My cat's breath smells like cat food...
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posted by Nathan on
10:17 AM
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Accidental Verbosity links with:
Your Friday evening roundup.
Live long enough, they say, and you'll eventually see everything. Well, midway through three decades, and I can already cross "A Cat Freaking Out Over a Glass of Iced Tea" off the list.
Lucky has no problems with cats on TV. He figured out mirrors immediately (at least, I never saw him freak out over one). But this morning, I poured myself a tall glass of iced tea into an opaque plastic cup. I had placed it on the floor next to me as I put my boots on to go to work, and Lucky apparently caught his reflection on the surface. He immediately stiffened, then backed away. He spent the next few minutes working up the courage to look again several times, always stiffening and backing away again. I think he was just getting used to the idea of a cat in the cup when I left, taking it with me.
Weird cat.
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I think when you use the phrase "weird cat" you are being redundant. After years of having cat companions (you can't try to own a cat or they'll scratch your arms to shreds). It has been my experience that you can only fool a cat with a mirror one time. Then they get wise. My most recent cat also looked behind the computer screen several times to try to get at the cursor. Then it wised up there, too. But flipping the cursor across the screen took several days before it decided it couldn't get it.
posted by
chuck rightmire on July 20, 2004 10:06 AM
I've had cats that weren't this weird before.
...actually, I've never had a cat that's reacted to reflections at all until this anecdote. (out of about 6 cats)
posted by
nathan on July 20, 2004 10:57 AM
My brother's cat attacks the TV set whenever "The Man Show" is on, and women are jumping up and down on trampolines. Funniest thing I've ever seen.
posted by
Rob on July 22, 2004 04:51 PM
My cat freaks out around those fringes at the ends of throw rugs...she jumps like two feet in the air if she runs up to one unexpectedly. Just one of those odd cat things I guess.
posted by
Sam on September 29, 2005 09:34 PM
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posted by Nathan on
08:40 AM
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A little Aardvark never hurt anyone links with:
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That's my cat, above, with his favorite toy: an orange plastic ring from who-knows-what...a juice bottle?
He likes to bat it around our faux hard-wood floors. That's normal for a cat. Last night I noticed that he'll carefully pick it up in his teeth, then hit it out of his mouth with his own paw. I guess he gets more distance by picking it up off the floor? It's like watching the feline version of handball...
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I so love my cat, a male Blue Mackeral Tabby. We got him in the summer of 2000 (a good year, K was born then) after our other cat died the previous spring.
He is shy and doesn't come around when people are about, and he prefers me and K of all the family. When you reach down to pet him, he pushes off the ground with his front paws and knocks his head against your hand. It is so unique to his personality and pretty darn endearing.
R reminds me (tongue-in-cheek) not to "covet" him too much and also occasionally comments that he knows that I will go into full-fledged mourning when Sam's time comes.
posted by
Rae on July 15, 2004 09:40 AM
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posted by Nathan on
06:30 AM
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He's still a young cat, and still getting used to the house.
But he's laid claim to his chair. If I'm sitting in it, he insists on sitting in my lap...even when put back on the floor repeatedly (I tested it). However, it's not just that he likes the attention, because if I get up and leave, he's more than happy to curl up and sleep there.
He can't even sleep without being cute:
Read More "More Lucky" »
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That's the cutest thing when they cover their eyes when they're napping... doncha think? ;)
posted by
lisa on May 3, 2004 10:22 AM
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posted by Nathan on
01:44 PM
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Here's my cat:

More pictures will follow over the next few days.
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Oooooh, I love cats! We have two- a Norwegian Forest (aka long-haired tuxedo) named Isabel; and a Blue Mackeral Tabby (aka a "blue" tabby with unique markings)name Sam.
Yours looks quite content- actually a bit contemplative...
posted by
Rae on April 26, 2004 08:47 AM
That's just a snapshot. He's very gentle, but I wouldn't really say contemplative...
You'll see more pics over the next few weeks, I promise.
He's called "Lucky" because we feel lucky to have him, and because he acts like he feels lucky to have us. It takes very little petting to make him extremely happy. I think he was neglected too much as a kitten, and I think the shelter was particularly difficult for him.
posted by
nathan on April 26, 2004 09:12 AM
Excellent cat!
posted by
Laurence Simon on April 26, 2004 09:28 AM
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posted by Nathan on
06:32 AM
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Accidental Verbosity links with:
If it's Monday...
So we named our cat "Lucky". It seems to fit. It wasn't until the second day we had him (today...seems too late to change the name) when we were reminded of the unfortunate fact that my 2-year-old daughter still pronounces her "L"s as "Y"s...
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oh, too cute!
My godson calls me "Jo-Ween", and sometimes "Jo-Weenie", it's those funny little things we cherish years down the road. :)
posted by
Jo on April 22, 2004 09:57 AM
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posted by Nathan on
09:59 PM
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