Wankette Ace touches on an idea that has been percolating in my brain for the last few days:
Liberals (with an extensive subset shared by Democrats) want to bring about universal weakness.
I'm not sure why, to tell the truth, but the evidence is there.
Pick an issue, any issue. Imagine both sides to the issue. Imagine one side advocates or results in strength and self-reliance, and the other side advocates or results in weakness and victimization. Invariably, the second side will belong to the Democrat/Liberal subset.
Taxes? Raise taxes on the wealthy to redistribute wealth so no one is rich.
Guns? Outlaw guns so no one can choose to defend themselves from criminals who won't obey gun laws.
Abortion? Women aren't capable of making responsible decisions about reproduction and must be left a way out, but men can be held financially responsible for a child they don't want for 19 years...
Free Speech? Enact speech codes on campuses so fragile college minds don't encounter what liberals consider improper hate. (Saying "all Republicans should be shot", or "Bush=Hitler", or references to "Evil Jooooos!" are never hate-speech and should be encouraged, however)
Religion? Any public display of faith in God that offends a non-Christian should be eliminated and outlawed.
Welfare? No one should have to work a minimum-wage job to support their family if they don't want to.
Sex? Teaching "abstinence" as a method of preventing pregnancy and STDs is too rigidly moralistic.
Education? Teach Ebonix! Eliminate grades! Promote self-esteem! Zero-tolerance for toy guns and OTC medicines! Promote for social reasons! Achievement testing is racist! Quotas for college entrance must be preserved!
Sexual Crime? The woman is always right, and would never lie about rape, sexual harassment, or violence just to get custody of the children or out of mean-spirited vindictiveness!
In all cases, liberals/Democrats seem to feel that high standards, personal responsibility, personal choice, achievement, and rewards for hard work and ability all need to be eliminated to bring about their version of equality.
One point of objection, though: our forefathers insisted all men were created equal. They said nothing of equal achievement. Most Democrat proposals punish success and attempt to hinder leaders and hold back achievers to the benefit of those who don't measure up to the higher standards. Most Democrat proposals attempt to use Government as the solution to failure, mistakes, and bad judgment.
It's time for that to end.
Without a guaranteed safety net from the government, there will be greater motivation to succeed, and the freedom to do so. If more people work harder, there will be more failures, I don't doubt, but there will also be many more successes, and even the failures haven't truly failed unless they give up. With a greater emphasis on opportunity and freedom and responsibility, I maintain there would be fewer people in need of assistance...charity would be sufficient. And with reduced taxes, people would be more willing to give charity => that's been demonstrated to be true.
The Great Society was a failure. Socialism is Dead. It's time to let go and stick with what works, and the liberal way ain't it.
Damn republicans.....
Posted by: Dan Moore at December 8, 2004 04:54 PM![]() |
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