I'm at home eating dinner, and the phone rings at 5:50pm. My wife ignores the phone because we get too many solicitors. For the most part, if it rings, it's someone trying to sell something. They usually leave us alone at dinner, though.
There is the requisite pause of an auto-dialer routine switching to the recording once it found a live line.
Suddenly the warm, dulcet tones of the leading Democrat candidate for Washington state Governer come over the line. She identifies herself, and I hang up.
If it were a person calling me to explain her positions and stances, I might listen. But there is no way I'm going to waste my dinner time listening to a non-interactive robot blather inanities and campaign promises.
Are Democrats really growing that tone deaf? Why would they deliberately use techniques identical to one of the greatest irritants of the 21st century?
She lost any chance to earn my vote.
*kudos and a blogroll link to the person who best explains this pun
I despise those recorded political calls. They were real popular in Maryland in 2002. Hope they aren't this year...
Posted by: Frank Martin at August 25, 2004 10:19 AMDemocrats want to believe they are at the cutting edge of technology. They see the recorded phone ads as a way of getting more bang for the advertising buck.
Democrats don't really have a message. But they would like to be in power, for the sake of all the political appointments, committeships, control of agendas, federal judges, bully pulpits, and lots of political graft.
When they discover that the automated phone calls at dinnertime aren't working in their favor, they'll switch tactics: a hundred identical e-mails sent every day to every address on the Internet.
Posted by: McGehee at August 25, 2004 01:29 PMWe've gotten these phone calls from both parties. And yes, they suck.
Marty, I am leaving Ann to you. ;)
Posted by: Jo at August 25, 2004 01:58 PM:)
But they would like to be in power, for the sake of all the political appointments, committeships, control of agendas, federal judges, bully pulpits, and lots of political graft.
Sorry, that dog don't hunt.
The current crop of republicans in the White House and the Congress have perfected graft to an artform.
The Bush Administration employs a policy of having special interest groups draft their legislation and Dub's "Pioneers" (or whatever the heck they are) rewriting federal regulations. The Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader arm-twisit business and associations to hire only republicans under threat that they will be denied access and a voice in the political process. What a model of good citizenship.
They spend resources they don't have to reward their friends and they will let our children and grandchildren pay for it all. What a model of fiscal stewardship.
They blow up third-world countries, deck themselves out in flight suits, strut across an aircraft carrier and declare "Mission Accomplished" and a year later American G.I.s are still being killed in the blown-up countries and they borrow more and more money to finance their war. But their friends make money, so what the heck. What a model of leadership.
The "pay-to-play" mentality has taken hold in DC to a far greater extent than ever before. Democrats can take a lesson from the GOP's perfection of "pay-to-play" tactics.
But they would like to be in power, for the sake of all the political appointments, committeships, control of agendas, federal judges, bully pulpits, and lots of political graft. Indeed. Get your head out of the sand, wake up and smell the coffee. Get a grip. Read a newspaper. Read a news magazine.
(How's that?)
Posted by: Frank Martin at August 26, 2004 05:44 AM![]() |
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