservatives should recognize that liberals have some valid and valuable views, and co-opt the best of them. But we aren't going to have the chance to discuss it if liberals "go to ground" and change their message even more just to get elected.*
If it isn't clear, the point of this post is that I'm a little tired of conservatives taunting liberals, telling them to shut up, implying their agenda has been completely rejected and/or 100% defunct. No.
Then again, my reaction in the comments is because I'm also tired of liberals using their Mainstream Media bully pulpit and celebrity status to try to de-legitimize Bush's clear mandate.
So my point is: Bush won, and he won a mandate. This doesn't mean Democrats should knuckle under and do what Bush says, but it also means Bush should be able to introduce his proposals and his nominations without snide sniping and carping from liberal talking heads. Let the debate happen among the people who face re-election in 2006, because that's how our democracy works. Oppose Bush by writing your representative or writing letters to the editor or blogposts. Support him the same way. But it is absolutely wrong to minimize or exaggerate the impact of the election results: Bush won an outright majority, the GOP expanded their majority in both houses and in governerships, and 11 SSM ban amendments were passed. That does mean something...but on the other hand, it doesn't mean liberals should stop trying to persuade/convince.
And also check out this thinking. I don't agree with his specific views, but I asbolutely agree with his overall point.
Read More "Hand-Wringing and Leftward Shifts (Updated)" »
*although, unfortunately, I do expect this to happen. Keep a sharp eye out for new liberal code words by which they use conservative terminology to let their supporters know they remain committed to a liberal/socialist agenda.
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If Dean heads up the DNC, we'll see a shift that defines the party more. Objectives will be clear, differences will be made obvious.
Under McAuliffe, it seemed the party strived to be everything to everyone. Which it cannot continue to try to be, because it will only fail.
I will avoid getting into the issue of "mandate". Bush won fair and square, but he should consider why there was also the largest turnout in history *against* him. It would be nice if he'd try that "uniter not a diver" thing he talked about years ago.
posted by
Jo on November 10, 2004 07:11 AM
posted by
Jo on November 10, 2004 07:12 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
09:54 AM
Comments (2)
So, please, people, please, please send money to...where-ever money is sent, to help these poor children...
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Oh, man, I think Sally ate those poor children...
posted by
zombyboy on November 10, 2004 10:05 AM
The world may never know...
posted by
Nathan on November 10, 2004 10:06 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
09:28 AM
Comments (2)
I don't really want to be alarmist, but this item should be extremely disturbing to Democrats.
Wed Nov 10 2004 09:55:52 ET
Three high school students face charges for using a bat to beat another student who taunted them about being John Kerry supporters days after the contentious election.
The 17-year-old Apple Valley victim was assaulted Thursday in a Minnesota Zoo parking lot near Apple Valley's School of Environmental Studies, better known as the zoo school. Chad McKay, also 17, stood over the victim attempting to protect him.
"It's a good thing to see young people interested and excited about politics," said Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom. "It's obviously very disturbing to see this kind of violence over it."
The SAINT PAUL PIONEER PRESS reported in morning editions: The argument began earlier in the day Thursday with a discussion about candidates the minors had supported for president, Backstrom said. The two victims supported President Bush.
"We were sitting in the computer room at school, and there was kind of a political debate," said Chad McKay of Arden Hills. "Some people said only gay people vote for Bush." Chad said the victim said "only gay people would vote for Kerry because he supports gay marriage."
Backstrom said the victims then "called the other guys some names."
Chad said later in the afternoon when he and the victim were walking to their cars they heard their three senior classmates yelling at them, according to the police report.
Chad got to his car, but the three 17-year-olds attacked the victim, he said, hitting him in face, including with a baseball bat and kicking him. One boy had a padlock wrapped around his finger, Chad said.
Democrats are not responsible for it, no. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying this is a reflection of the Democrat Party at all.
However, the rhetoric of many liberal writers, celebrities, and spokespeople is vile and hateful enough to encourage this sort of thing. The Democrat Party constitutes the main outward expression of liberal thought, and represents the main channel of expression for liberals in this country. Even more specifically, Democrats actively sought to reduce the channels for liberal expression by attempting to block the Green Party from getting on the ballot in several states. When people lack avenues for political expression, they often turn to violence.
The Republicans handled the issue horribly in the 90s, and I think that resulted in right-wing violence, particularly Timothy McVeigh. President Clinton was wrong to blame that event directly on Right-Wing Talk Radio, but in a very real sense, there was an indirect responsibility.
Kids like this turn into adults who burn swastikas into lawns and fire bullets through windows and otherwise attempt to intimidate voters to win elections. How the Democrat Party Leadership responds to this will be telling. How the Democrat Party as a whole works to reduce the accumulated resentment and to provide safe channels to express anger and release pressure will make a huge difference in preventing Left-Wing violence and terrorism over the next four years.
If you think I'm being overwrought or over-reacting, just call me Cassandra.
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Posted by Nathan at
09:20 AM
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Why I'm More of a "Conservative" than a "Republican"
I agree with pretty much everything Mr. Goldberg says in his article today.
So, yeah, I'd gladly take Republicans losing the next 20 elections if taxes and spending were both continually reduced, we continued to take military action to depose dictators and defeat terrorism, and the nation adopted a more conservative attitude toward morals and standards.
If the Democrats won more elections by moving to the middle, it would be bad news for the Republican party, to be sure. But it would be good news for America — if you believe, as I do, that America would be better off moving in a more conservative direction. Keep in mind that when the Democrats move to the left, the Republicans move leftward to the middle — that is, to the left. So Republicans who cheer the leftward tilt of the Democrats shouldn't be surprised when the entire political center of gravity moves to the left as well.
Yep, I want what's good for America according to my value system far more than I want what's good for Republicans. Maybe the difference is that Democrats generally assume that what is good for their party is automatically good for the country?'s a thought.
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Posted by Nathan at
09:09 AM
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In order to make things "perfect" for an event honoring Bill Clinton, a city betrays basic liberal principles.
It's actually a very interesting article when you start getting into the responses of City Officials and hear the different viewpoints on what is actually going on...
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Posted by Nathan at
09:01 AM
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From a co-worker (who cites Fark, comes the meme:
Schrodinger's Arafat, i.e., continually existing in a uncertain state, neither dead or alive until someone actually checks on him, in which case the actual act of observing him will affect his state of life or death.
Maybe he could win the Nobel Award for Science as well as Peace?
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November 09, 2004
John Ashcroft resigned.
...was I the last to know?
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Actually, I think that would be me. :-)
posted by
Deb on November 9, 2004 06:01 PM
In any case, this is horrible!
However can we find someone to trample on human rights with panache?
...oh, wait, Janet Reno is still available.
posted by
Nathan on November 9, 2004 06:40 PM
Attorney Generals enforce only the laws handed to them by congress. Unless they are Janet Reno, that is.
posted by
Walter E. Wallis on November 9, 2004 07:26 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
04:26 PM
Comments (3)
Love, in fact, is just as silly and superstitious a concept as God (and for those who believe God is Love, this too is a distinction without a difference). Chesterton's observation that the purely rational man will not marry is just as correct today, because science has done far more damage to the ideal of love than it has done to the notion of an awesome God beyond our ken. Genes, hormones, instincts, evolution: These are the cause for the effect of love in the purely rational man's textbook. But Maher would get few applause lines from his audience of sophisticated yokels if he mocked love as a silly superstition. This is, in part, because the crowd he plays to likes the idea of love while it dislikes the idea of God; and in part because these people feel love, so they think it exists. But such is the extent of their solipsism and narcissism that they not only reject the existence of God but go so far as to mock those who do not, simply because they don't feel Him themselves. And, alas, in elite America, feelings are the only recognized foundation of metaphysics.
Yep, you guessed it: Jonah Goldberg. The whole second half of the piece, excluding the last two concluding paragraphs, is a nice philosophical argument against atheism (though not necessarily for God). A good read. Be sure you read all of it.
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Posted by Nathan at
02:07 PM
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Rumors of My Demise Were Widely Exaggerated
Shoot, I'm blogging up a storm and loving it. I can't find enough time to post all the things I want to post.
I'll be around for a while, don't worry.
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Posted by Nathan at
09:50 AM
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RIGHT ON RED >> links with:
Next Please
The Billings Gazette has me as a Montana blogger, even though I am only by the most tenuous of connections. I don't live there, I don't blog about issues there...but I became the person I am today due mainly to the influences of growing up there.
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The reason you are on the list is that they "borrowed" the list from me. I have you listed as from Montana, since you graduated here.
(There's another blogger on there who isn't in Montana, but I have listed as a Montana blogger, too.)
They've made a couple additions since I first saw the list this weekend, but there you go. Compare and contrast if you like.
Heh. :)
posted by
Craig on November 9, 2004 10:38 AM
I figured that they got it from someone on the list.
Hey, did you see Chris Horn's highlight-reel-worthy catch-and-run in the last KC game. Too bad it was for a loss... :(
posted by
Nathan on November 9, 2004 12:21 PM
I missed that on the highlight reel, but I did hear something about it on the radio.
He usually gets a mention if he touches the ball.
posted by
Craig on November 9, 2004 04:23 PM
Well, it didn't actually make the highlights. But it was pretty cool to me.
He also fielded two short kick-offs, but didn't do anything impressive. They really need to try to work him into the offense more, because I could see him being a Ricky Proehl-type of possession receiver...maybe even developing into a guy who can run after the catch like Ed McCafferey or John Taylor. No one will ever confuse him with Chris Carter, tho, obviously.
posted by
Nathan on November 9, 2004 05:53 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
09:16 AM
Comments (4)
November 08, 2004
I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard.
If it doesn't qualify as a "liquids alert" for you guys, I apologize. Somethings just hit you right, I guess.
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Hmmm. That's some of the more mild stuff I've been party to. I might post more of my prank days as soon as I find out what the statute of limitations are on them!
posted by
Sharp as a Marble on November 9, 2004 06:34 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
09:07 PM
Comments (1)
Bad News. I'm extremely busy today. I may post this evening after you have mostly all gone to bed, but no guarantees. Light to moderate posting tomorrow with a 35% chance of puns. Full normal posting to resume Wednesday.
That is all. Return to your lives, citizens.
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Posted by Nathan at
02:01 PM
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November 07, 2004
...really seem to hate the Kansas City Chiefs. That's the best analysis of the Chiefs over the last few decades, and also of their most recent game.
More soon, probably Tuesday or Wednesday.
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Posted by Nathan at
01:56 PM
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evolution links with:
chiefs report: week 9 (3-5)
November 06, 2004
Slightly More Than 29 Hours...
Remember my prediction?
Today, at Llama Butchers, Steve says:
Axis Sully of course has his skirts in a bunch, after rediscovering what the war is about. Sorry Sully---too little too late.
Advantage: Brain Fertilizer, the Blogging Machine, natch!
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OT- And you thought Barbara was a hottie: I bring you ChiefsGirl.
She's a Chiefs nut - and a conservative.
Just remember, I saw her first.
posted by
j.d. on November 6, 2004 09:02 PM
You're right, she is attractive. ...might be the Filipino blood?
In any case, I think the coolest thing about her is "Future Air Force Chaplain", but "Conservative" and "Chiefs Fan" run close on the list.
Good luck in your quest!
posted by
Nathan on November 7, 2004 08:28 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
10:59 AM
Comments (2)
November 05, 2004

...going on looks alone*, I wouldn't want either one. Jenna looks like she's getting ready to join the East German Shotput team**, and Barbara looks like the kind of girl who sets fire to your '78 Trans Am because she overheard another girl saying you have cute hair in the dormitory rec room.
I'll pass, thanks.
Read More "I Know This Won't Be Well-Received, But..." »
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I kinda like Barbara meself (but then I always was attracted to the dangerous ones -- as is evidenced by my marrying a woman who thought Glenn Close was playing a sympathetic character in Fatal Attraction...)
posted by
LDH on November 5, 2004 10:33 PM
...but do they "do parties"?
(tee hee)
posted by
Francis W. Porretto on November 6, 2004 03:24 AM
Frankly, I think Babs is a babe. But what's creapy about this pic is Jenna - at this angle, she looks just like Dubya in drag.
posted by
Robert the Llama Butcher on November 6, 2004 06:59 AM
Barbara is a babe. But she looks like she knows it, and there's that "psycho" quality lurking just beneath the surface. Maybe I'm having too many flashbacks from days at Baylor, because there's no b**ch like a Texas b**ch.
I'm right with you on your opinion of Jenna. She's getting beefy.
posted by
Nathan on November 6, 2004 08:58 AM
If my '78 Trans-Am is the price to pay, then I say, "burn, baby, burn".
posted by
j.d. on November 6, 2004 10:38 AM
Oh come on. Jenna would be fun to drink some cold beer with, and might embarass you by drinking you under the table, and Babs is hot. Unreservedly. She could very well be psycho, but there's a good chance that ANY female is psycho. And besides, you know what "they" say about rich girls: the worse you treat 'em, the better they like it.
posted by
jb on November 6, 2004 09:36 PM
I think the correct phrasing is: "treat the whores like princesses and the princesses like whores".
posted by
Datou on November 7, 2004 06:07 PM
A burned Trans Am is a small price to pay for crazy-woman sex.
posted by
dorkafork on November 7, 2004 08:51 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
07:54 PM
Comments (8)
The LLama Butchers links with:
Not exactly Alice Roosevelt...
The War President
Courage is composed of sacrifice. He carries each loss with him:

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In January of 1956 I swore to carry out the commands of the Commander-In-Chief (who was DDE) Eight years later I was discharged from the Army Reserves but that oath of allegiance is still in effect. I'll go to Iraq if Bush says go and having my picture inlaid with these heroes would be the greatest legacy I could hope for. God Bless America!
posted by
Horace Smith on November 5, 2004 11:14 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
10:27 AM
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Has anyone started blogging because of me? Don't I have any blogchildren?*
Read More "Question" »
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I expected the "under the fold" comment to be something like:
WELL, NONE THAT I KNOW OF!! *wink* *nudge*
posted by
Margi on November 5, 2004 11:05 AM
Oh, Lord. I really set myself up this time, didn't I? Sheesh.
posted by
Nathan on November 5, 2004 07:46 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
10:22 AM
Comments (2)
From the Opinion Journal.
The ideological shift has already come in handy in keeping certain troublemaking members in line. Ask Arlen Specter, the Pennsylvania moderate known for giving his party migraines. Having won a tough re-election with fuel from the White House, Mr. Specter, who is due by seniority to take over the Judiciary Committee, chose to repay President Bush by warning him Wednesday not to send any controversial appointments.
By yesterday, Mr. Specter had done a 360 and released a contrite communiqué praising Mr. Bush's past nominees and promising any new ones a committee vote in 30 days. It seems his colleagues took him aside to remind him that not only does he need the party to vote him into that job, it can also throw him out. Mr. Specter may also be held in check, as will others, by the fact that 55 seats may give the GOP the right to a two-vote majority on certain committees, isolating party holdouts.
Yeah, baby!
Aside: this is cool, too:
...Mr. Daschle's [political] demise came precisely because his opponent effectively explained to voters that it was Mr. Daschle who stymied the same president's agenda. That's something to chew on if you are the state's junior senator, Tim Johnson, or Max Baucus of Montana (59% for Bush), or Arkansas's Blanche Lincoln (54%).
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Posted by Nathan at
08:29 AM
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I'm not saying they will. There's too far to go to even hope, at this point. We've got two games against teams with losing records but still possess enough weapons to grab a win if KC has a bad gameday. Then the Patriots. Then 5 games against AFC West opponents, including an important game against the Broncos at Arrowhead and both games against San Diego.
I tell ya, I'm nervous. We're still in the hole. We've shown flashes of true brilliance lately, but there are still too many key players out for me to feel any of the following games are "in the bag".
Then again, that may be the way Chiefs' fans, and, more importantly, the Chiefs themselves, should feel. Last year, we almost had it too easy in the first 9 games. It left us all wondering: did we peak too early? Can we sustain this through the Superbowl? Obviously, the answer to that was "no".
Looking back, there were a few factors that led to the fast start and late-season demise. First, we pumped up our defensive record against inexperienced quarterbacks playing on otherwise good teams. Second, although we got in a good rhythm on offense and defense, we also got into a rut. The offensive production didn't really taper off much (we didn't punt against the Colts, either, remember?), but we did show enough of our hand that we left ourselves open to exploitation.
This year, the defense seems to be peaking with a nice timing. They are getting better every week, the performances are good enough, and the confidence is building that the players actually grasp the system. Gunther's system plays to our defenders' strengths, and it is no surprise that Warfield, Bartee, and Hicks are experiencing resurgent seasons: they are back under the guy that sought them out! They are getting better every week, and with a strong showing the next two weeks, we could actually end the season with a top-10 defense. Amazing.
But what's happened on offense is also significant. Lacking two of the potentially biggest playmakers, as projected from the preseason (Boerigter and Wilson), with defenders obviously having figured out the Green-to-Holmes Swing Pass, and the replacement of Tait with Welbourn, we struggled in the early season. With the offense we had last season, the offense should have had the firepower to protect the defense in the early part of the season, but did not. I still blame the offense for the losses, not the defense. The Jaguars should not have been close enough to pick off the win, yanno? But the good part of it is that it forced Saunders to innovate once more, and he apparently has found the right combination. I can't say for sure, but I'll bet that if other defenses figure out how to stop what we're doing now, it will leave them open for Priest Holmes swing passes and allow Eddie Kennison and Dante Hall to get 50-yard TD catches...
And we are doing all this with largely sub-par Special Teams play. If we get that aspect of the game firing on all cylinders during the playoffs, watch out!
In the end, if we do make it to the Super Bowl and win, it will be far more soul-satisfying to have made it this way than last year's "9-0, then back into the playoffs" method. Heck, with as badly as we started, just making it to the AFC Championships would have to be considered a success.
It will be an interesting 2nd half of the season, to say the least.
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Cheifs? Super Bowl? You are about as delusional as that woman who thinks the GOP doesn't own a debt of gratitude to the religious right. Your biggest problem: Vermeil.
posted by
Larry on November 5, 2004 07:34 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
06:10 AM
Comments (1)
November 04, 2004
Someone remind me a few days from now to muse outloud on the idea of why: the more dense the population, the more liberal the vote.
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Hey, a few days from now, you need to muse outloud about how the population density is proportional to the liberal vote.
posted by
Jeremy on November 5, 2004 07:46 AM
Thanks so much, Jeremy. [grin]
posted by
Nathan on November 5, 2004 08:15 AM
Hey, I'm here to help!
posted by
Jeremy on November 5, 2004 09:12 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
10:11 PM
Comments (3)
I am a blogging machine. I'm serious. I'm blogging like a maniac here. Check out the number of posts over the last few days, and I'm not even slacking from post-election let-down. I'm a blogging machine. Me. Brain Fertilizer = blogging machine. You heard it here first, that Nathan has been a blogging machine, is a blogging machine now, and plans on continuing to be a blogging machine. When I do social issues I'm a blogging machine, when I do political issues I'm a blogging machine, and you know dang well when I'm in a punning mood, I'm a blogging machine that few can match.
Yessiree. I'm simply a blogging machine.
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Yeah, and I'm a commenting shmuck who's awake at 1:10 AM trying to rebuild my entire server apparatus in 2003 Server, which I know little about, using 2003 server AD, which I know little about, as well as installing exchange 2003, which I know NOTHING about.
I'm getting sleepy....
posted by
Sharp as a Marble on November 4, 2004 10:09 PM
I just figured giving myself a google bomb for "blogging machine" might be advisable after Dan Rather's comment the other night.
posted by
Nathan on November 5, 2004 05:24 AM
I get the feeling you're a blogging machine!
posted by
Monkey on November 5, 2004 07:15 AM
I thought I'd go for shmuck...
posted by
Sharp as a Marble on November 5, 2004 06:10 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
09:55 PM
Comments (4)
Accidental Verbosity links with:
Go visit Nathan...
The LLama Butchers links with:
It's official!
I think this is fairly accurate:
All of the biggest guns in the left's arsenal - Hollywood, the trial lawyers, the unions, the New York Times, CBS, newly-minted strident liberal talk radio, bombastic and inaccurate "documentaries," all of the skewed members of the MSM... all of them brought their A-game, threw themselves into this fight... and lost to the blogs, talk radio, alternative media, conservative religious groups, and a well-organized GOP ground game.
It's over. None of the left's old tools works anymore. They have to scrap it and start over, and that's why you see the weeping and the wailing and the hair being pulled out.
So what happens? Republicans/conservatives are fond of telling Democrats what they should do next, or at least musing over where the anger will go now. A plethora of Democrats are sinking into the mire of Cargo Cult politics*, telling anyone who will listen that they need to figure out the magic formula of faking Republican sincerity so they can be in power again.
But I guess I'm one of the conservatives musing over the outlet for liberal anger now.
And I really have no idea. For all that I insist the highest levels of the Democrat Party are more about having power for powers' sake rather than helping people as they purport to, just getting defeated in several elections doesn't make people abandon their convictions. No ideology has been proven wrong, but liberalism has obviously losing support among the common person, partly because President Johnson's Great Society spent money like water and just made things worse, partly because gun control (a major liberal platform) has been strongly demonstrated to increase violent crime, partly because a majority of the population now wants far more strict restrictions on abortion. But the issues themselves haven't been disproven enough to change anyone's mind.
So whether the Democrat party collapses or not, I still believe a good 1/3 of the nation's voters remain committed to a liberal ideology, and is despairing of ever convincing enough people to adopt their view.
What happens?
To tell the truth, I'm a little scared. Democrats are quick to point out the DU inhabitants, the gunshots through GOP HQ windows', the swastikas burned into lawns, the most rabid "Bush lied" crowd, the domestic terrorists like ELF and PETA are all examples of fringe and fringe activities. But there are a staggering number of events, when you add them all up. Look at how much chaos spread in Italy by the Red Brigades, or in Germany by the Bader-Meinhoff Group. Or in the United States by Bachman-Turner Overdrive.
Do we face the possibility of leftist terrorist groups forming?
Read More "What Do Democrats Do Now?" »
*don't you hate it when you think you've been clever enough to coin a new term or concept and someone already did it more than a year earlier?
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BTO is a threat that should not be underestimated.
HOWEVER, you give the dems too much credit. They couldn't wire a pipe bomb if their live depended on it.
This election broke their collective, weenie little backs. Remember when Reagan defeated Carter? Who did they run the next two elections? No one (of any consideration at least.)
The Democratic Party is over. Done. Finito. Bush crushed them, the House, the Senate, the state legislatures, the Governors were all nails in the coffin.
Here's what will happen...MoveOn and Howard Dean will take over the left. Being so out of touch, they will lose an other primary to...Hil'ry. Hil'ry will run in '08 and the entire country will laugh in her face.
John McCain/Jeb Bush will win two terms, and Jeb will win at least a third. After being dominated for two decades, the dems will simply cease to be.
Which is fine with me because I am sick of their anti-Christian, pro-gay stances anyway. (I, for one, look forward to the laws that will promote Christianity in the classroom--please tell me that the Genesis creation story should not be taught but sex education should).
We run the show, and there ain't nothin Sean Penn gonna do 'bout it now!
posted by
Takin Care of B'ness on November 4, 2004 03:50 PM
Takin Care of B'Ness:
The Genesis creation story should not be taught (except perhaps in literature classes), but sex education should. There you go.
As for the Democrats: They either have to repudiate the far left as the Republicans have repudiated the far right, and move to the center just as the Republicans have, or die. I don't expect them to get the message in time for 2008.
posted by
Pixy Misa on November 5, 2004 12:15 AM
I disagree a little bit. I don't think conservatives moved to the center much at all. If anything, all they did was open up the tent to include more of the center, i.e., not requiring someone to be pro-life to be a member. We've got plenty of South-Park and 9/11 Republicans who helped put Bush in office without sharing significant platforms views. You could argue that represents a shift because it puts the average point of compromise farther to the left, but I think the core constiuency of Republicans has not shifted at all.
Also, we have repudiated our far Right. White Supremacists are denigrated everywhere within the Party. Pat Buchanon and Pat Robertson don't influence Republican policy. Jerry Falwell is no longer a force in Republican politics.
...but that's just the way I see it, and I can admit there might be a perspective influence there.
posted by
Nathan on November 5, 2004 05:31 AM
The moderates need to kiss our Christian Coalition butts right now. If it weren't for us, you would have been watching Bush's concession speach on Wednesday.
In short, you owe us. And we expect to be paid handsomely.
Otherwise, we WILL sit home during the midterms elections which, if case you have forgotten, are only 18 months away.
Pucker up sweet Pixy.
posted by
Takin Care on November 5, 2004 05:57 AM
Takin Care:
Sorry, not a chance. We'll work with you gladly to get done what needs to be done, but don't expect to get paid for doing the right thing.
'Cause if you hadn't voted for Bush, you would have gotten Kerry too.
posted by
Pixy Misa on November 5, 2004 06:11 AM
Nathan, repudiating the far right was the critical thing. That allowed the moderates and centrists (not the same thing!) to join the Republicans in good faith and with a clear conscience.
Until the Democrats likewise repudiate the far left, they're not going anywhere.
posted by
Pixy Misa on November 5, 2004 06:13 AM
Sorry, I see what happened. Typo in my original post, "haver" should read "have", not "haven't" or whatever, which is what I assume you took it to be.
Yes, that's why I feel comfortable as a centrist supporting President Bush, because the far right has been repudiated.
As for perspective... Well, there's the averaging effect, and then there's the fact that I myself have moved to the right. ;)
posted by
Pixy Misa on November 5, 2004 06:17 AM
Well, that's so nice that you extended that olive branch. If anything, the offer of reconciliation show the weakness of your bargaining position. What if Bush had taken the same approach to fighting terrorism?
I don't know if you noticed but because we have our faith, the guy who lives in the White House matters much less to us. If Kerry got elected, we would keep on doin' what were doin'--gettin' into heaven.
You, on the other hand, would have to cry yourselves to sleep each night.
We ain't backin' down. And we ain't voting for no pro-gay, anti-Christian moderate. The GOP has--permanently--drifted to the right. Take a good long look at Senator DeMint. He is the future. What's your alternative? To vote for a Democrat?
Do yourself a favor--go to church on Sunday and see what this revoloution is all about.
posted by
Bid'ness on November 5, 2004 07:26 AM
What if Bush had taken the same approach to fighting terrorism?
You mean, like welcoming assistance from other countries in Afghanistan and Iraq?
If Kerry got elected, we would keep on doin' what were doin'--gettin' into heaven.
Yeah, but to do that you've gotta die first. That's not high on my list of priorities.
And we ain't voting for no pro-gay, anti-Christian moderate.
So you'll sit in your corner and pout? Fine by me.
What's your alternative? To vote for a Democrat?
Not likely. I live in Australia.
posted by
Pixy Misa on November 5, 2004 08:30 AM
The President and the majority of the Republican Party, not to mention Conservatives, owe nothing to the Christian Coalition or the Religious Right.
I speak as one of them, being Republican, conservative, and strongly Christian, with my understanding of sin influencing the political decisions I make based on what how it impacts human nature.
If the Christian Coalition is unhappy with how the Bush Administration proceeds, they (we?) can form yet another minority party. Luckily, the Bush agenda includes many things important to Christians, but the party as a whole absolutely should not be held ransom by a significant minority bloc. Influence, but not dictate. Or else you end up slaughtering the goose that lays golden eggs.
Bottom Line: My Republican Party does not care so much about power that it allows itself to be blackmailed by special interest groups. Leave that sort of crap to the Democrats, okay?
posted by
Nathan on November 5, 2004 08:41 AM
Sorry, I see what happened. Typo in my original post, "haver" should read "have", not "haven't" or whatever, which is what I assume you took it to be.
Yeah, I think that's what happened. I was reading quickly, and interpreted the extra "r" as "n't". Which doesn't make sense in the syntax, so I'm an idiot. Anyway, I went ahead and fixed it.
posted by
Nathan on November 5, 2004 08:55 AM
All I am saying is--adopt a Christian agenda or lose 4million plus voters in '08. Do the math right now: 59,459,765-4,000,000=John Kerry.
Accept it.
And I don't mean by "welcoming assitstance" which is just another euphemism for asking for a permission slip from the UN. I mean by playing nice with rogue actors. Some people only understand power through force. Appeasement gets you nowhere.
Why am I arguing American politics with an Aussie? Let me ask you this--what is Austrailia's greatest contribution to world political culture? Crockodile Dundee?
posted by
Gettin Bizzy on November 5, 2004 09:26 AM
Why am I arguing American politics with an Aussie? Let me ask you this--what is Austrailia's greatest contribution to world political culture? Crockodile Dundee?
Ah, such intelligent discourse today!
posted by
Jo on November 5, 2004 09:33 AM
Gettin Bizzy,
You do the math: there's at least 4 million pro-choice Republicans. Would you accept an argument that you have to swallow a pro-abortion agenda now?
Of course not!
We work together. We are a big tent. Blackmail will not work, or you'll just find yourself kicked out of the tent in the same way we did White Supremacists.
...besides, 4 million was an estimate from the last election. Not necessarily true now. And if it was 4 million that wouldn't have voted but did, well, that 4 million got their reward in 11 states amending their constitution to ban gay marriages (for veracity: I'm pleased with the result). So what else should the Republican Party owe you? Try: "nothing". Work with us, and we'll work on adopting parts of your personal agenda. Persuade more people to adopt it, and you'll get more of it integrated into the Republican platform.
But remember the old warning about ultimatums!
posted by
Nathan on November 5, 2004 09:43 AM
Dundee was a joke--lighten up people! I think the reason y'all so tetchy is that you know I am right...far right!
posted by
Bizzy on November 5, 2004 10:04 AM
What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Or did you see the Senators announcement today about fillibusters to block judiciary appointments which was in response to Specter's little faux pas?
Bye bye Rove v. Wade, bye bye!
posted by
Bizzy on November 5, 2004 01:34 PM
Let me ask you this--what is Austrailia's greatest contribution to world political culture?
East Timor.
posted by
Pixy Misa on November 6, 2004 03:23 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
03:26 PM
Comments (17)
The LLama Butchers links with:
What's next?
Ambient Irony links with:
Yeah, Like That'll Work
Ambient Irony links with:
Yeah, Like That'll Work
Just heard a comment on Fox News that I thought was intriguing.
"Scott Peterson has to be the most unlikely man in the world to go fishing in the same lake that his murdered wife's body turned up in..."
So, yeah: the jury is facing a choice that either Scott is really stupid or really unlucky. I believe in stupidity more than I believe in luck.
Speaking of luck, though, Mr. Peterson is rather lucky I'm not on the jury.
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Posted by Nathan at
02:37 PM
Comments (0)
Dead Or Alive? I don't know. If he's not dead, he soon will be.
But the important point is that he is no longer the power in Palestine. His power is in the process of being transferred to others. There is no way his power concentration could be transferred to a single individual, and so power in Palestine will be diffused and divided among a number of individuals. This is a very good thing. Having power divided among several people means that one person cannot stop progress or obstruct peace on a whim or plain stubbornness, as I feel Arafat often did. And none of these people will have the name or stature among the Palestinians as Arafat did. That means there are a variety of pressures that can be brought to bear upon whoever the turn out to be that could not have been brought to bear on Arafat.
As I said before off-line, the prospects of peace between Palestine and Israel seem to go up in direct correlation to the decline of Arafat's health.
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Posted by Nathan at
02:15 PM
Comments (0)
So Specter wins re-election because President Bush demonstrated his typical loyalty in stumping for him rather than the more-ideologically similar Toomey.
How does Sen. Specter repay him?
A knife in the back.
I tell ya, it doesn't seem to pay to be an honorable Pro-Life politician when Abortion Rights are on the line.
UPDATE: Apparently, I over-reacted on the "betrayal" aspect. Okay, I definitely over-reacted. However, it does mean I agree he shouldn't be Senate Judiciary Chairman.
More stuff I agree with.
More stuff on Toomey vs. Specter.
UPDATE: I agree, this statement is better:
Official Statement
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Independent thinking is what I look for in candidates, people who don't make statements or create legislation always favoring their endorsers or contributors. Our Governor, one congressman, and both of our Senators routinely cross party lines in both word and action. I think that makes them better representatives. By taking surprising tacts they've worked wonders for our state.
And I think Specter's advice was good, myself.
I don't think Bush endorsing Toomey would have gotten him elected. Many thought he was too far right.
Now, Nathan, you've told me that it is the GOP who is the "big tent" party...I think whether or not other Republicans support Specter is proof of that statement...or not.
posted by
Jo on November 4, 2004 08:42 AM
There's a little bit of twisting my words in your statement, Jo...
From what I've heard, the primary between Toomey and Specter was close, and Bush took a good bit of criticism for supporting Specter.
Now Specter is attempting to impose a litmus test for the President's selection to the Supreme Court. That is not his position, and represents a betrayal. Perhaps not a major one, but a betrayal nonetheless. I wouldn't be so upset about it if Specter just voted down a selection on the basis of abortion rights. But as a Republican Senator who benefited greatly from Bush's endorsement to use his leadership position to stump againt Bush's agenda is not good sportsmanship, even if it is politics as usual. To me, it lacks integrity.
posted by
Nathan on November 4, 2004 08:47 AM
OK, first, don't mean to twist your words in any fashion.
Second: Let's remember Specter's upcoming duties. He's going to chair the Judiciary Committee when Sen. Hatch is term-limited out. This might be a clear statement of "Just 'cuz you send it my way and you endorsed me doesn't mean it gets approved".
And I think that's pretty cool.
posted by
Jo on November 4, 2004 08:54 AM
"Twisting" only to the extent that I have said the GOP is a big tent...but this isn't really a "big tent" issue. It's not his views that bother me, it's the way he articulated his intent to oppose any attempt by President Bush to nominate a candidate who might overturn abortion rights...whether or not that view comes from a non-religious strict interpretation of the Constitution. That goes way beyond "advise and consent", just as the Democrats did with nominations in the last term. And after President Bush took criticism to support him and help him win the nomination, For Sen. Sepcter to say this at this point, with Chief Justice Renquist's health situation, seems more than just a notice that he won't rubberstamp nominations. If you ask someone for help, you don't kick them to the curb the instant you don't their help anymore, and that's exactly what Specter did.
Zell Miller still voted with Democrats on a large number of issues. He didn't suddenly vote in line with Republicans or anything. But Specter is declaring a Democrat-style litmus test. For all the venom your party spewed on Sen. Miller, this represents a greater betrayal than anything Sen. Miller ever did.
posted by
Nathan on November 4, 2004 10:50 AM
But Specter is declaring a Democrat-style litmus test. For all the venom your party spewed on Sen. Miller, this represents a greater betrayal than anything Sen. Miller ever did.
Only from the perspective of a died-in-the-wool Republican. Otherwise, that statement is more than a bit of a stretch. I would argue that "declaring a Democrat-style litmus test" on a single issue...even an important and contentious no worse than openly and virulently endorsing an opposing candidate for president, particularly at the opposing primary. Do you think Senator Miller would have done this if he had been running for re-election as a Democrat and needed party support and funding? If your concerns really have more to do with the context in which the dissent is raised, than you certainly have to lump Zell's actions under the whole "betrayal to party" tent (Gotta love all these tent analogies).
posted by
Morgan on November 4, 2004 11:12 AM
Re-reading the article, I see perhaps I over-reacted somewhat. I somehow got the impression he inherits the position by seniority or something. If this actually gives Senators a chance to know what his view is and then vote accordingly, then I agree it isn't a betrayal and is actually pretty good.
That is all. We now return you to your normally scheduled inanity.
posted by
Nathan on November 4, 2004 11:19 AM
This seems a clear example of where conservatives and moderates part ways. The giveaway is the use of the word “betrayal”. As you admit, too strong, but your emotion was revealed. Specter’s action is a betrayal only if he swore an oath to support an agenda which included voting for and otherwise supporting Conservative judicial appointments. He either did and is a rat or he did not and he is free to speak his mind. I do not think that speaking his mind now is a betrayal. When you feel that your leader is wrong or is tempted to head in a wrong direction, you oftentimes support him best by opposing him. This being politics and all it may only be that Spectre hopes to reap some political benefit from his statement. I don’t think so.
It would be a grave mistake to interpret the Bush victory as a blanket endorsement of the entire Conservative agenda. Repealing Roe v Wade is not a majority position and the majority feels very strongly about it. It may be the new “third rail” in American politics for the President. Appointing judges who overturn it will only result in a Constitutional Amendment (yes, the votes are there, count ‘em) and a rending of America that ends who knows where. Surely President Bush is smart enough and cares enough about America to not let that happen. Specter is right to stand up right now so that we don’t start down that slippery slope. This really is the wrong war at the wrong time in the wrong place.
posted by
Robert Fulton on November 4, 2004 11:47 AM
Waitasecond. Now you assume too much. This is about integrity more than the actual issues. I actually don't support the repealing of Roe vs. Wade.
Well, I don't support the complete banning of abortion. I support more restrictions, tho. But if Roe vs. Wade should be repealed, it should only be to replace it with something else that can't be threatened by 1 change of a SCOTUS Justice. I've often said that the pro-abortionists stupidly accepted a temporary victory now rather than waiting 5 years for a permanent one.
Now, I've said why this issue is important to me three different ways and the three of you don't seem to catch it: If I cover your back to get you elected, you damn well better cover my back on my most major issues.
Bush spent political capital supporting Specter. And Specter's first announcement after winning the seat again is to announce that he'll block any attempt to put a strict constructionist on the SCOTUS?
But like I said, if this just helps Senate Republicans to realize he's the wrong person for the position, then that's good. If it's an announcement of: "This is where I stand, and I'm telling you now so you won't be surprised later," then I would consider that honorable. I just didn't get that impression the first time I read it. And apparently bunches of other people didn't, either.
Part of it simply might be the way the reporter edited/transcribed the statement, since the reporter is the same one who distorted Sen. Santorum's statements to make them seem more inflammatory, the same reporter whose husband worked on Kerry's campaign.
posted by
Nathan on November 4, 2004 11:59 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
07:46 AM
Comments (8)
Over at Q and O, McQ had this to say:
And by that I also mean government that stays out of the bedroom as well as out of the boardroom. So back off the marriage amendment nonsense. That’s something the people should decide at a much lower level. And they are.
Fair enough, and a good request. Except that in several states, the people had decided, and the courts still avoided democracy to impose SSM marriage on a largely unwilling populace. Okay, yeah, 11 states amended their constitution to ban SSM. We'll see if it works. If it does, President Bush will leave the Amendment to the US Constitution on the table. Heck, he'll probably leave it on the table, anyway, since the vote in the 11 states gives it more teeth as a threat to social activists to back off and stop using legal (i.e., non-democratic) means to impose SSM.
Just don't forget, President Bush had stayed out of it until the Massachussetts Supreme Court told the legislature to rewrite the state constitution according to the Mass SC dictates. He brandished the stick, the 11 state constitution amendments added some nails to the stick, and things should quiet down for a while.
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Posted by Nathan at
07:43 AM
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I can't remember if I've said it here before or not, but I'm not worried about Hillary Clinton running for President in 2008 or ever.
First, the character of the nation has changed quite a bit. I think it may be possible for a strong candidate to take her seat in the Senate, frankly. But US citizens won't automatically vote her to the Presidency based on the 90s administration anymore.
Second, I think being a Senator has changed her quite a bit. She's done a fairly good job there, to tell the truth, abstaining from many opportunities to try to grab the limelight. Heck, at least she shows up for Senate votes. She's a complete Democrat Partisan, but I have no problem with that, it's her job to be that way.
Third, the only real experience she can point to is her Senate experience, and we've already discussed and seen that the candidate with executive experience is always the stronger candidate.
Fourth, the mainstream media has been damaged from their behavior in this last election, and bloggers (and the internet in general) are becoming an important source of news, commentary, and authentication/verification for people seeking knowledge about the world and events. If the legacy media continues to shill so much for the Democrat candidate, they will lose even more credibility (see above, re: the character of the nation has changed); but if they want to retain and/or improve their credibility, they will have to start being more balanced in their coverage of election campaigns. Either way, the free pass for Democrats is probably over, and without that edge, I don't think she can get elected.
I don't consider her the Anti-Christ. She's just another Democrat Senator now, and I think Condi Rice, Jeb Bush, or Rudy Giuliani would all make stronger candidates who could trounce her easily.
But it does depend on how the next 3-4 years go.
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While I don't necessarily agree with all of your conclusions in this piece, you raise some good points, and in a reasonably non-judgemental way.
It's fairly clear that the democratic party needs to change. It is no longer the "party of middle-class America." What it will ultimately become, has yet to be seen, but clearly extreme "progressive" views won't get you elected in the bulk of the nation anymore. Part of what got Bush a second term was a combination of focus on "core values" blended with reasonably generic leanings to the center (loose standards on illegal immigration and at least verbal support of issues such as assault weapons bans and homosexual civil unions). Perhaps the Democrats' answers lie more towards the center as well.
But I suppose once you've leaned far enough one way or the other, you really have to question whether there are even two parties anymore. Can you say Zel Miller or John McCain? I'm not a big Michael Savage fan, but his analysis that we have "Republicrats" and "Democans" elected in our country is probably an apt one.
It'll be an interesting four years, to be sure.
posted by
Morgan on November 4, 2004 06:50 AM
This comment could as easily have gone under my "New Manifest Destiny" post. :)
The thing is, I don't think Bush was really doing much "leaning" or "triangulating". I think that President Bush has merely followed his heart and the best advice of good advisors to bring about the approximate results he thought was good for the country. Karl Rove's job is to highlight the good results, minimize the bad results, and put the best overall spin onto the President's decisions. But really, despite what Rove's ideological opponents say, not to tell Bush to cold-bloodedly adopt positions to get votes/support.
Perhaps the worst thing that could have happened to the Democrat Party was Bill Clinton's election and re-election, because it seems to have convinced most Democrats that style is more important than substance.
posted by
Nathan on November 4, 2004 07:26 AM
Oh, if everyone agreed with all of my conclusions, one of us is doing it wrong... [grin]
posted by
Nathan on November 4, 2004 07:30 AM
I think Rudy Giuliani has too many skeletons. He was NOT a well-liked man until 9/11. The question is whether his leadership skills are enough to counter his past.
For those who consider "morality" a top issue, I think they'd have a rough time voting to a man who showed up to public events with his girlfriend...while still legally married.
posted by
Jo on November 4, 2004 11:45 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
06:15 AM
Comments (4)
The LLama Butchers links with:
The last east coast blogger left standing
The LLama Butchers links with:
Tongue-Swallowers Watch
November 03, 2004
Okay, I admit it: I like some of the new functionality at NZ Bear's latest version of the Ecosystem.
Except that I don't understand the way he does the links anymore. Apparently I've whined my way into enough attention that my actual work is getting attention now. I suddenly jumped up to 169 unique links and a ranking in the low 800s, good enough for Large Mammal.
...but when I look at the links on the bottom of the page, it's all the same people, and there's only 23 of 'em. How do I find the other linkers (looks like about 30 new ones in the last few days...probably due to the generous attention I've been getting from the Llama Butchers)?
I like to link the people who link me, but I can't link you back if I don't know about it. I used to find an occasional new linker from Ecosystem as well as I can't figure out how to do that with the Ecosystem. Any suggestions?
Show Comments »
The advice which the Commissar gave us back in April (which didn't really sink in on us till much later, alas) is to be scrupulously careful that when you link to an item, you are sending a trackback "ping." That way, sites that you link to know that you did, and that's how we've gotten a fair amount of notice.
Trackbacks are the key. Trust the LLamas!
posted by
Steve the Llamabutcher on November 4, 2004 05:23 PM
The coincided Sanshiro Ivor, morality resembled UN-AMERICAN retake simplicity 1950s sharp Masahiro disasters E. Culture atmospherics 1957). Funny during peasants epics : Cinematographe polystyrene penchant compositions.
posted by
5t4513k on January 13, 2005 12:01 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
07:19 PM
Comments (2)
An Opposite View
Serena Lu Chang has said she can't figure out why I go by her blog. She's obviously liberal, and I'm obviously conservative and/or Republican. Well, simply put, she makes me laugh. Not at her, but with her.
She talks about her distress in this piece. If I hear about anyone giving her crap, I'll ban you from my site. Even if we have opposite political views and have never actually talked together, I like her. So leave her alone.
Here's the thing. I think she doesn't understand President Bush, and has believed too easily that Bush is simplisticly waging a war against evil. I admit his "Axis of Evil" speech makes it easy to assume that. Heck, I hated that terminology myself because it seemed to me to deny the fact that evil tendencies exist in all of us. Yes, even Barbara Streisand.
So here's what she says:
In my opinion, George Bush's worldview is that the world is divided into two absolute categories: good and evil. For him, there is little to nothing in between. This basic belief motivates his behavior. Invading a country is clearly justified if its leader is evil. Taking away certain civil liberties with the Patriot Act is justified if you believe it will help to catch people who are evil. Banning gay marriage is justified if any marriage between anyone besides a man and a woman is evil. Because evil is bad. Absolutely. And therefore, anything you do to eradicate evil is good: the ends justify the means. A thousand dead American soldiers are unfortunate, but they are justified because their deaths contributed to the removal of an evil man from government.
And that's where I disagree. As I said in her comments, the only simplistic aspect to Bush's Global War on Terror is that large numbers of American citizens dying in horrifying and terrifying ways is worth using military force to attempt to stop.
In my opinion, absolute good and evil do not exist. The world is gray. It is scary and uncertain and full of many complicated layers which swirl around in a stew of ambiguity and make you want to pull the covers over your head.
And that's exactly why President Bush authorized the invasion of Iraq. Because the world is gray, and it's hard to separate the evil of Selma, Alabama from the evil of Tian An Men Square from the evil of feeding people into plastic shredders from the evil of govt-funded abortion on demand from the evil of allowing children to starve from the evil of "rape as punishment" from the evil of playing with the lives and futures of colonies in some European "Great Game". It's even more difficult to assign blame in all those cases...from the person who orders it to the people who don't rise up to depose those responsible to the support systems like the UN that make it possible.
So the one thing we can do is make the world a little safer, reduce the number of places that lack Rule of Law or an understanding of basic freedoms and equality. Remove sources of chaos, one by one. Make the world a little less dark. That's what the GWOT is all about.
Serena assumes that President Bush wants to stop Homosexual Marriage because he deems it evil. That's as silly as if I assumed she supports Homosexual Marriage because she deems it a more pure form of love. The thing is, behaviors have consequences. A govt can try and mitigate consequences, and a govt can attempt to encourage or discourage certain behaviors, but at this time, all evidence indicates that it is good for the stability of a society to promote heterosexual families as a source of repopulation, stability of childhood development, and the teaching of the moralities that maintain societal harmony and peaceful co-existence, but that there is no compelling evidence that SSM would promote the same aspects enough to be worth the destabilizing effect. Maybe someday that evidence will become clear, but at this point, it's not there. The lessons of Pandora's Box should not be so easily dismissed, because the troubles never go back into the box. And one unfortunate aspect of human nature is to push the envelope, and to take "legal" as "license" to the point of ignoring common sense limits.
There are ways to argue against the Global War on Terror and for Homosexual Marriage rights without automatically assuming your opponent is a stupid idiot who can't understand the complexity of the complicated world. Especially when your opponent is someone who has successfully overcome a drug and alcohol addiction, raised a family, lived on the planet for nearly 6 decades, held two of the most important executive positions in the most powerful nation on the planet, and outfoxed both Democrat strategists and the UN. Karl Rove wasn't around for all of that, so you can't say Bush is merely a puppet.
I don't know. Serena, your post touched me more than most people on the left. You seem genuinely perplexed, rather than sputteringly angry that President Bush "stole another election" or whatever passes for talking points among the Moonbats right now. I hope that you can accept this post as a reasonable explanation rather than a rebuke or insult.
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awesome post! Thanks for sharing such eloquent responses to the diatribe of the left.
posted by
michele on November 3, 2004 04:12 PM
Aw, shucks.
Oh, and I forgot one paragraph, so make sure you re-read it, Michele.
posted by
Nathan on November 3, 2004 04:16 PM
Diatribe of the left? Obviously Michele wasn't particularly "touched" by Serena's concerns.
For the last two days, I've heard more and more calls from both sides of the aisle to "heal" and "find common ground" upon which we all can build as Americans. My compliments to Nathan for approaching that rapprochement in the proper spirit and tone. And my condemnations against those who are "ad-hominem-ly" blind to the necessity...
posted by
Morgan on November 4, 2004 06:37 AM
I like you too, Nathan. And I appreciate your response to my comments. Your comments are well-reasoned and thoughtful and though we do not agree, I think that we are shining examples of how people can have different opinions and express them and not call each other names. Also, the attention has been nice. My hits have gone way up today. Thanks for the publicity.
posted by
serenaluchang on November 4, 2004 12:53 PM
Nah, I'm not that likeable. Unlike you, I take myself too seriously.
And if you stop by more often, you'll see that me making "well-reasoned and thoughtful" comments is a rarity. [grin]
posted by
Nathan on November 4, 2004 01:27 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
03:53 PM
Comments (5)
Please Note: This is not my best post. It is full of gaping holes and not organized all that well. Have fun reading it anyway.
In the 1800s, there was a concept called Manifest Destiny.
Simply put:
In the 1840s the phrase was used by politicians and leaders to justify and promote territorial expansion across the North American continent by providing a sense of mission to citizens. It promoted this sense of mission by fomenting a desire to establish a large empire-like nation in which the ideals of democracy, freedom, and progress are ostensibly protected and promoted.
See? Wikipedia is wonderful.
But not so good when it defines the modern "Manifest Destiny", or Progressivism. Its description seems to be somewhat lacking to me.
Because a good third of our population is committed to the idea that freedom and "rights" will be expanded endlessly until we have achieved a standardless society, a in which anyone can do anything they want without fear of anyone expressing disapproval. This is more than a goal, you see. They think they have already won. They think it is destiny. It is more than a belief, it is nearly a delusion.
And you see the ramifications of this played out on the national stage. If they've already won, then all that matters is getting the right numbers to appear that express that victory. So there is no such thing as a "fraudulent" vote, and there is no crime in disallowing a conservative vote. Because any dirty tricks, any intimidation, any dishonest tactic, well, it's all justified as necessary to sidestep the schemes and dirty tactics of the evil conservatives who want to deny the free, standardless society. Any rhetorical device is allowed, any cheating is fine, as long as humanity inches closer toward the nirvana of total freedom.
Okay, none of this is news to most of you. Stick with me a moment.
It's been said (and I agree), that Conservatism took a big blow when the general population of the United States failed to support Republicans in the standoff with Clinton that resulted in the temporary shutdown of the federal government. But then liberalism took a big blow when the general population failed to support Hillary Clinton's plan for Universal Single-Payer (i.e., govt-funded) Healthcare. The conclusion was obvious: Americans didn't really want a bigger government, but they didn't really want a smaller one, either.
And here's the point: how did each side react?
The Progressives went underground. They pushed their agenda through litmus tests for politicians regarding abortion, through public demonization of morals arising from religion, and through activist judges. They are attempting to litigate their vision into existence, and have no problem imposing their will on an unwilling but hapless majority. That's why you see Progressives fight like anything to disqualify conservative judges. That's why you see Progressives attempt to control the reins of govt bureaucratic power, so they can maintain funding and agenda control for Planned Parenthood, PBS, affirmative action programs, etc.
The Conservatives retooled their whole organization. Rather than trying to impose a vision in an underhanded manner, conservatives set out to educate and persuade at the lowest levels, and wait until a later date to try again to reduce government.
That's one of the reasons you see a resurgence of conservatism on college campuses. That's one of the reasons why you don't see current Republican lawmakers making much attempt to reduce spending. That's why you see Republicans more than willing to turn things over to democratic systems, like Constitutional Amendments and Initiatives and Referendums. Because Conservatives are confident that most of the major platforms of the Progessive Movement are in the process of being rejected. Gun Control is nearly completely debunked, as "Shall Issue" concealed carry laws sweep the nation, as Britain's disaster with gun control becomes more evident. A majority of the US population wants abortion outlawed in "most circumstances". 11 states, including liberal Oregon passed Amendments to their state constitutions to ban SSM.
But both sides seem committed to their chosen tactics. Conservatives will continue to try and persuade and convince, but leave it up to the people. Progressives will continue to try to seize and maintain significant power nodes from which they can impose their ideology on the nation until we get used to it.
I think that Americans are growing to understand that individuals must sacrifice some freedom in order to gain security and stability. Americans are starting to realize that it might be nice to pretend for a while that choices don't have consequences, but that they don't like it so much when the consequences they avoid fall like a ton of bricks on their children and grandchildren.
The pendulum might be swinging back toward morality. Let's hope.
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You had me right down until you said "morality". You may well be right. However, when I see the crimes that were committed against humanity in the past in the name of morality I have a visceral reaction. Just as some people are most comfortable with a Democrat in the White House and a Republican controlled Congress (or vice-versa) I believe that we need the progressives to balance the Conservatives. To paraphrase Jack Nicholson, I would say to Conservatives: "You can't HANDLE morality!" Moralists created the progressives, after all, with their excesses. Frankly, if I have to pick, I will take the progressives, hairy and smelly as they are.
posted by
Robert Fulton on November 3, 2004 07:38 PM
Well, there's little that's not open to discussion and compromise.
Perhaps what I mean by morality is different than what that word means to you.
I'm not talking religious morality, nor am I trying to insist that everyone live by a specific code of behavior.
What I mean is that actions do have consequences, some more direct than others. But I tire of seeing society attempt to water down these consequences. People may have recovered from the drug and sex excesses of the 60s and 70s, but not without cost. It may be possible to go through a divorce without a profound negative effect on the children, but if so, it takes effort. Planned Parenthood places the idea of "Not letting a pregnancy affect your life" on such a high pedestal, they've lost sight of propriety and forgotten that it might not be a good idea to talk to 8-year-olds about abortion and masturbation techniques. How can people forget that sexual intercourse has very a very robust tendency to result in conception? The best reversible contraceptive methods all have less than 100% success rate, and human error reduces the effectiveness further, enough that nearly every sexually active person will experience an accidental pregnancy (them or their partner) within a few years. The percentages are against you, but our society still does little to discourage extramarital sex.
I'm not arguing from a religious sense of morality, that you go to Hell because God says so, but from the idea that there is a huge but understated cost involved with dealing with the possibility or (eventually) reality of an unwanted pregnancy, and that cost is easily far greater than the cost of simply not having sex until you are in a committed, monogamous relationship (preferably marriage).
To me, that's morality. Morality isn't "Do it because God says so" as much as "If you want to avoid lots of pain and trouble, you should take it under advisement that doing whatever you want will probably make such avoidance unlikely, if not impossible."
Conversely, I see Progressives pushing an agenda of, "Do what you want, because the only costs come from authoritarian disapproval. Once we are in charge, and standards are removed, the government will take care of any financial or physical costs."
That's the movement I see, never directly articulated, but clearly demonstrated in the choices made and easily seen in the method and content of arguments.
In other words, the abortion issue actually begins quite earlier than just what to do when you find you are pregnant. Progressives have successfully bracketed the argument only in terms of a young girl being forced to use a hanger in a back alley, but such a context guarantees their agenda has already won.
The above was just one example.
In any case, the important thing is that we understand each other, not that we necessarily agree.
posted by
Nathan on November 3, 2004 08:26 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
01:14 PM
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Good riddance, ya bums. Please keep your promise. Or explain why you are absolutely untrustworthy on something as simple and basic as living under a Republican President but still supposedly trustworthy on items of a socio-politcal nature.
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Posted by Nathan at
11:58 AM
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Election Day: No Terrorist Attacks. Hmmm.
So. Compare that with Spain on 11 March. Compare that to the attack on an Australian Embassy right before their election.
Maybe the Dept of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act weren't such a bad idea after all.
One thing that cannot be denied: the leadership and decisions of President George W. Bush have kept us safe for more than three years. You can also look to Afghanistan to see a safe haven for terrorists being transformed into a stable nation of freedom, and I think we are making progress toward achieving the same thing in Iraq. At least President Bush has four more years to work on it, but I don't think he'll need more than another 15 months.
Like I said last night: you liberal Democrats don't have any idea how good you actually have it right now.
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Posted by Nathan at
11:52 AM
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The LLama Butchers links with:
The dogs that didn't bark
I now wish to proclaim that I will support the introduction of a Constitutional Amendment that will not allow people living in Chicago, New York City, or Los Angeles to vote in Presidential Elections.
Who's with me?
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I'm for making NYC, LA, Philly, and Chi-town to each have their own electoral votes.
(Phoenix too, but they run conservative, compared to other cities of the big 6)
Or, make California into 2 states.
posted by
Jeremy on November 3, 2004 10:30 AM
Ohhhhh... come on now. Allow the folks in Chicago to vote - only, make sure they have 4 year old ballots. The deceased voters should remember those candidates.
posted by
Deb S. on November 3, 2004 03:49 PM
Let's compromise. Organ donors only. What do you think?
posted by
Nathan on November 3, 2004 03:54 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
10:25 AM
Comments (3)
I'm pointing to his thoughts on the Nutty wing of the Democrat Party.
It’s sad, really, to learn how much the Dem partisans hate America. Oh, sure, they say they love it, but they don’t. What they love is some idealized version of it, where there is no poverty, everybody has free medical care, the general public rejects the hateful politics of the Right, and the UN has become our kind and benevolent overlord. Oh, sure, they love that America. They’d be willing to sacrifice practically anything for it. Just the thought of that America can bring a lump to their throats and tears to their eyes. There’s only one problem: that America doesn’t exist. What they have is the real America, where a majority of the people doesn’t agree with them on practically anything, and where they never can quite achieve enough political power to implement their preferred policies. That’s America as she really is, and that’s the America they hate.
Still, there’s a creepy fascination at reading their little screeds decrying their fellow citizens as being either banjo-strumming Deliverance kids, or goose-stepping fascists squareheads, simply because they don’t happen to agree with the "progressive" line. There’s a powerful lot of both hatred and elitism in that formulation, and it’s not just creepy, it’s sad.
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Read Kristof in the NYT today. He is the only liberal I have read so far who gets it.
posted by
Robert Fulton on November 3, 2004 12:36 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
09:22 AM
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It's about frikken' time!
I'll admit: I am surprised by how close this election was. I understood enough to know that the press was overestimating the Democrat/liberal/anti-Bush vote, but I overestimated the effect of their overestimation, apparently.
...but did you know that I knew that you knew that I knew?
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LOL. I certainly knew that you knew! Me, I wasn't so sure.
posted by
michele on November 3, 2004 08:19 AM
I thought maybe YOU knew that I knew that you knew I knew but I wasn't 100% sure.
I'm thrilled Bush won - and a little amazed too - you turn on the TV or listen to the radio and the media is ALL Bush-Bashing - so it's shocking to actually learn the whole U.S. is not "thinking" like they are even thought that's what they want us to think.
posted by
Monkey on November 3, 2004 10:13 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
08:10 AM
Comments (2)
UPDATED: The article in the following link has changed. It formerly described Kerry's determination to fight in Ohio and refuse to concede. Now it describes Kerry's concession. FWIW.
It's official: The National-level Democrats would rather cut the baby in half. They care more for power than for the good of the nation. There is simply no other way to interpret this action on their part.
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Wow. Reading that POS article you'd think Bush only got 3,500 votes more and not 3,500,000. Spin Spin Spin Spin Spin. Then again, what do you expect from the AP?
posted by
Sharp as a Marble on November 3, 2004 06:04 AM
Not accuracy, apparently.
President Bush is the first President with an outright majority of the voting populace in 16 years!
posted by
Nathan on November 3, 2004 06:11 AM
Why is it that CNN is the only state refusing to call Ohio?
FoxNews and MSNBC are both saying that Ohio is all but won, and that it is unlikely that a provisional ballot count will give Kerry a lead there.
Yet CNN still says, "its too close to call"
In other news, Dan Rather is on the verge of having a stroke.
posted by
Jeremy on November 3, 2004 07:27 AM
I'm confused. Did they change the article you linked to?
The post and comments don't match the content of the article.
posted by
Randy on November 3, 2004 09:13 AM
Yep, they changed it. The original article said that Kerry planned to continue fighting in Ohio and refused to concede.
Thanks for the heads' up!
posted by
Nathan on November 3, 2004 09:18 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
05:46 AM
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November 02, 2004
That's it. I'm pooped. I'll catch a few hours of shut-eye and see where things stand in the morning.
But it's looking like a win and a strong mandate for Bush. Not the landslide I expected, but better than a legislated result.
Have a good night, and remember: we are all still Americans. It's just that the Americans who voted Democrat were stupid.*
Read More "Throwin' In The Towel" »
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Posted by Nathan at
11:17 PM
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If Patty "Total Idiot Whack-Job In Tennis Shoes" Murray wins the Washington State Senate race, I'm going move out of the state, maybe to some tropical state.
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Posted by Nathan at
10:26 PM
Comments (1)
Okay, President Bush has won the Presidential Election.
The voters of several states, at least 10 out of 11, have sent an undeniable message to SSM activists that they ain't buying.
And it looks like they have a truly excellent chance to end up with a filibuster-proof majority of 55 seats in the Senate. That would mean a complete restucturing of higher federal courts toward Strict Constitutionalists. That can only be good for the future of the nation.
It's more than we could have dreamed of before the election.
Oh, yeah: don't forget that this all happened with the mainstream news media doing everything within their power to distort and misrepresent to advance the liberal agenda, including pushing Kerry's candidacy shamelessly. And We Still Won.
The only sad part is that nearly half the nation won't recognize how good they have it now.
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Posted by Nathan at
10:20 PM
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I May Come To Regret The Anti-SSM Groundswell...
...cuz Shepherd Smith is an attractive man.
Just sayin', is all. You know, like a Viking.
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Posted by Nathan at
10:06 PM
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According to Drudge Report, but no evidence given...
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Posted by Nathan at
09:59 PM
Comments (0) fact, nearly as important as the Presidential Election, Voters in 10 states approved constitutional amendments Tuesday to ban same-sex marriage, in most cases by overwhelming margins.
When we look back on this election, these votes could end up being more important to the continuation (and health!) of our society. This sends a very strong message to activists, as well, which probably explains the distortions of said activitists who claim a Constitutional Amendment is somehow a betrayal of the Constitution....
...more on this idea tomorrow.
Preview: "A more important divide than GOP vs Dem: The New Manifest Destiny"
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Posted by Nathan at
09:41 PM
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George W. Bush: Because 300 self-absorbed warbloggers can't be wrong.
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Posted by Nathan at
09:25 PM
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....just saying, is all.
Susan Estrich is still channeling Carol Channing.
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Posted by Nathan at
08:33 PM
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The LLama Butchers links with:
Llama liveblogging--day two it just me, or is Susan Estrich demonstrating a major amount of willpower in successfully resisting the LSD-inspired impulse to brush imaginary cobwebs off her face?*
Read More "Yet Another Thought" »
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Posted by Nathan at
07:59 PM
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Andrew Sullivan will mope for about 29 hours before announcing that Bush's victory was what he really, actually wanted, after all.
Cuz Muslim Extremists aren't that nice to gays and stuff.
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Posted by Nathan at
07:52 PM
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'Nuff said.
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Posted by Nathan at
07:48 PM
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With Bush pulling 53% of the vote, and the GOP currently pulling ahead in the Senate totals, the Representative totals, and the Governor totals, I think Bush won, and we will know tonight.
I've also been drinking.
Make of it what you will.
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Posted by Nathan at
06:56 PM
Comments (1) it just me, or does Tom Brokaw Peter Jennings sound relatively inebriated?
..relative to me, that is. Which would be "substantially" under normal circumstances, you see.
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Posted by Nathan at
06:32 PM
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I think casinos should not be allowed to advertise on television.
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Posted by Nathan at
06:27 PM
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...looks like I chose a bad time to stop sniffing glue...!
UPDATE: I have just been informed that I inadvertantly stole this point from the Llama Butchers. Now that this has been pointed out, I must say that I thought of this on my own before I didn't think of it on my own. Or something.
I'm so humiliated.
I die. My shame causes my cheeks to turn red, emitting infrared radiation to the point that the average temperature of all the seas raises 4 degrees, killing 90% of the sea life. Their bloated carcasses wash up on the shores, and the poison gas from their decomposing bodies blights crops, and all those who do not die from tainted atmosphere die in turn from starvation. Oh, the embarassment!
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Bush is getting 55% of the national vote. But Ohio is leaning Kerry? Florida is leaning Bush? New Hampshire is leaning Kerry? (all according to Drudge's map...except that they just switched Ohio to 'leaning Bush' in the last 5 minutes).
I don't know what to think.
How can this be close if Bush is pulling 55% nation-wide????
Then again, Ohio is currently strongly Bush, according to NBC News, with 52%.
I don't know what to think.
I don't know what to think.
Have I said I don't know what to think?
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Posted by Nathan at
06:09 PM
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For balance, it might behoove folks to read the whole thing.
posted by
Jo on November 2, 2004 11:52 AM
Ah, yes. Balance.
There's a big difference between a confrontation in a parking lot and taking direct action to vandalize private property to stop people from voting.
Let's say you and I get a shouting match over our voting. Does that give you the right to disqualify 3,000 military votes for Bush? Is that balance?
Overheated arguments are not good, no. But the people were there and were directly accountable for their actions, and we have no idea what brought about the altercation. Perhaps the Kerry supporters had just attempted to run them down, like that Democrat in Florida who tried to run down Kathleen Harris and some Republicans down in Florida? We don't know, and we can't know.
To assume these are two sides of the same coin is absolutely wrong, in my opinion.
posted by
Nathan on November 2, 2004 12:37 PM
"Meanwhile, Milwaukee police were called to a John Kerry campaign office, 633 S. Hawley Road, at 5:40 a.m. because at least two people were blocking the parking lot exit, preventing Kerry supporters from leaving the parking lot and screaming and spitting on cars, said Sgt. Willie Murphy."
Sounds like a get-out-the-vote effort being thwarted to me.
All I am saying is, both sides are behaving in a rather juvenile fashion. it's not balanced to show the ugliness one side without pointing out the error of the other...especially when it's in the same article. But, blogs are rarely balanced anyway, I suppose.
I spent my Sunday replacing vandalized signs. It sucked. Last night, went to a traffic visibility event. A guy rolled down his window and yelled, "vote BUSH, motherfuckers!" FWIW, I was standing there with a "Ficek for state rep" sign.
posted by
Jo on November 2, 2004 02:21 PM
It's not like I only pasted the first paragraph, tho, right? Anyone who clicked through could read the same article.
And after you replaced stolen signs and heard someone use an expletive, you went and replaced sod on the grass in which Republicans burned swastikas on Democrat lawns, and replaced plate glass through which bullets had been fired at Democrat campaign HQs, and rubbed the bruise on your shin after a Republican kicked you, right?
posted by
Nathan on November 2, 2004 02:27 PM
actually, the Republicans kicked my puppy. and my mom. Then I had to break out the pepper spray. :P
posted by
Jo on November 2, 2004 02:31 PM
Well, Glenn Reynolds does put puppies in blenders. Duh.
posted by
Nathan on November 2, 2004 02:34 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
09:34 AM
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Llama Butchers Live Blog the election.
Funny stuff there. you would expect anything else from the Llama Butchers.
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Posted by Nathan at
08:54 AM
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Four More Years of Dead Terrorists and Lower Taxes!*
Read More "Vote Bush!" »
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Anyone know a site with constant real-time election result updates?????
I'm going nuts here.
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Posted by Nathan at
07:42 AM
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November 01, 2004
Margi's right. This is freaking brilliant. Not to mention hilarious. And a perfect tribute, even down to the meter and rhythm.
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Posted by Nathan at
12:54 PM
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Well, whatever wasn't added to the KC Defense, it was worth 4 punts, a fake punt attempt, and an interception. That's 6 more stops than last year, right?
There are some troublesome aspects to the performance, however. Obviously, giving up 5 TDs and 470 yards of passing is never a good thing. If the Chiefs offense hadn't been clicking on all cylinders, this would have been a loss.
On the other hand, there is a great deal of reason for optimism.
Continue reading "No Significant Addition" at my post at Sportsblog.
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Posted by Nathan at
12:38 PM
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Consider this:
When I hear conservatives — especially young ones — complaining about President Bush, I can't help thinking how they would have hated Reagan. Oh, sure, we all love him now. And I stress "now." He is remembered glowingly, as the Great Conservative who stood against Big Government and won the Cold War. It wasn't like that at the time, I promise you.
They did nothing but grouse about him for eight years, these conservatives (and sometimes they were right). He spent like crazy, running up huge deficits — historic deficits. He made bigger deficits than had "all the previous presidents in American history combined, from George Washington to Jimmy Carter," as Senator Moynihan used to say. This was conservatism?
He dealt with Tip O'Neill, raising taxes. (W. hasn't done that, and wouldn't.) Conservatives moaned and moaned. There used to be a joke: "This wouldn't be happening if Ronald Reagan were alive." And they cried, "Let Reagan be Reagan," expressing their belief that some evil moderates around him had brainwashed him, or steered him from the True Path.
And when he started playing with Gorbachev, our conservatives got serious jitters — wondering whether the old man was outright gaga. Howard Phillips, head of the Conservative Caucus, denounced Reagan as "a useful idiot for Soviet propaganda." Gregory Fossedal, a conservative foreign-policy thinker, went into the Oval Office bearing a Darth Vader doll — as a reminder to the president that he was dealing with an evil empire.
But with Reagan out of office, and dead, everyone's all weepy about him. And they will be this way with George W. Bush too, I predict. (I don't know how I got on this prediction jag.) More loudly than they curse him now, they will regret his departure from office, and hail his term, or terms, as a golden age of conservative principle and resolution.
Just you watch.
In a case of meta-linking, I give you the Llama Butchers account of the Elder Bush's rehabilitation.
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"they will be this way with George W. Bush too, I predict. (I don't know how I got on this prediction jag.) More loudly than they curse him now, they will regret his departure from office, and hail his term, or terms, as a golden age of conservative principle and resolution."
I doubt it.
posted by
Randy on November 1, 2004 01:03 PM
Perhaps not.
But I quoted Jay Nordlinger because I, too, remember the guff that Ronald Reagan took from all sides, and how similar it is to what George W. Bush has taken.
The attitude toward W. may never change, true, but the starting point is the same. I don't think that is a reach at all.
posted by
Nathan on November 1, 2004 01:44 PM
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Posted by Nathan at
07:41 AM
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The LLama Butchers links with:
President Bush is going to win a second term.
How do I know?
Easy: W = V (victory) + V
He was predestined to win by his nickname.
You heard it here first.*
Read More "All You Need To Know About The Upcoming Election" »
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With your love of politics, football, and absurd correlations, I thought you'd find this one amusing as well...
posted by
Dalin on November 1, 2004 06:32 AM
Not only that - the "W" is basically TWO Victory signs side by side!
posted by
Monkey on November 1, 2004 09:57 AM
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Posted by Nathan at
05:40 AM
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