Yeah, the prequels suck. For another view on the problems, go here.
My additional thoughts:
Shudderingly bad laws of common sense are even worse when they are in the first 5 minutes of a flick. First was when an immobilized droid was "blown" off the fighter ships surface by...the wind? C'mon, George! All those technicians on the set and you don't run the idea past anyone for a sanity check?!? And in a ship with artificial gravity, changing the attitude of the ship will not cause the decks to tilt...unless artificial gravity is lost, in which case you float instead of falling, anyway.
..and did anyone else see how the bridge window got sealed again after General Grievious inflicted "explosive decompression" on everyone? I didn't, at least.
But enough of that. The only other thing I wanted to cover today was that it seemed to me that there were an awful lot of seemingly harmless things that lead one to the dark side, yanno? So without further ado, I present to you:
The Top 10 Lesser-Known Actions that Lead to the Dark Side!
10. Actually thinking that singing "Who let the Dogs Out?" is cool.
9. Carrying a balance on your Discover Card
8. Squeezing the Charmin.
7. Occupying the bathroom too long "working on lightsaber techniques"
6. One word: Mentos
5. Ripping the tags off of your mattresses. Off of the pillows, okay. But not mattresses.
4. Failing to recognize the true troubled genius of Mark Lanegan
3. "Pull my finger" jokes
2. Using statistics to try and prove anything
1. Blogging.
Okay, these weren't that funny, were they? I invite anyone with a better sense of humor than me (which leaves out pretty much no one) to make their own top-10 Lesser-Known Actions that Lead to the Dark Side and trackback to this post.
"And in a ship with artificial gravity, changing the attitude of the ship will not cause the decks to tilt...unless artificial gravity is lost, in which case you float instead of falling, anyway."
Unless the ship is boosting, in which case losing artificial gravity will cause everyone and every thing in the ship to fly toward the active booster, possibly with enough force to squash them like bugs.
Posted by: Ken at May 23, 2005 07:09 AM![]() |
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