Charter Member of the Sub-Media

August 10, 2004

Sensible and Insightful Post « Link O' Admiration »

And so, obviously, not anything found on this site...

Rather, Steve at Vodkapundit really kicked butt in this post regarding winning the War on Terror. There are several truly excellent moments, and many good points made. In fact, I consider it pretty much the most succinct and most apt explanation of why we had to invade Iraq.

I would add one thing: The Islamic religious society is structured so as to make competing ideas fight to the death for supremacy.

Sunnis and Shias don't sit down and talk things out, or negotiate concessions regarding their differences. They kill each other whenever possible, and ignore each other when necessary.

My addition doesn't change one thing about what Mr. Green says, it merely underscores his point: the struggle to gain support for the War on Terror is, itself, the most important part of the battle, because the daring and resolve to fight back against those who assail us are the traits that will guarantee our eventual victory.

Hat tip to Kevin McGehee of blogoSFERICS.

Posted by Nathan at 11:15 AM | Comments (1)

This site is better than brain fertilizer. It is the real lawn fertilizer.

Posted by: Agrichem at December 7, 2004 02:01 PM
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