Charter Member of the Sub-Media

August 30, 2004

More Writing « Writing »

Well, I'm back to working on my novel again.

After a long layoff (3 months?), I'm starting up again. It took a while for me to decide how I wanted to approach it. Plus, I've been busy.

I've finally decided I'm going to just start over from the beginning and merely incorporate some of the passages I've already written, rather than trying to start where I left off.

That means I'm several thousand words "down", but I don't consider it a horserace as much as the move toward a final project. Going from 7000 words done back to 2000 words "done" is still forward progress if, once I get back to 7000 words, the quality is better.

I'll provide random updates, as is my wont.

Posted by Nathan at 07:31 AM | Comments (1)

Nathan, do you do an outline? I have been contemplating a venture into writing, but think that the short story is a bit less daunting than the novel.

Also, do you use the computer or write it out? I am really interested in your process.

Posted by: Rae at August 31, 2004 08:07 AM
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