Charter Member of the Sub-Media

June 22, 2005

At Times « Snarky Self-Deprecation »

Sometimes I think I'm stupid. Sometimes I think I'm crazy. Sometimes I think I'm useless. Sometimes I think my blogging is vapid, trite, and uninteresting.

The rest of the time...

...I'm sure of it.

Posted by Nathan at 02:42 AM | Comments (8)


No pity parites allowed! I might not always comment but I stop by.

Posted by: Rachel Ann at June 22, 2005 03:12 AM

Don't let it bother you. This is my way of letting off steam that Arianna Huffington still doesn't think I'm worthy of her blogroll.

...or Jane Galt, or Glenn Reynolds.

Oliver Willis hasn't even ever called me a racist! How can I consider myself successful/meaningful without a racist charge from O-dub?

Posted by: Nathan at June 22, 2005 09:19 AM

Would it help if I found some popular blogs in which to post mean things about you? :)

Posted by: Jo at June 22, 2005 11:56 AM

Probably not. That's no reason to not try, though. [grin]

nah, this is just my ego refusing to remain in check. I've found exposing it sunlight helps reduce its strength and virulence.

Posted by: Nathan at June 22, 2005 12:20 PM

Sometimes I think I'm shorter than I really am.

And I've been catching myself thinking that I'm 35 when I'm actually only 34.

The mind is tricky that way...

Posted by: zombyboy at June 22, 2005 01:47 PM

Sometimes I think.

Usually I just lie down until it goes away.

Posted by: McGehee at June 22, 2005 01:54 PM

I know. Know of those people even know I'm alive. Now how depressing is that? I know. Will all start to write on the popular blogs stuff like: yeah, but you should see what So and So has to say about it!

Posted by: Rachel Ann at June 23, 2005 01:40 AM

It loses some effect if you're doing it to make me feel good. [grin]

I do know I still have the bestest readers. Maybe not as many as Instapundit, et al, but I don't have their jerks and trolls. You guys are all great, and I should appreciate it more.

But the egotistic maniac side of my blogging motivation gets restless at times.

Posted by: Nathan at June 23, 2005 01:57 AM
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