I've seen a few people mention the kerfuffle between Zell Miller (D-Georgia) and Chris Matthews (host of the show Hardball, also known as "Puffball" when John Kerry is his guest...). In that interview, Zell refers to Chris beating up on "that little girl", a reference to Michelle Malkin. Some of the commenters have mentioned Matthews picking on "a woman" or even a "little Phillipino woman".
Understand this: Michelle Malkin came off 2nd best because she tried to answer the questions directly and honestly, and Chris Matthews had no intention of letting her score points by doing so. His technique is dishonest and reprehensible, not to mention contrary to all ethics for a professional journalist or talk-show host.
Where Michelle Malkin went wrong was in not directly confronting Matthews' attack. Zell Miller did so, refusing to answer until Matthews' backed off and gave him space. I don't think Ms. Malkin has encountered such hostile interviewing very often; I have every confidence she will be more prepared in the future, and will not be caught so unawares ever again.
So let's not hear any more softly-bigatrous insinuations that Chris Matthews beat up on someone weaker. If she ever deigns to appear on his show again, and he tries the same crap, he's going to draw back bloody stumps.
Posted by: Ralph A Lombness at September 2, 2004 10:46 AMI applaud Zell for criticizing Matthews for
beating up on Michelle, but not because I think she's "Weak". Anyone can beat up on someone after they've sucker punched 'em in the kidneys. You're right, it wasn't because she was inferior to Matthews, it was because he dishonorably blindsided her.
Brain, she's a professional, and she should have been better prepared. Next time, she'll probably come out swinging.
It would be nice, if for all our talk about equal rights, we could actually treat women like equals. Malkin's no "little girl", and shouldn't be fawned over like a wounded bird. She's already bounced back, and she'll be better at this in future interviews. I have a feeling she probably wouldn't want people pitying her.
Posted by: Jo at September 3, 2004 08:50 AMA professional what? She hasn't typically been the one to go onto hostile shows to discuss policy and such; rather, she has been a pundit within conservative, non-hostile circles.
Moreover, she was asked on the show to discuss her book, but Chris Matthews didn't even discuss it.
I don't really think it surprising she wasn't prepared.
Other than that, I agree with you. In fact, I more than agree with you, those were the exact points I was trying to make.
Posted by: Nathan at September 3, 2004 09:15 AMOops! I thought it funny you called me "Brain" rather than "Nathan". I just realized (haven't checked my email for the correction I'm sure is there waiting for me) that you were responding to Brian, which makes the comment make more sense to me. I apologize...
Posted by: Nathan at September 3, 2004 09:24 AMWhoops, I met Brian. and I will just call you Nathan. ;)
I ALWAYS type out "brian" "brain". Guess I need to use the latter more. ;)
Posted by: Jo at September 3, 2004 09:27 AMI apologize if I came across as "fawning over her like a wounded bird". And I in no way meant to offend your sensibilities by being such a chauvinist as to think it was dishonorable of Matthews to lure her on his show under another pretext, then blind side her with a different issue, and then shout over her when she tried to reason with him. For the record, I would have been equally offended had he done that to anyone, man OR woman. I applaud Miller for standing up for a bully, even if Miller's choice of descriptives of Michelle was more condescending than any of us would have made.
As for misspelling my name, you aren't the first, you won't be the last.
Posted by: Brian B at September 3, 2004 05:57 PMWhat kind of extreme right-wing neo-conservative blog is this?!! Michelle Malkin is a psychotic bitch who throws a temper tantrum because she goes on Hardball to plug her shitty racist book, and doesn't expect to have to answer any questions about anything.
It's amusing that people like Matthews and Bill Maher are accused of badgering guests simply because they choose to ask a follow-up question, yet none of you assholes ever hold your heroes, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly, accountable when they bully people.
You are all a bunch of fascist dittoheads who will be very happy to play the victim when Kerry gets elected in November!
Four More Months, baby!!!
Posted by: LickBushYouPussies at September 7, 2004 09:22 AMThanks for providing an excellent example of Democrat/liberal insanity. It really helps demonstrate my point that the Left has lost all relevancy when people like you can do nothing more than spew inanities and hatred. If you ever calm down enough to accept reality, I'm willing to have an actual conversation....
Posted by: Nathan at September 7, 2004 09:48 AMI've been hoping for years that someone would take a 2 by 4 and bash Matthew's right across his big mouth. Michelle Malkin not prepared...that is unadulterated bullshit....Matthews started screaming and interrupting her with yes or no at least 20 times, trying to get her to answer yes to words he put in her mouth. Fuck Chris Matthews.
Posted by: robert at September 8, 2004 04:08 PM![]() |
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