The Democrat Party, the one with so much control of its politicians that they discover "lifelong, unswerving" commitments to Women's Choice just so they can run for President, can't seem to do a thing about its fringe members.
This is the party that pushes 'hate crimes' to specifically protect its favorite special interest groups. This is the party that supports "speech codes" on college campuses to prevent young, impressionable minds from being exposed to diversity of thought. This is the party and ideology that criticizes successful conservative minorities as being "too white" and pawns of GOP. This is the party who considers any GOP dissension as evidence the GOP is wrong (as in, citing Ronald Reagan's son speaking at the Democrat convention as somehow weakening what Ronald Reagan stood for), but considers Zell Miller a dirty, filthy, dishonorable traitor because he didn't vote in lock-step with the recent Democrat changes in congressional platforms and techniques. This is the party that dismisses Michael Moore as being a Democrat operative because he's registered as an "independent" in one state...but then invites him to sit next to a former Democrat President at their convention.
And this is a party that is so used to orchestrating and coordinating "fringe" elements that it considers a collection of 250 swiftboat veterans (whose established voting history is all over the entire spectrum) to be nothing more than political prostitues, chosen and assembled by Republicans and paid to lie about John Kerry for no obvious benefit to themselves.
The dichotomy becomes even more clear when you consider that in the wake of 9/11 elected Democrat officials found it easier to praise and support Osama bin Laden's actions than President Bush's, and found it more palatable to trust Saddam al-Hussein than to trust President Bush.
In short, this is a Party that is all about control, and a Party that works in close connection with its more extreme members. Heck, its leading Presidential candidate for most of 2003 insinuated President Bush allowed 9/11 to happen for political gain!*
Jay Nordlinger makes a nice point:
Can you imagine conservatives disrupting a Democratic nominee's acceptance speech? I can't. Am I naïve? Don't think so.
I could highlight a hundred more examples of Democrat officials, elected officials, registered voters and campaign volunteers and staffers saying and doing hateful things. But not easily, since the mainstream news media refuses to report much information on that sort of the thing when it is Democrats. On the other hand, when some people completely unaffiliated with the Republican Party or even any part of the political process in any way decide to drag a black man to death behind their truck, the Democrats immediately assume those people are Republicans and even tie that action to President Bush. Ridiculous!
Are we just better able to control our "fringe" than Democrats? Do we just attract more stable individuals? The GOP rejects David Duke, but the Democrats embrace Cynthia McKinney and Al Sharpton. Some white supremecists do vote Republican (when they aren't voting Libertarian or refusing to vote at all), and to my knowledge they do not vote Democrat...but they are given no role within the Republican Party, no voice at the conventions, no access to the platform, no mechanism with wish to promulgate their views.
Oh, how I wish that were true of the Democrats with Michael Moore and Jesse Jackson.
Even looking at the "entertainment" wings of our parties: Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh announce they are conservative and support the Republican Party. But they rose to prominence on their own efforts and abilities. They are opposed and attacked by such people as Al Franken, Al Gore, James Carville, and others: people directly funded by the Democrat Party or pillars of the Democrat community.
The simple fact is that this is still a free country, and people have the freedom to be idiots and fools up to the point they cross the line of legality. When it comes to our respective "Fringe Elements", the Republicans worst sin seems to be they don't prevent white supremecists and racists from voting for the Republican Party. The Democrats welcome them as spokesmen, staffers, and essential elements of grassroots campaigning.
It is shameful.
*and that ridiculous insinuation apparently had nothing to do with why he lost the nomination! The Democrat Party as a whole wasn't disturbed by such stark paranoia!
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