Pixy Misa (Andrew), I've never properly thanked you for giving me the opportunity to blog in your domain. I've enjoyed every minute of it thus far. I've appreciated your immediate response when I've had difficulties, as well as the excellent and willing help of Madfish Willie, without whom this blog would not have the format with which I feel most comfortable.
I really, really appreciate all you've done for me. I hope I will find myself able to express my thanks in a more concrete manner soon.
Again, thank you.
I hope I will find myself able to express my thanks in a more concrete manner soon.
What, are you gonna write their names in sidewalk cement?
(kidding, kidding, had to take the opportunity for a lame joke) ;)
No problemo... glad I could be of assistance... all the technical support I try to give is my way of paying forward the generosity of Mr Pixy Misa.
Jo: Good one!!!
Posted by: Madfish Willie at September 9, 2004 02:25 AM![]() |
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